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Recent changes to the staff email service followed by Migrating staff to Exchange

Recent changes to the staff email service followed by Migrating staff to Exchange. Service Changes: AutoSpam Mailopts Deleted Items Quotas. Or What we have done on our summer holidays. 11 September 2014. Service Changes AutoSpam. New AutoSpam service

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Recent changes to the staff email service followed by Migrating staff to Exchange

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  1. Recent changes to the staff email service followed byMigrating staff to Exchange

  2. Service Changes: AutoSpam Mailopts Deleted Items Quotas Or What we have done on our summer holidays 11 September 2014

  3. Service Changes AutoSpam • New AutoSpam service • It is the old service – but takes into account problems with the proxy. • Access method 1: Web https://www.reading.ac.uk/autospam • Access method 2: Imap from email client • What about Junk Mail? • Daily Spam email notification

  4. Access Method 1: Web

  5. Access Method 1: Web

  6. Access Method 2 - IMAP • Create a new IMAP account. • IMAP Server – autospam.reading.ac.uk • USE SSL!

  7. Spam service - cont The following messages were delivered to AutoSpam:- 2007-10-01 13:39:46 sender "Avery@bell.blackberry.net" 2007-10-01 17:06:34 sender "Salretentionfancy@battle.fi" You can view these messages and/or have them delivered by visiting https://www.autospam.reading.ac.uk/ Note that this list displays Delivery Date and Sender rather than the Message Date and From address, which may differ, especially for Spam. 7

  8. Mailopts What not to use it for • As part of the migration process we will resend mail • Exim Rules = Exchange rules • Vacation message = Out of Office What to use it for • Whitelists • Blacklists • Spam sensitivity • Enable daily notification of new messages in AutoSpam

  9. Other Changes Deleted Items • Deleted items are now kept for 7 days • They are then deleted • They are then kept in your “Recover deleted items” area for another 7 days. • They are then REALLY deleted. • If you hold shift down and delete, they are permanently deleted.

  10. Other Changes • Quotas • Warning @ 1.5Gb • Prohibit @ 2Gb • WHAT ABOUT THE VAULT?

  11. Out-of-Office • You have an account on the University's Microsoft Exchange service. You may gain functionality by using the Out of Office facility within the Exchange system, available through Outlook Web Access. In particular, email from other University Microsoft Exchange users may not be affected by Out of Office messages specified here.

  12. New staff • From 1st September 2007 email accounts for new staff will be created on the Exchange email service.  Staff can access their email on Exchange via the web using the Outlook web access service at • https://www.owamail.rdg.ac.uk/ • For details of other ways to access email on Exchange see • http://www.reading.ac.uk/ITS/documents/email/exchange/config.htm

  13. New methods of working • Personal calendars – arranging meetings with colleagues • Showing free/busy • Giving full access • ‘private appointments’ • Sharing static information – public folders • Larger more dynamic data sharing – ‘Windows only’ volume on NetApp as mounted drive

  14. New methods of working (cont) • Turn off autocomplete if concerned about sending confidential email – use own contacts list as default • In Outlook 2007 • On the Tools menu, click Options. • On the Preferences tab, click E-mail Options, and then click Advanced E-mail Options. • Clear the Suggest names while completing To, Cc, and Bcc fields check box. • Can delete entries from the Autocomplete list • Select the unwanted name by using the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key. • Press DELETE.

  15. Migration • ‘Migration will be in phases • Ultimately aiming to have all staff using Exchange message store. (Staff being those with third letter in account name of ‘s’ or ‘q’) • Can choose to access the message store via IMAP or POP but will get best use of the enhanced features using Outlook (ie using MAPI interface). • Outlook web access provides enhanced features

  16. Phase 1 Targeting the accounts easiest to move from UNIX message store • Personal accounts, not group accounts • Have trivial .resends eg just username@exchange • Less than 1.5GB message store on UNIX • Not using POP • Not using Outlook over IMAP We liaise with IT Supporter on each step

  17. Phase 1 - cont What happens when • before the move, an email sent to staff asking them to check/change their email client server settings • A date will be set for the message store move for targeted accounts • Staff can opt for a different date if necessary – prefer to migrate in largish groups though so don’t want too many individuals • a second email sent a shortly before the move to explain the changes staff may see the following morning.

