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Ontologick in en rstv


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Ontologick in en rstv

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    1. Ontologick inenrstv Vojtech Svtek, Miroslav Vacura Fakulta informatiky a statistiky VE v Praze

    2. Tmata tutorilu (cst I) vod Vymezen pojmu ontologickho inenrstv Nov historie OI, souvislost se smantickm webem Filosofick aspekty OI Nvaznost na filosofickou ontologii Zkladn vs. domnov ontologie Tvorba obsahu domnovch ontologi ivotn cyklus a metodiky Vyuit zkladnch ontologi Obsahov nvrhov vzory Prce s textovmi podkladovmi zdroji

    3. Tmata tutorilu (cst II) Logick pozad ontologickho inenrstv OWL-DL: struktura jazyka Odvozovn v deskripcn logice Logick paradoxy OWL-DL Strukturne-logick vzory a konvence Aplikace ontologi Strucn prehled Demo: anotovn multimdi pomoc ontologie Interaktivn procvicen tvorby ontologie Nvrh ontologie pordn konference vychzejc ze zkuenost s Datakonem

    4. Zkladn vymezen a historie ontologickho inenrstv

    5. Ontologick inenrstv Soubor aktivit souvisejcch s procesem vvoje ontologi, jejich ivotnm cyklem, a s metodikami, nstroji a jazyky pro tvorbu ontologi Gomez-Perez, A., Fernandez-Lopez, M., Corcho, O.: Ontological Engineering: with Examples from the Areas of Knowledge Management, E-Commerce and the Semantic Web. Springer, 2003.

    6. Co je ontologie? Vedeck disciplna - soucst filosofie bude strucne rozebrno pozdeji Lidsk artefakt pouvan v oblasti informatiky; neexistuje jednotn definice Strukturovan slovn zsoba Explicitn specifikace konceptualizace Logick teorie v jazyce podporujcm definovn konceptu, zejmna. deskripcn logice Grafov struktura nad pojmy

    7. Cast atributy (prav) ontologie Odpovdajc realite Konsensuln, obecne prijman Srozumiteln cloveku, dle sdliteln Znovupouiteln, a to i nepredjmanm zpusobem Bohate strukturovan Formln, strojove zpracovateln Logicky konzistentn

    8. Prklad csti ontologie Foundational Model of Anatomy

    9. Prklad ontologie: FOAF

    10. Historick trendy (I) Polovina 90. let: etablovn ontologi jako prostredku reprezentace znalost v UI syntaxe Lisp smantika prediktovho kalkulu + rmcov model Ontolingua, OKBC, OCML soubene jin modely, zejmna konceptuln grafy Konec 90. let: nstup XML a webu nativn XML: XOL, OML; v soucasnosti zejmna Topic Maps webove orientovan jazyky: SHOE, Ontobroker

    11. Historick trendy (II) Cca od r. 2000: v kontextu smantickho webu spojen s RDF, podpora W3C DAML-ONT, OIL, DAML+OIL, OWL posun k pojet vetho poctu ontologi, kter je treba prune kombinovat a vzjemne mapovat formlnm zkladem deskripcn logika (+ zbytky rmcovho prstupu) pragmatick kombinovn s pravidlovm prstupem Soucasnost: mj. snaha o spojen s Web 2.0 ontologick podpora nad wiki, blogy, folksonomiemi

    12. Prorustn do puvodne vzdlench komunit softwarov inenrstv UML metamodel pro definici ontologi (OMG) rada aplikac nad loiti SW komponent SOA smantika ve webovch slubch (WSMO) databze RDF podporovn nektermi DBMS (Oracle) soft computing rozren ontologickch jazyku o neurcitost/vgnost (napr. FuzzyOWL, BayesOWL)

    13. Vuka ontologickho inenrstv Tradicne jako spe okrajov oblast UI Nove v kontextu smantickho webu Specializovan kurzy mne ben, ale existuji i v komercn sfre Wilshire: 4 dny za cca $2000 Na VE Praha od r. 2000 soucst kurzu Modelovn znalost a pozdeji Reprezentace a zpracovn znalost na WWW od r. 2008 hlavn cst novho kurzu Znalosti a ontologick inenrstv v rmci rovne novho programu Kognitivn informatika

    14. Historie ontologie a ontologi

    15. Historie ontologie Parmenids Platn Aristotels Spisy Metafyzika a Kategorie Ve filosofii: metafyzika, ontologie, prvn filosofie.

