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Review Game Unit One | Organization of the Human Body. As a group, quietly answer the following questions - whisper. You will get 30 to 60 seconds per question. As a group you will need ONE piece of paper and a PENCIL. The group with the most right answers will earn extra credit. .
Review GameUnit One | Organization of the Human Body As a group, quietly answer the following questions - whisper. You will get 30 to 60 seconds per question. As a group you will need ONE piece of paper and a PENCIL. The group with the most right answers will earn extra credit.
#3List the 6 levels of organization of the human body from LARGEST to smallest
#4Define 2 of the 6 levels of organization of the human body (your choice).
#5ID the following body systems & the 1 that is missing. B E A C D J F G H I
#7Fill in the blank:____________ ensures that the body’s internal environment remains steady despite changes inside & outside the body.
#8What is (are) the difference(s) between growth and reproduction?
_____ Situation A: Rapid growth during puberty causes the release of more growth hormones. _____ Situation B:As a person gets dehydrated, their blood becomes thicker and harder to pump. As this happens, the kidneys stop producing urine and the water from urine is redirected for use in the blood. _____ Situation C: As a person’s blood sugar lowers, the pancreas releases a chemical called glucagon to return the blood sugar back to normal. _____ Situation D: When tissue is injured, they release chemicals to activate platelets to stop bleeding. Platelets then release more chemicals to activate eve more platelets to help stop bleeding. #10Decide if the following are examples of positive or negative feedback:
#11 Loss of bone mass, decreased muscle mass, and an increased incidence of heart disease are all examples of what?
#12Imagine you have the flu (eww), what signs and symptoms do you have?
#13What is the correct anatomical position used when describing the human body?Be specific
A #14Label the body with the correct anatomical terms (not the common terms). C D F B E
#15 Using your knowledge of directional terms, fill in the blanks:A: The liver is __________ to the stomach.B: The urinary bladder is __________ to the transverse colon.C: The ulna is __________ to the phalangesD: The trachea is __________ to the left lung.
#16Label the following pictures with the correct body plane.
Time to Correct! Exchange your papers with another group. As a class we will correct the answers - You will need a PEN. Group must get ALL parts of the question right to get credit (for most questions). If answer is wrong, write in the right one. Please only make a mark next to a question if it is wrong, i.e. no stars/happy faces.
#1Define anatomy The science of structure and the relationships among those structures. Extra little tidbit: ana = up and tomy = a cutting
#2Define Physiology The science of body functions and how the body parts work individually and or together. Extra little tidbit: physio = nature and logy = study of
#3List the 6 levels of organization of the human body from LARGEST to smallest Organismal Systems Organ Tissues Cellular Chemical
#4Define 2 of the 6 levels of organization of the human body (your choice). Organismal: All systems of the body combined System: Consists of related organs that have a common function. Organ: Defined shape, made of 2 or more diff types of tissues, have specific functions. Tissues: Groups of cells that work together to perform a function. Cellular: Basic structural & functional units of organisms (smallest). Chemical: Includes atoms, the smallest units of matter that participate in chemical reactions.
Missing = Integumentary #5ID the following body systems & the 1 that is missing. Lymphatic & Immune E A C D Nervous Muscular Skeletal Cardiovascular J F G H I Respiratory Endocrine Digestive Urinary Reproductive
#6List the 6 important life processes of humans Metabolism Responsiveness Movement Growth Differentiation Reproduction
Homeostasis #7Fill in the blank: __________ ensures that the body’s internal environment remains steady despite changes inside & outside the body.
#8What is (are) the difference(s) between growth and reproduction? • Growth • INCREASE in the size of existing cells • INCREASE in # of cells • INCREASE in material around cells. • Reproduction • Formation of NEW cells for growth, replacement or repair • The creation of a NEW individual.
Receptor Control Center Effector #9What 3 basic components make up a feedback system?
PositiveSituationA: Rapid growth during puberty causes the release of more growth hormones. • Negative Situation B:As a person gets dehydrated, their blood becomes thicker and harder to pump. As this happens, the kidneys stop producing urine and the water from urine is redirected for use in the blood. • Negative Situation C: As a person’s blood sugar lowers, the pancreas releases a chemical called glucagon to return the blood sugar back to normal. • Positive Situation D: When tissue is injured, they release chemicals to activate platelets to stop bleeding. Platelets then release more chemicals to activate eve more platelets to help stop bleeding. #10Decide if the following are examples of positive or negative feedback:
#11 Loss of bone mass, decreased muscle mass, and an increased incidence of heart disease are all examples of what? Aging
#12Imagine you have the flu (eww), what signs and symptoms do you have? Symptoms (what you cannot see) Nausea Headache Body Ache Fatigue Signs (what you can see/observe/measure) Vomiting Headache Diarrhea Fever
#13What is the correct anatomical position used when describing the human body?Be specific Standing erect (straight) Facing the observer Head level Eyes facing forward Feet flat on floor & directed forward Arms at sides with palms turned forward
Cephalic A #14Label the body with the correct anatomical terms (not the common terms). Mental C Inguinal D F Sacral Crural B Sural E
#15 Using your knowledge of directional terms, fill in the blanks:A: The liver is ANTERIOR to the stomach.B: The urinary bladder is INFERIOR to the transverse colon.C: The ulna is PROXIMALto the phalangesD: The trachea is MEDIALto the left lung.
#16Label the following pictures with the correct body plane. MIDSAGITTAL plane FRONTAL plane TRANSVERSE plane
PERICARDIAL CAVITY PLEURAL CAVITY MEDIASTINUM #18What 3 body cavities belong in the blue space below?
Now What? Add up all the correct answers and put that number over the total number of questions (out of 18).Return paper back to group then turn in paper to me.