  18. Change email client settings http://www.reading.ac.uk/web/FILES/its/ConfiguringYouremailClient.pdf • The root folder path must be blank. Remove references to ~/mail/ • Incoming email server address: imap.reading.ac.uk, Security setting: SSL (note “reading” NOT “rdg”) • Outgoing email server address: smtp.reading.ac.uk, Security setting: TLS (in Outlook Express set this to SSL too). • Incoming email server address: pop.reading.ac.uk, Security setting: SSL

  19. Phase 1 - cont How to target the accounts to migrate in Phase 1 • ITS prepare • a snapshot per School/Department of the individual personal account details • Extract from this list those suitable for phase 1 migration • Prepare an email list from this spreadsheet • We then brief School/Department IT Supporter

  20. The spreadsheet "snapshot" at time report was generated:- • Exchange Mailbox - the account has an Exchange account (i.e. an AD entry for the mailbox) • Non-trivial .resend - has a .resend with something other than username@exchange in it • Usage - disk usage "via UNIX du" of folders plus inboxes • AutoSpam Folder - the user has an AutoSpam folder "log analysis" for typically the previous month • Exchange/vims1/AutoSpam delivery, there was at least one mail delivery to Exchange/Unix INBOX/Unix AutoSpam • IMAP(POP) Logins - there was at least one IMAP(POP) login to the UNIX mail service

  21. The spreadsheet - cont "log analysis" for typically the previous month • Folder Prefix - there was at least one IMAP request for a folder containing "mail/" (i.e. 99% sure they have a prefix defined, but it might hit if they had a folder subdirectory ending in "mail") • Outlook SMTP - a message was sent from the user using SMTP via mailhost/smtp.reading.ac.uk (i.e. rather than the native Microsoft MAPI protocol) using a client that identified itself as Microsoft Outlook (and not Outlook Express) - these are clients that probably should be switched to MAPI in the future.

  22. After the migration • can continue to use same email client over IMAP or POP if preferred. However, to make use of the additional features on Exchange straight use Outlook Web Access. • If you need advance email facilities such as email filtering and forwarding then you need to use IE as your web browser.

  23. After the migration – cont Current settings preserved • Active Out-of-Office message settings will be honoured. New Out-of-Office messages must be set up using Outlook Web Access. • Active resend or forward settings will be honoured. New resend or forward settings must be set up using Outlook Web Access over Internet Explorer. • http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/its/help/its-help-email/outlookrules.asp

  24. After the migration - cont May see some differences • Cannot see email folders? Change email settings as initially requested, removing ~/mail/ from the folder path setting. • Up to four new folders may be visible, (Calendar, Junk, Public Folders and Sent items). These are related to the features available if you use Outlook or OWAmail. • Folder names may have extra symbols at the end eg [-/]

  25. After the migration - cont SPAM • Some staff have previously chosen not to use the Autospam service for filtering email. When the message store is migrated to Exchange, email filtering of spam into an Autospam folder will automatically be turned on. • Use the mail options tool at https://www.mailopts.reading.ac.uk/ to stop automatic filtering. • http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/its/help/its-help-email/its-exchange/its-exchange-dealingwithspam.asp

  26. Outlook on Exchange • If you want change desktop client on staff PCs to Outlook on Exchange either do this after migration or handle as small groups and bypass the migration. • We will move message store on an individual basis if requested.

  27. IMAP Proxy – How it works IMAP IMAP MAPI UNIX MAILSTORE Exchange MAILSTORE 28


  29. Links • Configuring Outlook • http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/its/help/its-help-email/its-exchange/its-exchange-configure.asp • Remote Access • http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/its/help/its-help-email/exchange-remoteaccess.asp • AutoSpam • http://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/its/help/its-help-email/its-exchange/its-exchange-dealingwithspam.asp

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