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Frogs. By: Shanell and Jordyn. This is a web quest for 4 th grade students. Illinois Learning Standards. 12.A.2a Describe simple life cycles of plants and animals and the similarities and differences in their offspring.
Frogs By: Shanell and Jordyn This is a web quest for 4th grade students.
Illinois Learning Standards • 12.A.2a Describe simple life cycles of plants and animals and the similarities and differences in their offspring. • 12.A.2b Categorize features as either inherited or learned (e.g. flower color or eye color is inherited; language is learned) • 12.B.2a Describe relationships among various organisms in their environments (e.g. predator/prey, parasite/host, food chains and food webs). • 12.B.2b Identify physical features of plants and animals that help them live in different environments (e.g. specialized teeth for eating certain foods, thorns for protection, insulation for cold temperature). • 11.A.2b Collect data for investigations using scientific process skills including observing, estimating and measuring.
USE THESE WEBSITES ONLY!!!! On this page you will find the websites you need to visit to find the answers to the questions about frogs. Don’t get discouraged because you have to look around for answers I promise it’ll be fun. • http://library.thinkquest.org/5486/frogs.htm • http://www.tooter4kids.com/Frogs/general_information.htm#What%20does%20a%20frog%20eat? • http://allaboutfrogs.org • http://www.factmonster.com/dk/encyclopedia/amphibians.html#id2827282 • http://www.kiddyhouse.com/Themes/frogs • http://amnh.org/exhibitions/frogs/ • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/amphibians.html
introduction • Frogs are very interesting amphibians. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Did you know that frogs live in the water and on land? And did you know that there are differences between toads and frogs? Even though a toad is a type if frog, they also have a lot of differences too. Lets observe and learn about these interesting creatures.
Task • The class as a whole will observe a group of tadpoles and document everything they observe by making a chart . They will also draw out a diagram of what they see each week.
Process Activity 1 • Students should get in groups of three when observing the tadpoles weekly, Each group will draw out one table and enter all of their information. • Each individual student will draw a diagram of the changes they notice weekly. • At the end of the seven weeks draw out the entire life cycle of the frog. • On the next slide you will find the table you should use to log in information you see.
Process activity 2 • Before you begin looking up answers for these questions what do you know about frogs? • What is the life cycle of a frog? • What do frogs eat? • If you were a frog what would you want to eat? • How do frogs protect themselves from predators? • What type of environments do frogs live in? • How are frogs different from toads? • What did you learn about frogs that you didn’t know before participating in this web quest?
Conclusion • Congratulations you’ve finally made it to the end of the web quest. At the end of this experiment you should have found out more about frogs. You should’ve found out things such as the species they come from, why some frogs are green and some aren’t. You should also know the lifecycle of frogs and how they survive in their different habitats. I hope everyone had fun on their adventure into the life of a frog.
Credits and resources • In addition to the web quest the students can also read the following books or watch these videos to get a better understanding of frogs. • Frogs Swallow With Their Eyes!: Weird Facts About Frogs, Snakes, Turtles, & Lizards : A Weird-But-True Book (Strange World) • From Tadpole to Frog (Lifecycles) by David Stewart • The Princess and the Frog(Disney Movie) • Set in the city of New Orleans comes a modern twist on a classic tale, featuring a beautiful girl named Tiana , a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again, and a fateful kiss that leads them both on an adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana. Starring: Keith Anthony, Kwesi Boakye, Roger Aaron Brown, June Christopher, David Cowgill. Rated G.
Follow up assignments • As a follow up assignment the students can choose another amphibian to learn about. • Other amphibians can include: • Salamanders; They are typically characterized by their slender bodies, short noses, and long tails. Most salamanders have four toes on their front legs and five on their rear legs. Their moist skin usually makes them reliant on habitats in or near water, or under some protection (e.g., moist ground), often in a wetland. Some salamander species are fully aquatic throughout life, some take to the water intermittently, and some are entirely terrestrial as adults. Uniquely among vertebrates they are capable of regenerating lost limbs, as well as other body parts. • Newts; Newts metamorphase through three distinct developmental life stages: aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile and adult. Adult newts have lizard-like bodies and may be either fully aquatic, living permanently in the water, or semi-aquatic, living terrestrially but returning to the water each year to breed.
Follow up and resources(cont) • If the students choose not to research another amphibian they can research another insect or reptile of choice. In addition to choosing an insect or reptile they have to give a very brief explanation as to why they chose something other than an amphibian. • Other reptiles and insects can range from: • Snakes, lizards, turtles or tortoises, and crocodiles or alligator, etc • Butterflies and/or caterpillars, bees, ants, grass hopers, preying mantis, etc
Rubric • The web quest will be out of 50 pts. • Activity 1:25 pts, the points will be based on the students contribution to their group and also their own personal reflection. • Activity 2:25pts, the points are based on how thorough the students answered each question.