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Operating Room. Definition :. An operating room (OR), also called surgery center, is the unit of a hospital where surgical procedures are performed. Purpose :.
Definition : • An operating room (OR), also called surgery center, is the unit of a hospital where surgical procedures are performed
Purpose : • An operating room may be designed and equipped to provide care to patients with a range of conditions, or it may be designed and equipped to provide specialized care to patients with specific conditions.
Description: • Operating rooms are sterile environments; all personnel wear protective clothing called scrubs. They also wear shoe covers, masks, caps, eye shields, and other coverings to prevent the spread of germs. The operating room is brightly lit and the temperature is very cool; operating rooms are air-conditioned to help prevent infection. • The patient is brought to the operating room on a wheelchair or bed with wheels (called a gurney). The patient is transferred from the gurney to the operating table, which is narrow and has safety straps to keep him or her positioned correctly.
The monitoring equipment and anesthesia used during surgery are usually kept at the head of the bed. The anesthesiologist sits here to monitor the patient's condition during surgery. • Depending on the nature of the surgery, various forms of anesthesia or sedation are administered. The surgical site is cleansed and surrounded by a sterile drape. • The instruments used during a surgical procedure are different for external and internal treatment; the same tools are not used on the outside and inside of the body. Once internal surgery is started, the surgeon uses smaller, more delicate devices.
Operating room equipment : • An operating room has special equipment such as respiratory and cardiac support, emergency resuscitative devices, patient monitors, and diagnostic tools.
External wear : • Scrubs are not as common in hospitals outside of Canada and the United States. In most of Europe,[citation needed] for example, nurses and midwives mostly wear a uniform of tunic and trousers or a dress.[citation needed] Doctors tend to wear street clothes with a white coat except for surgery.[citation needed] In the UK, all NHS hospital trusts have stringent clothing policies, and many of these specifically forbid the wearing of the iconic white coat for medical staff, owing to infection control concerns. This has meant that several hospitals around the UK have opted for scrubs for staff, especially in Accident and Emergency departments. • .
As an item of casual dress, scrubs have gained acceptance outside of hospitals, for example as pajamas, workout clothing or loungewear. They are sometimes used by backpackers in an effort to reduce weight load. Large stencils with the hospital's name or logo imprinted on them (commonly on pockets or at knees) are designed to prevent theft due to their increased popularity as casual wear
What Is the Operating Room? • The operating room, sometimes called the OR or surgery center, is where surgery (say: sur-juh-ree) takes place in ahospital. Having surgery is also called having an operation. When someone has surgery, a special doctor called a surgeon (say: sur-jun) works on or inside the body to fix something that is wrong
Who Are All Those Masked People ..? • To keep the OR germ free, the people who work there wear caps over their hair and masks over their mouths and noses to avoid spreading germs. They even wear booties over their shoes! They might all look alike, but everyone in the OR has a different job.
What Happens on the Day of Surgery ..? • If you will be going to sleep for the surgery, you probably won't be able to eat breakfast. That's because having food — or evenwater — in your stomach can make it dangerous to give you anesthesia. You'll be told ahead of time what you can and can't eat or drink. After the operation, your doctor will give you the green light to eat and drink again. • You may be given some special medicine to drink just before you go into the operating room and go off to sleep. This medicine is to help make you feel very relaxed.
What's the PACU ..? • PACU stands for post-anesthesia care unit. "Post" means "after," so you can probably guess that the PACU is where you go after your operation is done. This is the "wake-up" room, and that's exactly what you'll be doing there — waking up! • A nurse will be there to see how you're doing as you wake up. Often, your parents are able to see you in post-op, so when you wake up, they'll be there. Other times, they may have to wait a while, but you'll be able to see them soon.
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