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Catcher in the Rye. Vocabulary Write definition on discussion sheet. There will be quizzes. foils (n): swords for fencing pacifist (n): someone who opposes war/violence compulsory (adj.): mandatory sadist (n) someone who likes pain innumerable(adj.): unable to be counted
Catcher in the Rye Vocabulary Write definition on discussion sheet. There will be quizzes.
foils (n): swords for fencing pacifist (n): someone who opposes war/violence compulsory (adj.): mandatory sadist (n) someone who likes pain innumerable(adj.): unable to be counted exhibitionist (n): someone who likes to attract attention unscrupulous(adj.): without morals/principles crude (adj.): unrefined
conscientious(adj.): careful; honest incognito(adj.):unknown putrid (adj.): rotten, disgusting snub (v.):to slight; behave coldly nonchalant (adj.):seeming to be unconcerned bourgeois(adj.): middle-class lavish(adj.):extravagant conceited(adj.): stuck-up; full of yourself
rile (v.) : to make angry chisel (v.): to cheat burlesque (adj.) :broadly humorous monotonous (adj): dull; boring suave (adj.) : agreeable; soothing ostracize (v.): leave out; to exclude chafe (v.): to rub gripe (v.): complain motif (n): an image, or symbol that appear repeatedly irony (n): the opposite of what one really means
jitterbug (v.) : strenuous dance immaterial (adj.): of no importance allusion (n.) :reference to a well-known work 3. idiom (n): speech that isn’t literal; jargon 4. flashback (n.) : earlier events inserted into narrative 5. intoxicating (adj.): exciting, stimulating 6. immensely (adv.): hugely
Symbol(n): person, place, thing or event that stands both for itself and for something beyond itself 2. Motif(n):dominant recurring idea in a work of art 3.Hyperbole (n): extreme exaggeration to express strong emotion or create a comic effect 4. Digression(n): rambling, getting away from the point
enlightening (adj): tending to increase knowledge aristocratic(adj.): resembling manners and characteristics of nobility/higher class 3. psychoanalyze(v):to treat with therapy developed by Freud, focusing on unconscious forces
boisterous(adj.): loud, noisy halitosis(n): bad breath foyer(n): entryway provocative(adj.): anything that excites passion pneumonia(n): illness of lungs personification(n): attributing human characteristics to something non-human theme(n): the underlying message of a work of art
cockeyed (adj.): crooked, askew swanky(adj.): stylish, expensive
pedagogical (adj.): relating to education harrowing (v.): cause distress reciprocal(adj.): done in return digress (v): leave the main subject bawling(v): weep or cry noisily