    16. Vznik tradicn ontologie Aristotels 10 kategori Substance Kvantita Kvalita Vztah Msto Cas Poloha Mt Cinnost Trpnost

    17. Vznik tradicn ontologie Aristotelsk definice definice Definitio per genus proximum et differentia specifica

    18. Viper = venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venom-conducting fangs in the upper jaw

    22. Taxonomie Hierarchick struktura Tradice: Klasick ontologie Thesaury Dnes: ISA hierarchy (Book is a document) Ontologie Lexicon (HPSG head-driven phrase structure, ILEX, DATR)

    23. Porfyriuv strom ARBOR PORPHYRII Prvn klasick ontologie Porfyrios z Tyru (232-301) Aristotelsk tradice

    26. Tmata tradicn ontologie Esenciln / neesenciln vlastnosti Problm zmeny (kdy je zmena entity takov, e je nutno ji reklasifikovat) Problm identity (kdy ruzn identifiktory odkazuj k te entite) Leibnizuv zkon identity Problm obecnin

    27. Vlastnosti Esenciln Neesenciln (akcidentln) Esence - bytnost, cost, quidditas (quid lat. co) To, co del danou vec, tm cm je. (Naprklad cloveka clovekem, strom stromem atd.) Jednotliv lid se navzjem li neesencilnmi vlastnostmi (vek, pohlav, vka, vha, barva)

    28. Problm zmeny Zmena esenciln dan vec se zmen v neco jinho, nutno reklasifikovat v rmci ontologie. Zmena akcidentln dan vec zustv tm cm byla, men se jen neesenciln vlastnost.

    29. Leibniz Zkon stejnosti identickch Zkon identity stejnch

    30. Ontologick zvazek kter entity jsme povinni zaradit do na ontologie Bt znamen bt hodnotou (vzan) promenn (Quine) Kritrium identity Pro materiln entity Pro abstraktn entity (Frege) Obecn kriterium identity R pro entity typu F

    31. Tvorba ontologi shora dolu (top-down) zkladn ontologie zdola nahoru (bottom-up) od stredu ven (middle-out), domnov ontologie

    32. Klasifikace ontologi Operacionalizace hrub (coarse) jemn (fine-grained) Expresivita tek (heavy-weight) lehk (light-weight)

    33. Klasifikace ontologi Specificnost obecn (generic) jdrov (core) domnov (domain) Zkladn ontologie (Foundational, Upper-level)

    34. Zkladn ontologie Poskytuj referenci pro srovnvn ruznch ontologickch prstupu, a rmec pro analzu, harmonizaci a integraci ontologi a metadatovch standardu. Poskytuj vchoz bod pro tvorbu novch ontologi. Zkladn ontologie obsahuj preddefinovanou skupinu ontologickch entit, kter mohou bt znovu vyuity. An ontology is a systematic formalization of concepts, definitions, relationships, and rules that captures the semantic content of a domain in a machine-readable format. An ontology is a systematic formalization of concepts, definitions, relationships, and rules that captures the semantic content of a domain in a machine-readable format.

    35. Zkladn ontologie Videlnm prpade tak zkladn ontologie definuje nvrhov vzory pro bene se vyskytujc prpady modelovn. Pomhaj uivateli vypordat se stypickmi problmy, na kter mue pri nvrhu ontologi narazit.

    36. Klasifikace ontologii Problm abstraktnch a konkrtnch entit Problm obecnin a jednotlivin Pristup k jazyku a skutecnosti descriptive vs. revisionary Rozsah ontologie multiplicative vs. reductionist Reprezentace casu presentism vs. eternalism Reprezentace modalit actualism vs. possibilism Problm modelovn zmen

    37. Upper level ontologie - prklady KR Ontology (J.F.Sowa) SUMO DOLCE Wordnet.OWL (http://taurus.unine.ch/knowler/) CYC (www.cyc.com)

    38. KR Ontology J.F.Sowa: Knowledge Representation Influence: Ch. S. Peirce A. N. Whitehead (http://www.jfsowa.com/ontology/)

    39. KR Ontology Zkladn kategorie Relace Independent - I Relative - R Mediating M Podstata Physical - P Abstract - A Cas Continuant - C Occurent - O Kategorie primitivn termny, nedefinovateln v rmci dan ontologie.

