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DegreeWorks: Zero to Sixty in Six Months

Learn about the implementation of DegreeWorks at Cañada College and San Mateo Community College District. Find out the top reasons to have DegreeWorks and the steps for successful implementation.

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DegreeWorks: Zero to Sixty in Six Months

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  1. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Robin Richards Vice President, Student Services Cañada College Eric Raznick Director, Information Technology Services San Mateo Community College District

  2. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months What We’d Like You to Know… Some Good Reasons for having Degree Works The Top Five: What to Have in Place for a Successful, Quick Implementation A Few Technical Areas to Be Addressed

  3. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Background on Who We Are… Skyline College, College of San Mateo and Cañada College with 27,000 students Live with Student, Fin Aid, HR payroll and Finance. We do not use Luminus Live with CAPP for Years (multi-year project)

  4. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Questions for the Audience… 1. How many of you: Currently Use Degree Works Bought Degree Works & Haven’t Implemented Have Not Purchased Degree Works

  5. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Questions for the Audience… 2. What might be some “barriers” to implementing Degree Works?

  6. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Why have Degree Works? Accurate Degree Audits Student Educational Plan Ease of Use/Student & Staff Friendly! Flexibility and Options The Look

  7. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Old Degree Audit (CAPP)

  8. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months

  9. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Why we made the change from CAPP to Degree Works Direction from Board to provide better counseling tools Perception that students did not receive consistent counseling advice Need for Online Ed Plan Desire for Student/Staff-friendly software (that they would use!)

  10. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months The Top Five: What to have in place… #1 Create the Right Teams Degree Works Steering Committee: VPSS (3), Deans of Counseling (3), A&R Dean (1), IT Support (2) Role: To make key business decisions about implementation Degree Works College Implementation Teams Scribers (A&R) and Counselors Roles: To make decisions about look/feel

  11. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months The Top Five: What to have in place… #2 Meet regularly to: set timeline align business practices & maintain momentum

  12. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months … meeting regularly to set timeline & maintain momentum Excerpt from Board Presentation: January 2011 What is the Timeline for Implementation? June 2011 for the Pilot Test and Fall 2011 for Go Live October Identify Committees; Load Software November Initial Steering Committee & Conduct Kick-Off Meetings Dec - Feb Data Entry /Scribing; Conduct monthly meetings March - April Campus data entry training; Plan for Pilot May – June Go-Live Training & Go-Live Pilot Fall 2011 Live with Degree Works

  13. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Degree WorksKick-Off Orientation Thursday, November 11, 2010 About 50 participants representing all three colleges Introductions Building on our Past Work Organization – Degree Works Steering Committee and College Implementation Teams Your Role in this Process Background on Degree Works at SMCCCD Difference between Banner Degree Audit and Degree Works Timeline for Implementation Demonstration of the Degree Works Program Discussion of Some Implementation Questions… Scribing Roles (Entering information into the system) Transcripts from other colleges External Exams (e.g. AP, etc.) Prerequisites How far back to go

  14. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months … meeting regularly to align business practices CAPP Implementation: Align courses (prerequisites & units) Consistent processes New Decisions: Goals and Majors (consistent & updated) Catalog Years (how far back & student’s year) Program Lists Scribed back four catalogs (2007-08)

  15. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months The Top Five: What to have in place… #3 Allocate Sufficient Staff Time and Technical Assistance Hired SIG & Consultant scribed first year College staff did the rest – isolated in room with their colleagues from other colleges Hired “subs” to backfill Three scribers (one per campus): THE REAL HEROES OF THE PROJECT!

  16. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Sample “SCRIBE” Block

  17. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months The Top Five: What to have in place… #4 Gain Campus Support Be excited about the project Focus on what students need Involve the counselors in the design of screens Assure A&R “time to scribe” each year

  18. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months The Top Five: What to have in place… #5 Be Careful with the Roll-Out Piloted with counselors for several months Tested with students Addressed concerns quickly Conducted FLEX workshops at all colleges

  19. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Had pilot over summer with select counselors. Showed product to students in a couple of counseling courses.

  20. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Technical Areas Addressed Decided to have DW login from SSB. Works well! Project involved web services, DBA and Banner student experts to make DW more user friendly Made modifications to SSB to collect updated goal and major data The DegreeWorks “What If” module very powerful but needed some local changes. Did not restrict options to be consistent with college and degree

  21. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months

  22. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months

  23. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months

  24. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months IGETC – “top”

  25. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months IGETC – “bottom”

  26. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Our Next Steps Created team to bring up Education Plan with Go Live Spring 2012 Start collecting incoming academic history and input articulation rules (big project!) Evaluating Treq vs. Banner

  27. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months

  28. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Real Student Feedback: I like how it shows you the classes you have already taken and the classes you will need to take. It really helps you plan out your SEP so that you are ready to get a degree here at Skyline and transfer out into another University. I like the "what if" section the best. It gives students the  opportunity to look at other majors and transfer choices.   …knowing which classes I have left to complete. Shows me all the classes I need to take to reach my goals and gain my degree. Makes me feel less lost. 

  29. DegreeWorks - Zero to Sixty in Six Months Thanks! Robin Richards richardsr@smccd.edu Eric Raznick raznick@smccd.edu

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