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This update provides information on the operational status of various federations in higher education, including the number of users, IdPs, and SPs. It also highlights the federation protocols used and the organization of each federation.
Refeds update TF-EMC2 Utrecht 3-Dec 2008 Mikael Linden CSC – the Finnish IT Center for Science
Research and Education Federations • REFEDS workshop on Friday… • mailing list refeds@terena.org • has a public archive • Ask Licia to join • Federation survey in the Refeds wiki • http://wiki.rediris.es/tf-emc2/index.php/Federations • publicly readable, editing needs uid/pwd • Please, keep your federation’s data up-to-date in the refeds wiki! • The following slides are based on the wiki
Federations operational in higher education Federation since # of users # of IdPs # of SPs SWITCHaai (ch) 8/2005 260 000 (95%) 35 IdPs 265 SPs DFN (de) 11/2007 40 IdPs 30 SPs WAYF (dk) 3/2008 125 000 8 IdPs 5 SPs CBIC (es) 7/2002 4 469 120 IdPs 145 SPs SIR (es) 4/2008 130 000 (20%) 13 IdPs 6 SPs Haka (fi) 8/2005 275 000 (80%) 29 IdPs 53 SPs CRU (fr) 10/2006 640 000 (45%) 42 IdPs 41 SPs GRNET (gr) 1/2007 30 000 (30%) 19 IdPs 4 SPs AAI@edu.hr (hr) 530 000220 IdPs 70 SPs SurfFederatie (nl) 11/2007 360 000 (35%) 24 IdPs Feide (no) 5/2003 180 000 (80%) 30 ”IdPs” 50 SPs UK fed (uk) 11/2006 8 000 000 496 IdPs 234 SPs InCommon (us) 2 200 000 79 IdPs 140 SPs IGTF (int) 10/2005 thousands 57 IdPs dozen In total 12 in Europe, 1 in the US, 1 international
FIM protocols in production Federation Protocols SAML2.0 status? SWITCHaai (ch) Mostly Shib 1.3 some Shib 2.x DFN (de) Shib 1.3, Shib 2.0 under preparation WAYF (dk) Shib 1.3, Guanxi CBIC (es) PAPI SIR (es) PAPI, Shib 1.3, OpenID, SimpleSAML Haka (fi) Shib 1.3 Few (2-3) Shib 2.x CRU (fr) Shib 1.3 GRNET (gr) Shib 1.3 AAI@edu.hr (hr) RADIUS+SOAP(SAML) SurfFederatie (nl) Shib1.3, WS-fed, A-select SAML2.0 (Ping) Feide (no) Moria SAML2.0 (Sun) UK fed (uk) InCommon (us) Shibboleth IGTF (int) X.509
Organisation of the federation Federation Legal format Federation bodies SWITCHaai (ch) Service by NREN advisory & technical group (homeorgs, services) DFN (de) Service by NREN WAYF (dk) Service by DTU steering group (invited by the chairman) CBIC (es) Service steering committee (libraries, RedIRIS, participants) SIR (es) Service (by NREN?) special interest group Haka (fi) Service by NREN steering & technical group (homeorgs, services) CRU (fr) Service by NREN federation coordinating group GRNET (gr) AAI@edu.hr (hr) Service by NREN board (ministry nominates), council (fed participants) SurfFederatie (nl) Service by NREN Feide (no) Service by NREN steering board (appointed by the NREN) UK fed (uk) Service by NREN InCommon (us) A separate limited liability company IGTF (int) Accreditation body for member PMAs