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Kitchen and restaurants guide for starters

Kitchen and restaurants guide for starters. Leonardo da Vinci – part nership. Personal hygiene. Personal hygiene – a series of rules which company employees are obliged to obey. . Why?.

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Kitchen and restaurants guide for starters

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  1. Kitchen and restaurants guide for starters Leonardo da Vinci – partnership

  2. Personal hygiene Personal hygiene – a series of rules which company employees are obliged to obey.

  3. Why? To maintain a high standard of cleanliness so that the worker should not became a source of contamination of the food.

  4. When? • Before starting work • During work • After finishing work

  5. How ? by using: • Utensils: brushes, sponges, nail-brushes, manicure kit, hair dryer, comb, etc. • Substances: soap, liquid soap, detergents, creams, conditioners, etc. • Routines: shower or bath, nail clipping, combing, etc.

  6. Hands care Wash your hands: • Before entering the work area. • After visiting the toilet. • When coming back to the work. area after the break, and before performing any operation. • After touching your hair, nose, ears, mouth and skin • After eating, smoking, coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. • After removing waste.

  7. Steps in washing your hands • Wet your hands • Use liquid antibacterial soap • Use warm water (40-450C) • Scrub both your hands and forearms • Scrub your nails with a nail-brush • Dry your hands with a dryer or using disposable paper handkerchiefs • Remove the used paper handkerchief in the waste container

  8. Nail care • Cut the nails short and keep them clean • Don’t use nail polish • False nails are not admitted.

  9. Oral, nose and ear care • Avoid coughing, and sneezing over the food. • You must not wipe your nose, eyes or ears in the work area. To do that you should use a non-reusable tissue and wash your hands after that. • Tasting the food with your finger is also forbidden.

  10. Hair care • Wash your hair as often as possible. • Bind back and completely cover your hair using an adequate bonnet or scarf • Comb and brush your hair only outside the work area.

  11. DON’TS • Do not wear jewellery such as rings, bracelets, necklaces or watches • Smoking and chewing gum is forbidden

  12. DON’TS • Do not handle food if you don’t have a proper bandage on your wounds • Avoid coughing, sneezing and speaking over the food

  13. Staff wellness Can be determined by: • a pre-employment medical examination • periodical medical checkups • a daily epidemiological examination (checking and self-assessing of signs and symptoms of illness )

  14. Measures in case of illness • Any scratch, bite or cut must be properly protected with bandages and gloves to avoid contact with food. • In case of contagious diseases, conjunctivitis, dental abscesses, skin infections and wounds, gastrointestinal diseases, the worker may not work until she/he fully recovers. • In case of respiratory tract infections you should use disposable masks.

  15. Did you know? • Failure to follow a personal hygiene is a risk both to the consumer and to the worker • On a square cm of skin there are 8 milion bacteria. • Simply washing your hands with water reduces by half the number of diseases transmitted by microbes

  16. The Team Ciorogar Andrei Drumas Alexandru Tanase Brenda Micu Andrei Lazar Teodora

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