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Infertility Treatment-Other ways to become a mom

If you are having problems conceiving due to infertility there are other options for you to have baby, to achieve motherhood. Here are things that will let you know how to become a mom with your biological child.

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Infertility Treatment-Other ways to become a mom

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  1. Infertility Treatment Created & Presented By: International Fertility Centre

  2. IVF (in vitro fertilization) • IVF is considered one of the best fertility treatments in which the process involves sperms and eggs are fertilized outside the body, in a laboratory. • One the fertilization is successful now called an embryo are transferred back in the woman’s uterus for further growth. • This process of fertilization is useful for people with unexplained causes of infertility, women having blocked fallopian tube or having ovulation problems, men having abnormal or low sperm production. International Fertility Centre

  3. IUI (intrauterine insemination) • IUI is also helpful for couples when the male partner has poor sperm quality. • With IUI, gynecologists divide the fast-moving sperm from the slower ones, and then use IUI to pop them in your uterus, around the time you ovulate. • Your doctor might ask to take fertility drug in order to boost the amount of eggs you produce. • IUI may also be used as part of other fertility treatments, such as sperm donation or surrogacy. International Fertility Centre

  4. ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) • This option helps you when your male partner is struggling with infertility. • It is almost an equivalent process to IVF; however, ICSI procedure involves a single sperm and is injected directly into the egg. • This technique is gaining popularity and has become more common particularly helpful for the male partner who has low sperm production or doesn’t ejaculate any sperm. International Fertility Centre

  5. Surrogacy • Surrogacy is a buzz word to infertile couples but thanks to IVF, a surrogate mother carries a baby to term with your partner’s biological child. • Surrogacy may be an emotionally and legally complex arrangement which can be done properly by managing time, money and work accordingly. • It believes hundreds of couples the incredible joy of parenthood and having their own baby. International Fertility Centre

  6. How to get treatment International Fertility Centre, a leading super specialty in New Delhi offers all the above treatments. If you want an initial consultation with an experienced infertility specialist Dr. Rita Bakshi, Please email us your queries to rita@internationalfertilitycentre.com or fill up the query form on our website: internationalfertilitycentre.com and we will get back to you within 24 hours. International Fertility Centre

  7. Contact Us You can also come to our head office: International Fertility Centre H-6, Green Park (Main) New Delhi -110016 India Phone-9555544421/22/23 Website: internationalfertilitycentre.com International Fertility Centre

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