    40. KR Ontology Independent An entity characterized by some inherent Firstness, independent of any relationships it may have to other entities. Relative An entity in a relationship to some other entity. Mediating An entity characterized by some Thirdness that brings other entities into a relationship. An independent entity need not have any relationship to anything else, a relative entity must have some relationship to something else, and a mediating entity creates a relationship between two other entities.

    41. KR Ontology Independent (?x:Independent) ~?(?y)(has(x,y) v has(y,x)). Relative (?x:Relative) ?(?y)(has(x,y) v has(y,x)). Mediating (?m:Mediating)(?x,y:Entity) ((?R,S:Relation)(R(m,x) & S(m,y))) & ?(?T:Relation)T(x,y).

    42. KR Ontology Endurant (continuant) entity cel prtomny v kadm okamiku sv existence. Pendurant (occurent) entity u nich v kadm okamiku existuje jen temporln cst. Endurant (continuant) - entities that are in time, they are wholly present (all their proper parts are present) at any time of their existence. Pendurant (occurent) - entities that happen in time, they extend in time by accumulating different temporal parts, so that, at any time t at which they exist, only their temporal parts at t are present. Endurant (continuant) - entities that are in time, they are wholly present (all their proper parts are present) at any time of their existence. Pendurant (occurent) - entities that happen in time, they extend in time by accumulating different temporal parts, so that, at any time t at which they exist, only their temporal parts at t are present.

    43. KR Ontology Endurant kniha osoba Pendurant cetba tto knihy ivot cloveka

    44. KR Ontology

    46. SUMO Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (http://ontology.teknowledge.com/) Formty KIF, OWL, Protege, LOOM, Nekter koncepty mohou mt vce nadkonceptu, e.g. PsychologicalDysfunction is a child of both PsychologicalAttribute and DiseaseOrSyndrome.

    47. SUMO Top-level

    50. Set can be an arbitrary set of things Collection consists of disconnected parts, and the relation between these parts and the whole is known as member in the SUMO. SUMO

    53. DOLCE Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (http://www.loa-cnr.it/DOLCE.html) WonderWeb project library of such foundational ontologies, systematically related to each other in a way that makes the rationales and alternatives underlying different ontological choices as explicit as possible.

    55. DOLCE Library of modules Ontology Modules ontologie v pocitacove zpracovatelnm formtu Neformln informace o ontologickch rozhodnutch prijatch pro dan modul Prehled zkladn logick axiomatizace prijat v kadm modulu Specification of differences and similarities existing among modules: An informal discussion on the differences between the ontological choices adopted. A logical specification of the formal links (i.e., syntactic and semantic correspondences) existing between the various modules. A mapping between ontology modules and natural language lexicons (WordNet) Specification of differences and similarities existing among modules: An informal discussion on the differences between the ontological choices adopted. A logical specification of the formal links (i.e., syntactic and semantic correspondences) existing between the various modules. A mapping between ontology modules and natural language lexicons (WordNet)

    56. DOLCE not intended as a candidate for a universal standard ontology, but rather as a reference module, to be adopted as a starting point for comparing and elucidating the relationships with other future modules of the library.

    57. DOLCE

    58. Tvorba obsahu (domnovch) ontologi

    59. Domnov ontologie Vyvjen pro dlc oblast (domnu) Prklady viz text ve sbornku Dnes se casto predpokld (a realizuje) tvorba informatiky bez dlouhodobch zkuenost Bene znm nstroje (editory, odvozovac systmy) zajist jen syntaktickou a formlne-logickou sprvnost ontologi Hlavnmi prostredky pro podporu adekvtnosti vecnho obsahu jsou Strukturovan metodiky Zkladn ontologie a obsahov (nvrhov) vzory Metody ucen ontologi z textu

    60. Editory ontologi Nejznmej Protg Dle SWOOP, TopBraid, SemanticWorks, OntoEdit, OKS (pro Topic Maps) Vetinou umonuj propojen s odvozovacmi nstroji (viz dle) Zejmna Protg dle vybaven zsuvnmi moduly pro veker dal mysliteln lohy ontologickho inenrstv Velmi rozshl uivatelsk komunita, pordn vlastnch konferenc atd.

