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Descriptive Writing Essay. Canned Lesson #1. Step 1: Read the prompt carefully before you begin. Writing Situation: Every person has a favorite place to play. Think of your favorite place to play. It may be your backyard, or a playground, or a nearby woods, or an open field.
Descriptive Writing Essay Canned Lesson #1
Step 1: Read the prompt carefully before you begin. • Writing Situation: Every person has a favorite place to play. Think of your favorite place to play. It may be your backyard, or a playground, or a nearby woods, or an open field. • What does this place look like? What are the sounds you hear there? What does it feel and smell like? • Directions for Writing: Describe your favorite place to play so that your reader can see it without being there.
Step 3: Prepare the graphic organizer. Now fold your paper into 4 squares.
Step 4: Complete the Graphic Organizer. Unfold the paper and draw a box in the center. In the center box write a sentence to convey your topic.
Example: I can picture all of nature around me. Write one reason you enjoy spending your time playing in the Colorado mountains. Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. Write one reason you enjoy playing in the mountains. Example: I hear many different sounds. Write another reason you enjoy the mountains. Example: When I close my eyes, I can see many things on the mountains. Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Write a third reason that you enjoy the mountains. I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. Summarize your 3 reasons. Example: I feel free.
Example: I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants Write one reason you enjoy spending your time playing in the Colorado mountains. Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. Add three details about this reason. • Example: I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees Write three details about this reason. Example: When I close my eyes, I can see many things on the mountains. Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Write three details about this reason. I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. Summarize your 3 reasons. • Example: I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world
Example: I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. Elaborate on one detail. ELABORATE • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing.
I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. Example: I hear many different sounds. Wildlife, Wind, Trees When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. Elaborate on one detail. ELABORATE • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing.
I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. • Example: Example: Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. • Lack of maturity • Understanding of consequences • Video games – get another life. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. Step 3: Complete the graphic organizer. Elaborate on one detail. • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Elaborate on one detail. • Example: I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring. ELABORATE
Step 5: Add transitions. Step 5: Add transitions. When I close my eyes Clearly, • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees You can find a list of transition words online! • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. It is easy to see that, Unquestionably, • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. When I close my eyes Clearly, • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. Each square will become a paragraph. Unquestionably, It is easy to see that, • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. • The introductory paragraph (the center box) sums up each reason. I am awed. Imagine the world on pause. Frozen for you to enjoy and to realize the hidden beauty within. That is what the mountains in Colorado are like. All the sights, sounds, and feelings that they have to give is why it is a place I go to have fun.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. I hear a twig snap. I stop. Was that a deer? I keep walking until I reach the summit of Raspberry Mountain. The animal I heard before peeks out from behind a boulder. I chuckle at the funny face of the chipmunk. Then I look around. I am awed. Imagine the world on pause. Frozen for you to enjoy and to realize the hidden beauty within. That is what the mountains in Colorado are like. All the sights, sounds, and feelings that they have to give is why it is a place I go to have fun. • Begin the introductory paragraph with a hook. Samples of hooks can be found online.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Clearly, When I close my eyes Next Paragraph • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Unquestionably, It is easy to see that, I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Next Paragraph When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. The animals in the woods make the mountains their home. They peer out at you from the cover of the trees while you’re hiking on the trail. I like to watch them scurry around gathering nuts and berries. The graceful deer stay back in the woods until a sudden noise sends them leaping across your path, fawns by their side. The rainbow of wildflowers scatter the mountainside like a child who has dropped a sixty-four count box of Crayolas.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Clearly, When I close my eyes, • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants Next Paragraph I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Unquestionably, It is easy to see that, I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Next Paragraph Clearly, I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals, working ferverently to gather enough food for winter. The wind whispers through the trees, a haunting melody. The branches creak and groan, the leaves rustle. Twigs snap and, far in the distance, a rock loses its hold on the steep grade of the mountainside.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Clearly, When I close my eyes • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Unquestionably, It is easy to see that, Next Paragraph I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Next Paragraph It is easy to see that, I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring. I am relaxed when I am here. I have no worries and no fears. It is not too loud and not too busy. I feel like this place was made just for me, straight from heaven.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. When I close my eyes Clearly, • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. Unquestionably, It is easy to see that, • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring. Summary Paragraph
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Clearly, When I close my eyes • I hear many different sounds. • Wildlife • Wind • Trees • I can picture all of nature around me. • Mountains • Animals • Plants I hear the wildlife—the noisy chipmunks, the chirping birds, the shy deer. They chirp and chatter to each other in the mysterious language of animals. When I close my eyes, I can see the mountains. They are massive, towering above me like silent giants. They go on and on into the distance. • The mountains in Colorado are where I enjoy spending my time playing. Unquestionably, It is easy to see that, Summary Paragraph I love playing in the mountains because I see so much nature around me. Interesting sounds from nature are everywhere. I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. • I feel free. • Relaxed • Quiet • On top of the world • I feel so free in the mountains of Colorado. I am on the top of the world! The wide-open spaces set my spirit soaring.
Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Summary Paragraph Unquestionably, the mountains in Colorado is my haven and my place to have fun. The sky is darkening. I’d better be heading back. I take one last look at the view below, listen one last time for the birds, and feel, for just a little longer, peace.
Step 7: Vocabulary Review your paragraphs. Can you add adjectives (describing words) and interesting adverbs (describing action words)? ADJECTIVES ADVERBS
Step 7: Vocabulary BEFORE: There is a snake on your shoulder. AFTER: 1. There is a venomous snake on your shoulder. 2. There is an angry, venomous snake on your shoulder. 3. There is a rubber snake on your shoulder.
Step 7: Vocabulary Remember: The more sophisticated vocabulary you use…the higher your score. bad dreadful
Step 8: Visual Expression Use similes, metaphors, and personification to give your essay more visual expression. Don ate his salad like a vacuum cleaner. His arms were weak and felt like noodles. The thunder was as loud as fireworks.
Step 8: Visual Expression Use similes, metaphors, and personification to give your essay more visual expression. The smoke was cotton balls billowing from the chimney. You are my hero. The sun was a furnace.
Step 8: Visual Expression Use similes, metaphors, and personification to give your essay more visual expression. Our house is an old friend of ours. Although he creeks and groans with every gust of wind, he never fails to protect us from the elements. He wraps his arms of bricks and mortar around us and keeps us safe. He’s always been a good friend to us and we would never leave him.
Step 9: Reread Your Work Reread your work to make sure you have: • Stay on topic • Give your 3 big ideas in the introductory paragraph • Have paragraphs that give details about your 3 ideas • Elaborate on a detail in each paragraph • Have a summary paragraph that restates your 3 ideas • Begin each paragraph with a transition word • Include adjectives, adverbs, similes, metaphors, and personification • Show, Don’t tell!