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And Justice for All:. A Diversity Blueprint for the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University 15 th Flemmie Kittrell Lecture Series, October 24, 2006 Dr. Jenice L. View, George Mason University. Flag of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Nation.
And Justice for All: A Diversity Blueprint for the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University 15th Flemmie Kittrell Lecture Series, October 24, 2006 Dr. Jenice L. View, George Mason University
Flag of the Haudenosaunee(Iroquois) Nation http://users.aol.com/donh523/navapage/iroquois.htm
Gonna Miss You, Pluto Tiger Woods, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6674234/ Warren Little, Getty Images
Many Very Educated Men Just Seem Uneducated Now. http://www.verican.info/asun/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=370&Itemid=10
male http://dir.coolclips.com/Healthcare/Medical_Symbols/Male_Symbol/
female http://dir.coolclips.com/Healthcare/Medical_Symbols/Female_Symbol/
intersexed http://www.anesi.com/symbols.htm
Nine Basic Genders: • Feminine Male, • Feminine Female, • Feminine Intersexed, • Masculine Male, • Masculine Female, • Masculine Intersexed, • Androgynous Male, • Androgynouse Female, and • Androgynous Intersexed. • Source: Kelly, Gary F. Sexuality Today The Human Perspective. New York: Mc-Graw Hill, 2004
What we know is what we don’t know Hard science = theories + numerical formulas + software ≠ full knowledge
THE LESSONS OF METAPHYSICS Hurt not others with that which pains yourself – Buddhism http://buddhism.kalachakranet.org/4_noble_truths.html This is the sum of all true righteousness – treat others, as thou wouldst thyself be treated. Do nothing to thy neighbor, which hereafter thou wouldst not have thy neighbor do to thee – Hinduism http://www.shaivam.org/gallery/image/galshiva.htm “What you do not yourself desire, do not put before others.” Confucianism http://www.religion-cults.com/Eastern/Confucianism/confuci.htm What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man. That is the whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary – Judaism http://www.jewfaq.org/signs.htm#MagenDavid Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves – Islam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for this is the law and the prophets – Christianity http://www.gocek.org/christiansymbols/images/latincrs.gif
1 piece of pie + two or more siblings = big fight
Dinosaurs (raptors) http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/nuraptorpix.htm
Of the world’s 6,900 languages, half will be extinct in the next several decades. 516 will be extinct in the next few years • Africa (46 total) • The Americas (170 total) • Asia (78 total) • Europe (12 total) • The Pacific (210 total) http://www.ethnologue.com/nearly_extinct.asp
“Biodiversity” means: The variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems, and the ecological and evolutionary processes that sustain it. • http://cnx.org/content/m12151/latest/
Million Dollar Question How do we “do” diversity?
Promotes tokenism, which is demeaning and insulting There is so much human diversity that we will never be “finished” with these issues It takes too long to do It is too expensive Cornell already “does” diversity: Ezra said “I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study." Concerns about “doing” diversity:
Another possible fear: “For all of our pride in our progressive traditions, will Cornell discover an ugly truth about our history much the way Brown University – another bastion of progressive thought and practice – did in the Slavery and Justice Commission?” “If so, what will truth and reconciliation demand of us?”
Other possible concerns: • Suppose our president says something embarrassing in public as did Larry Summers at Harvard? • Suppose we stir up the kind of labor problems they have been having at Yale?
Cornell Mosaic It is possible that: celebrating diversity + advancing inclusion ≠ power-sharing
Can listen and behave without imposing your own values and assumptions on others Carries an attitude of respect when approaching people of different cultures, which entails engagement in a process of self-reflection and self-critique; Has the ability to move beyond one’s own biases Can maintain a communication style that is not based on being argumentative and competitive. Can reach shared outcomes without manipulating or wearing down others with compelling evidence. Competence in multicultural communication is being curious about the other person and seeking solutions that work across shared interests. Comfortable in asking questions when uncertain or unclear about the assumptions of an individual or group. Step 1: Cultural Competence -- Interpersonal Source: Dr. Mark Hicks, George Mason University
Step 2: Institutional Audit • Conduct an audit/inventory of what the University and/or the College of Human Ecology is doing now (for and with community, students, staff, faculty, and administrators) • Develop a plan to address each component where there are gaps.
Some examples of what Cornell is already doing: • Only Ivy League school that publishes annual statistics about recruitment and retention of students by race/ethnicity, gender, field of study • Offers summer programs to attract women and students of color into engineering, business, industrial and labor relations, and hotel management • Offering free tuition, room and board to low-income students
Step 3: Creating a vision and plan for diversity • Statement of overall intent • A clear statement of what success looks like • Clear statements about how to measure outcomes • The devotion of human and financial resources to outcomes • Stating and restating that we will not wait until things are perfect before beginning to act
Step 4: Investing in diversity Boeing Raptor http://www.boeing.com/companyoffices/gallery/ids.html
Boeing has made a business decision to: • Write a nondiscrimination policy covering sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression • Offer diversity training • Offer domestic partner benefits and parity in all other benefits incl. health, leave, retirement, insurance, etc. • Pay for transgender wellness and counseling, incl. a Gender Transition Leader • Pay for company-wide diversity councils and resource groups for GLBT employees
Step 5: Leaving an Open Seat • First ask, ”Who is missing from this decision-making table?” • Create a welcoming space for those who are obviously missing • Actively recruit those who are missing • Leave an open seat for those you don’t yet know are missing
Step 6: Be an Active (institutional and personal) Ally Against Oppression Everywhere Examples of how be an ally include: • Prohibiting the purchasing of products made in sweatshops; grape boycotts • Divesting from enterprises that oppress (e.g., South African diamonds during apartheid)
Step 7: Never Give Up • "The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Towards Justice"
Cornell Staff and Community: A Diversity Blueprint for Employment and Administrative Issues: • Connections with high schools for training, including Cornell student community service • In-house awareness training programs to raise consciousness and vocabulary • In-house mentoring of new staff
Cornell Faculty and Students: A Diversity Blueprint for Educational Issues: • Integrating diversity into curriculum, research, teaching, extension work • Efforts to achieve diversity linked to merit pay • Best practices seminars: What are University of Minnesota and University of Michigan doing right? • Recruitment and retention
Faculty Recruitment and Retention: The (Un)changing Face of the Ivy League: • The need for grad students and other employees to unionize; • The lack of recruitment for the growing number of PhDs, especially to tenure-track positions; • Unequal pay for equal work
Faculty Recruitment and Retention, continued • TIAA-CREF report: • Family-friendly institutional policies such as University of California and Princeton; • Invest in “growing your own” PhDs to supply the pipeline • Invest in post-doctoral fellowships and other institutional interventions to attract and retain faculty of color (e.g., University of Minnesota)
Faculty Recruitment and Retention, continued NYU Case Study: • Include multiple definitions of diversity in doing an assessment of the departments, courses, and disciplines where faculty are hired (e.g., are all the men in engineering and all the women in education?)
Diversity means: • Power-sharing • Radical democracy • Leaving an open seat • Being ever-vigilant • Being an ally against oppression, even when everyone around you looks like you • Being an ally against oppression, even when you stand alone