    63. Strukturovan metodiky Popisuj optimln proces vvoje a ivotnho cyklu (zejmna domnov) ontologie Zrodky se objevuj se ji cca od r. 1990 Zral metodiky v polovine 90. let Uschold & Grninger (metodika vychzejc ze zkuenosti s tvorbou ontologi firmy) Gomez-Perez et al. (METHONTOLOGY) Od t doby se vrazne nezmenily, jen podrobnej pokryt specilnch fz vvoje kolaborativn tvorba ontologi, ucen ontologi z textu, vyuit zkladnch ontologi (napr. OntoClean), mapovn ontologi

    64. Obvykl posloupnost kroku Ujasnen celu a rozsahu ontologie Specifikace terminologick csti Odlien ontologickch typu Specifikace taxonomie Vytvoren netaxonomickch relac, atributu a instanc Specifikace pokrocilch axiomu Nasazen a drba ontologie

    65. Ujasnen celu a rozsahu Formulace obecnch scnru a prpadu uit Konkrtn vzorov kompetencn otzky Co by melo bt mon s pomoc ontologie zodpovedet? Vyvarovat se bezbrehosti (viz hugeness problem) Soucasne ale zachovat otevrenost pro prozatm nereen aplikace (znovupouit)

    66. Specifikace terminologick csti Vchodiskem vvoje ontologie bv seznam relevantnch termnu Monost ji v tto fzi vyut podporu automatickm nstrojem text mining / ucen ontologi Slovn definice pojmu glosr usnadnuj i komunikaci mezi vce vvojri navzjem

    67. Odlien ontologickch typu Trdy, instance, relace, atributy Zpravidla existuje vce monost! Rozhodnut, co jak modelovat se mue rdit mj. logickmi vzory

    68. Specifikace taxonomie Taxonomie zpravidla tvor pter ontologie Budovat se d Shora dolu velmi obecn domnov ontologie, prmo navzan na zkladn ontologie Zdola nahoru napr. ontologie orientovan na pouvanou terminologii Ze stredu ven od nejfrekventovanejch pojmu casto nejefektivnej zpusob Nejobecnej pojmy z domnov ontologie je kadopdne vhodn navzat na nekterou zkladn ontologii resp. obsahov vzor Vedle taxonomie nadrazenosti pojmu se casto uplatn partonomie (celek-cst), struktury zvislost apod.

    69. Netaxonomick relace, atributy, instance Duleit je jejich umsten na vhodnou hierarchickou roven Relace a atributy v ontologickch jazycch nekdy do znacn mry splvaj Napr. objektov a datotypov vlastnosti v OWL Instance se zpravidla zarazuj jen tehdy, pokud maj v domne zsadn postaven Zejmna jsou-li potrebn pro definovn trd

    70. Specifikace pokrocilch axiomu Nedel se vdy, jen pokud se nad ontologi predpokld sofistikovanej odvozovn Napr. vrazy definujc prslunost instanc ke trde, prpadne relaci; ekvivalence trd; disjunktnost trd; matematick vlastnosti relac Zpravidla nejprve v prediktovm jazyce, teprve nsledne se re napr. orezn do deskripcn logiky

    71. Nasazen a drba Ontologie zpravidla nejprve vznik na papre (nejprve v podobe textovch glosru, pozdeji tabulek), teprve po ustlen struktury se kduje ve zvolenm jazyce Pred vlastnm nasazenm je potreba provst evaluaci v prpade ontologi je objektivn formln evaluace velmi obtn, spe vstupuj do hry subjektivn faktory Dlouhodobe se domna mue vyvjet, bv potreba napr. verzovn

    72. Ucen ontologi Textov materily jsou tmer vdy vznamnm vstupem; vedle vyuit jako vodtka pro lidskho nvrhre na ne lze aplikovat i automatick techniky Pokrocil metody ucen ontologi do jist mry replikuj kroky rucn tvorby ontologi nalezen terminologie; rozlien trd a instanc; konstrukce taxonomie; nalezen a pojmenovn netaxonomickch relac; ucen axiomu Zkladem jsou techniky zejmna z oblasti IR (TFIDF apod.) z oblasti NLP (Hearst patterns apod.) Lze pout od zactku, nebo i pro doplnen ji existujc ontologie (ukzka na konci tutorilu?)

    73. OntoClean Specializovan metodologie, jejm clem je omezit vskyt nejbenejch modelovacch chyb, a zajistit konzistenci vsledn ontologie. Vyvinut N.Guarinem a C.Weltym. Vychz z obecne teoretickch vzkumu voblasti filosofick ontologie.

