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Learning alliances for scaling-up multiple-use services in Colombia. Inés Restrepo-Tarquino Instituto Cinara Universidad del Valle. March 2009. RURAL WATER SYSTEMS IN COLOMBIA. Enough surface water sources. Distribution network. Gravity feed. Storage tank (+ disinfection). MUS de facto.
Learning alliances for scaling-up multiple-use services in Colombia Inés Restrepo-Tarquino Instituto Cinara Universidad del Valle March 2009
RURAL WATER SYSTEMS IN COLOMBIA Enough surface water sources Distribution network Gravity feed Storage tank (+ disinfection) MUS de facto Household water unit
CHALLENGES TIME 0 • Rigid sectoral normativity • Officials and Water Committees did not recognised the poor’s needs • “Health” thinking about water systems • Small productive activities developed by women considered “wastage” of water • MUS considered “wastage” of money
LEARNING ALLIANCE International Community-based organisations and authorities National Development institutions Regional Funding institutions WSS Agriculture Health Tourism and so on Local Learning projects Situation Academic sector Environmental authorities Control institutions Regulation institutions Private sector, NGOs Research and Development actors working together around concrete situations
LEARNING PROCESS Case studies Training The LA chose the agenda Meetings with international experts Meetings with decision-makers Workshops to analyse data and built proposals
RESULTS • The rural WS Programme changed 20 m3/m*u in design (133 l/pcd) for 40 m3/m*u • The Infrastructure Secretary at the Departmental level gave an award to a proposal for social housing that included the possibility of having small productive activities • Three policy briefs were produced and disseminated • Architecture National Award for students: social housing that allows small productive activities, the use of rain water and the possibility of reuse of grey water • Institutions changes the way in the project cycle is developed and officials are willing to apply the MUS concept • ACUACOL (association of CB organizations) is promoting MUS • Students participated in the LA and the MUS concept was introduced in the university curriculum • New Departments in Colombia are including MUS in their rural WS programmes
PROPOSALS • A technical guideline for the design of MUS systems (made with the learning alliance) • Proposal to re-define the “rural domestic activities” including the small productive activities (washing the car is defined as domestic use in the urban context so washing the horse is similar in the rural context!) • The University gave us our building to have a demonstration project in the university campus (multiple uses-multiples sources) • Designs made by under-graduate students (Industrial Design Programme) on household devises to improve the use of water • Proposal for the project cycle that includes MUS
Thanks for your attention Members of the Learning Alliance working in the field!