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Finance and Credit in Australia (1)

Finance is a broad term that describes activities associated with banking, leverage or debt, credit, capital markets, money, and investments. Financing is the process of providing funds for business activities, making purchases, or investing. The Financial Information Service helps you make informed decisions about your finances. Everyone has aspirations and a goal that needs financing. We can help you with that<br>

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Finance and Credit in Australia (1)

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  1. Finance and Credit in Australia The Financiers Association of Australia is a professional association established in 1934 for people and companies involved in finance and credit within Australia. We are recognised as one of the industry’s specialist representative bodies on matters related to finance and credit management. We aim to be a stable, advanced, informative and inclusive association. We produce up to date information on legislation and compliance, aimed at improving your knowledge. The FAA aims to objectively educate, train and inform its Members in matters of compliance, training and law and to make available communication and networking with other like associations to better the outcomes of all Members and the finance industry. www.faaustralia.com.au admin@faaustralia.com.au 0477 318 699 P O Box 929, Oxenford, QLD

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