    74. OntoClean Metavlastnosti popisuj jednotliv soucst navrhovan ontologie. omezuj dal vvoj ontologie pouze na sohledem na OntoClean konzistentn rozren. monuj vykzat existujc nekonzistence vdan ontologii.

    75. OntoClean Esencialita Vlastnost je pro entitu esenciln, pokud ji dan entita mus mt. Rigidita Speciln typ esenciality. Vlastnost je rigidn, pokud je esenciln ve vech svch prpadech. Ptern taxonomie ontologie zahrnuje vechny rigidn vlastnosti.

    76. OntoClean Identita kad entita vontologii by mela mt urcit kriterium identity a rigidn vlastnosti, kter toto kritrium identity popisuj. Jednota vjakm vztahu jsou csti urcit entity kcelku. Subsumpce, trda-instance, cst-celek.

    77. OntoClean Pouit v praxi. Napr. plugin pro ontologick editor Protg.

    79. Nvrhov vzory v ontologickm inenrstv

    80. Co je nvrhov vzor (pattern)? Historical sense, e.g. OEDs: middle-age Latin patronus, meaning patron, and, metonymically, exemplar: something proposed for imitation General sense, e.g. Webster's, (f) entry: a discernible coherent system based on the intended interrelationship of component parts Theoretical architecture, Alexander (1979): archetypal solutions to design problems in a certain context Software engineering, (Gamma et al. 1995, Baker et al. 1999, Maplesden et al. 2002): formatted guidelines in software reuse, recently also attempts at formalization Data modelling, e.g. Hay 1996: a convention of thought to be encoded in a modelling language like ER or UML, and then reused for local conceptual schemas Knowledge engineering, Clark 1997: a theory template or schema, which denotes a structure of objects and relationships, but whose axioms are not directly part of the global KB Ontology engineering and the semantic web, (Reich 2000, Gangemi 2003,2005, W3C SWBPD 2003-5, Soshnikov 2003, Guizzardi et al. 2004, Svatek 2004, Vrandecic 2005): various schemas and macros for UML, OWL, core ontologies, etc.

    81. Peter Clark A pattern is a theory template. It denotes a structure that is invariant under signature transformation. Pattern validity in an application is then left to a subjective decision. A pattern is a first-order theory whose axioms are not part of the target knowledge base, but can be incorporated via a renaming of their non-logical symbols A theory acquires its status as a pattern by the way it is used, rather than by having some intrinsic property A pattern is implemented as an explicit, self-contained theory, then is category-theoretically morphed for each intended application in the target knowledge base

    82. Typy nvrhovch vzoru Logick (formln) nvrhov vzory Logical (formal) pattern Neobsahuj specifick slovnk Logical Ontology Design Patterns (LODeP) budeme se jim venovat po prestvce Obsahov nvrhov vzory Conceptual (content) pattern Obsahuj specifick mimo-logick slovnk Content Ontology Design Patterns (CODeP)

    83. Obsahov nvrhov vzory Nalezen invariant (Formln) zakdovn invariant Anotace jako metody pro reen urcitho typu problmu. Uloen anotovanho invariantu ve forme CODeP. Search for invariances (Formally) encode the invariance Annotate it as a method to help solving a usage problem Store the framed (annotated) invariance in the form of a CODeP Search for invariances (Formally) encode the invariance Annotate it as a method to help solving a usage problem Store the framed (annotated) invariance in the form of a CODeP

    84. Participation pattern Vybran uchazeci se budou castnit finle vberovho rzen. Francesco Totti prihrl mc Zambrottovi a ten vystrelil a minul brnu. An object at rest tends to STAY AT REST and an object in motion tends to STAY IN MOTION with the same speed and in the same direction unless ACTED UPON BY an unbalanced force An object at rest tends to STAY AT REST and an object in motion tends to STAY IN MOTION with the same speed and in the same direction unless ACTED UPON BY an unbalanced force

    85. Participation pattern

    86. Descriptions and Situations Pattern

    87. Descriptions and Situations Pattern

    88. Descriptions and Situations Pattern

    91. Po prestvce: Logick pozad ontologickho inenrstv OWL-DL: struktura jazyka Odvozovn v deskripcn logice Logick paradoxy OWL-DL Strukturne-logick vzory a konvence Aplikace ontologi Strucn prehled Demo: anotovn multimdi pomoc ontologie Interaktivn procvicen tvorby ontologie Nvrh ontologie pordn konference vychzejc ze zkuenost s Datakonem

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