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Respect, Responsibility, and the Real World. Remember Your Professional P’s?. Prompt Prepared Productive Polite Patient. Unprofessional Actors. Lea Michelle - Not patient. Ashlee Simpson - Not prompt or polite or productive. Isaiah Washington – Bully/Not polite.
Remember Your Professional P’s? • Prompt • Prepared • Productive • Polite • Patient
Unprofessional Actors • Lea Michelle - Not patient. • Ashlee Simpson - Not prompt or polite or productive. • Isaiah Washington – Bully/Not polite. • Megan Fox – Not polite.
Charlie Sheen (Two and a Half Men) • Trashed his hotel room. • Was drugged-out while on set. • Was late to rehearsals. • Didn’t learn his lines. • Did not accept help. • Destroyed personal and professional relationships. • Verbally abused producers.
NOBODY LIKES WORKING WITH… • A person who is not prompt • A person who is not prepared • A person who is not productive • A person who is not polite • A person who is not patient • In short, nobody likes working with people who are disrespectful and irresponsible.
RESPECT • (verb) feeling deep admiration for someone or something brought on by their qualities or achievements. • (noun) a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something brought on by their qualities or achievements.
RESPECT • Ms. Nelson respects you by setting high expectations for you. Among other things, her expectations include • Completing/turning in homework • Studying for tests • Taking notes • Memorizing lines and creating performances from those lines • Following directions by the day, period, minute, and second (including NOT talking and staying seated) • Cleaning up after yourselves
RESPECT continued… • If Ms. Nelson did not have respect for you, she would not set high expectations of you, your work, and your behavior. • Believing you can meet her expectations is a sign that Ms. Nelson sees in you the qualities that enable you to be respected. • If Ms. Nelson had no respect for you what-so-ever, she would let you act like wild animals in class – in no way aiding your ability to mature as individuals.
RESPECT and the REAL WORLD • Whether you want to be an actor or a doctor, a mechanic or a dancer, you will always be… • working under someone in charge, who will have expectations of you • working under demanding schedules with people you like as well as people you don’t like • working on stuff you like and stuff you “deal with” • working in an environment that expects you to be responsible…
Ways to Show Respect • Make a conscious effort to THINK before you act/speak. Only YOU control your actions/reactions. • Make a conscious effort to improve yourself and any negative behavior daily, rather than making excuses for that behavior. • Make a conscious effort to practice your Professional P’s in every aspect of life.
RESPONSIBILITY • (noun) the state of or having a duty to deal with something/someone or having control over something/someone • After that definition, do you see how having expectations of responsibility is actually a form of respect and even honor?
RESPONSIBILITY • Responsibility makes the world go ‘round. • For instance: If you want the responsibility of using a computer, you must also take on the responsibility of learning how to use it correctly/appropriately.
RESPONSIBILITY of an A • If you want the responsibility of making an A in class, you must also… • Take on the responsibility of completing assignments, both in and out of class • Take on the responsibility of being resourceful instead of “helpless” when completing the work
RESOURCEFULNESS • Being resourceful is having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. • For instance: A girl with no printer writes out her monologue by hand. RESOURCEFUL!
RESPONSIBILITY and the REAL WORLD • Greatness comes with great responsibility. • If you want to be a successful student, actor, or worker, you must take on the responsibilities handed to you. • The more successful you are, the more your responsibility shows through and, the more your responsibility shows through, the more success you will see.
RESPONSIBILITY and the REAL WORLD • REMEMBER! Responsibilities are given to you out of respect – a belief that you have every ability to uphold those responsibilities. • Responsibilities are NOT given to you so that people can watch you fail. • If you DO fail, get back up and work toward upholding your next responsibility.
Two Ways (of many) to be a Responsible Student • You should always follow directions, whether spoken or written. Those directions are responsibilities entrusted to you out of respect and hopes that you will succeed. • Get into a positive homework/study routine.
Sources • Movieline.com • Whatculture.com • Huffingtonpost.com • Insidetv.ew.com • Thefreedictionary.com