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Lion Brand Yarn, a family-owned business since 1878, connects knitters with innovative patterns, yarns, and communities. Sarah, a devoted knitter, shares her journey from learning to knit with her grandma to using knitting as a form of self-care and connection. The brand's website facilitates charity donations and offers a platform for knitters to showcase their creations. "The Heart of a Lion" campaign aims to highlight the deep bond between Lion Brand and its knitters, promoting the therapeutic and empowering aspects of knitting.
Knitters know Lion Family owned business since 1878 Renowned for giving help with patterns Innovative; continually producing new yarns Accessible: found in craft and specialty stores as well as super centers and discount marts and on-line Great. A quick, smart summary of a brand.
Lion knows Knitters Distributes free patterns that are on the cutting edge of fashion Creates communities both on and off line for knitters to get together Connects knitters with charities that can use knitted goods Maintains an online boutique for knitters to showcase and sell their knit goods that are made with Lion Brand yarn.
Sarah: Knitter Fantastic. You’re bringing Sarah to life. Grandma taught me to knit when I was ten. She would make lemonade and we would sit out on the porch, each of us with our project. We talked while we knit. Sometimes I would tell Grandma serious things about friends and school. Grandma never stopped knitting to ask me embarrassing questions. She was a great listener. Grandma always used Lion Brand – she trusted its quality.
Sarah: knitter Good stuff again. But I’m slightly confused. Is this the same Sarah? Or someone else? In college, I knit in order to breath. Classes, parties, the future …it could all get overwhelming. I would check out for a few hours – in the park, on my bed in the dorm, at the coffee house – and come back a little more sane than when I left (and with a pair of slippers as a bonus). A trip to the store always meant a few skeins of Lion Yarn – and one of their free project sheets.
Sarah: knitter As before. You’re starting to tell me too much. My skills have improved and I can improvise now - put my own twist on some of the patterns - but even so I don’t consider myself an artist. It is the act more than the product. The clicking of the needles transports me away from my daily grind into a fantasy world, or back to some lovely memories, or even forward to the solution to whatever problem vexing me. I’d be hard pressed to ever need another sweater, but the Lion Yarn website connects me to charities who do.
Sarah: knitter Knitting is simply a part of me. It comforts me, it renews me, it rewards me. It is amazing to me that I can pack that kind of power in a bag and tote it around with me. And it amazes me even more that this is a power that I can pass along. Lion was the first to come out with some of the new funky yarns – a perfect way to introduce knitting to my children.
Sarah: knitter OK - if this is the key point then great. It seems powerful and interesting - but did you need to tell me all that other stuff? especially as they’re now not (presumably) key points. You don’t have to tell me everything you know about these people, just the stuff I need to know. One tip - if you’re going to put in illustrative pictures - which is a good idea, try not to use getty - they’re just so obviously not real. Go to flickr or somewhere like that. Knitting is simply a part of me. It comforts me, it renews me, it rewards me. It is amazing to me that I can pack that kind of power in a bag and tote it around with me. And it amazes me even more that this is a power that I can pass along. Lion was the first to come out with some of the new funky yarns – a perfect way to introduce knitting to my children.
Power Pack • Power to connect • Power to self heal • Power to empower others
The Heart of a Lion Lion Brand Yarn already connects with knitters in many ways. Strengthen these connections by linking the stoic power of the Lion to the quiet power of knitting and those who knit.
The Heart of a Lion • Illuminate the connective power of knitting • Feature knitting groups each month on website • Share stories of recipients of knitted good donated by Lion Brand knitters
The Heart of a Lion • Highlight the calming and meditative power of knitting • Supplement with music selections • Share breathing exercises to use when you can’t knit
The Heart of a Lion • Champion the powerful legacy of knitting • Create generational groups and project ideas • Develop knitting projects that can be incorporated into school curriculum All good thoughts and all of them come straight out of the audience insights, so that’s great. I think it could maybe have been a little more pointed and focused. But only a little. Very good.