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中式烹飪的方法. By Diana. http://sundayparis.wordpress.com/2007/02/26/%E5%90%8D%E8%A9%9E%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8B-%E5%B8%B8%E7%94%A8%E7%83%B9%E8%AA%BF%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F/. 1. 煎 :. 倒入 少量油 在鍋 中 , 將食物放入,加熱至表面成金黃色。如:煎魚、煎蛋。

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  1. 中式烹飪的方法 By Diana

  2. http://sundayparis.wordpress.com/2007/02/26/%E5%90%8D%E8%A9%9E%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8B-%E5%B8%B8%E7%94%A8%E7%83%B9%E8%AA%BF%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F/http://sundayparis.wordpress.com/2007/02/26/%E5%90%8D%E8%A9%9E%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8B-%E5%B8%B8%E7%94%A8%E7%83%B9%E8%AA%BF%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F/

  3. 1. 煎: • 倒入少量油在鍋中,將食物放入,加熱至表面成金黃色。如:煎魚、煎蛋。 • Fried: add a little oil evenly to the bottom of the pan and heat. Then add the food until thoroughly cooked. Ex. Fried fish, Fried egg.

  4. 2. 炒: • 放少許油在鍋裡,油熱後把食物置鍋內,用250 C.大火輕快地攪拌,並加入調味料,翻攪至熟。如:炒蔬菜,炒三鮮。 • Stir fry: add a little oil in the pan and use a large flame to heat the oil to around 250 C. After adding the ingredients, briskly stir them and add seasoning. Ex: stir fried vegetables,.

  5. 3. 炸: • 放入大量的油在鍋內,用煮沸的油使食物熟透。變成黃色。如:炸雞。炸年糕:年糕裹上麵粉後油炸,就成為美味可口的點心。 • Deep fry: ordinarily this method involves adding a lot of oil to a pan. After heating it, add the ingredients to the oil. When the food is fully cooked, it will float to the surface and the outer part will turn yellow. Ex: fried chicken.

  6. 4. 烤: • 將東西置於烤箱(炭火等),使其烤熟。如:烤肉、烤番薯。 • Roast: The things placed in the oven (charcoal, etc.), it baked. Such as: barbecue, baked sweet potato.

  7. 5. 燉肉: • (1)將食物加水,用文火慢煮使爛熟。如:清燉、燉雞。(2) 將食物放入盅或陶罐中,隔水以慢火煨煮使材料熟軟。如:鳳爪燉冬菇。 • Stew: first thoroughly cook the main ingredients. Next, add a lot of soup stock and seasoning. Then use a small flame and slowly cook. Ex: stewed beef.

  8. 6. 燴: • 將湯汁注入鍋中,加入材料慢火煮,至湯汁不太多時勾芡即成。如:燴牛肉﹑燴魚﹑燴什錦。 • Braise: first, sauté the ingredients. Then, add a lot of soup stock and heat. Use starch to thicken it before removing from the pan. Ex: rice with meat and vegetables.

  9. 7. 蒸: • 放在容器中的食物,利用水蒸汽的熱力把食物煮熟。如:小籠包子、蒸魚。 • team: put the food on the container, then put this inside of the bamboo steamer. Use the steam to cook the food. Ex. Steamed dumplings.

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