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TAKS Strategies Review. Strategies Review…. Today we will review the strategies we have discussed over the course of this six weeks. Write down the strategies for each section. Then write what YOU need to remember the most to be successful tomorrow.
Strategies Review… • Today we will review the strategies we have discussed over the course of this six weeks. • Write down the strategies for each section. • Then write what YOU need to remember the most to be successful tomorrow. • We will reflect on our essays and short answers at the end of class.
Strategies for Reading… • TAKE NOTES. As you read, take note of what is going on in the story. Write comments in the margin (questions, statements, etc.) to help you with answering questions later. • UNDERSTAND IT. Think about everything. If you don’t understand something in the story, reread it. If you don’t know a word, look it up. These notes will help you later when you answer questions AND write short answers. • MARK QUOTES. If you see quotes that look like they might be good answers for the short answer questions, mark them. Highlight, star, or underline. You can return to them later in the test. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED.
Strategies for Multiple Choice… • USE THE TEST. Take it from someone who knows, it’s hard to think of 30 questions and not have some be repetitive. Use the other parts of the test to help you answer multiple choice questions. • REREAD THE TEST. If the questions asks you something about paragraph 20, go back and read it. It’ll help you answer the question. • HAVE A REASON. Think critically about each answer. Make sure you have a reason for the one you choose. They put answers that look right on the test, but are actually wrong. Make sure you understand the question. If you don’t get it, read it again! Look up words you don’t know in the dictionary. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED.
Strategies for Visual Representations: • KNOW THE DESIGN. Take a look at the elements that go into the ad you’re looking at. What are the parts of this advertisement? • KNOW THE METHOD. What are the strategies these designers are using to get you to want their product? Are they telling jokes? Using authority figures? Appealing to emotions? • KNOW THE PURPOSE. Take a moment to figure out what the purpose of the ad is. If you know the reason why the ad was created, the other parts of it fall into place. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED HERE.
Strategies for Short Answers • FIND THE QUOTE FIRST! If you find a quote that answers your question before you write your answer, it’s a lot easier. You write your answer to fit the quote, rather than having to find a quote that fits your answer. • USE SIMILAR WORDS! If it feels like you are repeating yourself, then your answer is correct. Turn to the thesaurus for help finding synonyms for words. • KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE! There’s no need to overexplain. If you feel like you are writing too much, stop and revise your answer. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED HERE.
Strategies for Essays: • HAVE A PLAN.Use a strategy that works for you to plan out your essay. Do the 8 minute essay, any one of the thinking maps, or an outline. • BE CREATIVE! The TAKS graders are looking for writing that says something new and unique to you, so think of new ways to say important things. • REWRITE YOUR ESSAY. After you have a draft, reread your essay with a critical eye and then rewrite it, checking for understanding and any mistakes. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED HERE.
Strategies for Revising and Editing • CORRECT ERRORS AS YOU READ. This way, you’ll have a head start on any corrections the test suggests. Mark confusing sentences as well. • LESS IS MORE. Any time you can simplify by having less punctuation, less words, or less sentences, that is most likely your best answer. • SOUND IT OUT. Another helpful strategy you can use for a lot of these rules is sound it out. Develop an ear for grammar and usage to learn when something is right or wrong. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED.
Strategies to prepare for the test. • GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before the test. • VISUALIZE. Imagine yourself taking the test, practicing strategies, writing your essay, etc. This will prepare you for success on the test. • HAVE PLENTY OF TIME. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready and get to school in the morning. Don’t be late. • WRITE IN WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED.
Overall Strategies for success: • DON’T PANIC! You have all the tools and strategies you need to prepare for this day. Take a deep breath, remember your strategies, and get back in the game. • STAY FOCUSED. Keep your mind on your work and at the task at hand. • TAKE YOUR TIME. You have the whole day. Write and rewrite your short answers and your essay. Check and recheck your multiple choice answers. Put the time in to do well on the test. • WRITE WHAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO SUCCEED.