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Intercultural Understanding. s uzi.bewell@york.ac.uk www.twitter.com/suzibewell www.petitepipelette.wordpress.com www.tinyurl.com/frenchblog www.tinyurl.com/germanblog. www.globallanguagesysj.pbworks.com 50+ free resources French / Spanish . Centre for Global Education, York
Intercultural Understanding suzi.bewell@york.ac.uk www.twitter.com/suzibewell www.petitepipelette.wordpress.com www.tinyurl.com/frenchblog www.tinyurl.com/germanblog
www.globallanguagesysj.pbworks.com50+ free resources French / Spanish Centre for Global Education, York UNIVERSITY OF YORK ST JOHN T: 01904 876839 E: cge@yorksj.ac.uk
Écoles du monde – MILAN PRESSE Ecoles du Monde PPT
A l’ école – MetzoDjatahhttp://tinyurl.com/youtubeecolesong Petit amiveutaller a l’ école (x2) Savoir et pouvoir Choisirlibrement son avenir Savoir et pouvoir Construirelibrement son devenir Liberté, égalité Apprendre, comprendre, se dépendre Liberté, égalité Apprendre, comprendre, pour répandre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn_7JyFwez8
Spontaneous Pupil voiceWhat do pupils make ofvideo conferencing? 39pupils – 95 positive remarks 45% of those positives came from boys (average of 4 positive comments each!!!) Your thoughts about today’s Skype lesson & Ideas for the future
I have never been to France and it made me feel like I was in France • Really interesting to see how good French pupils could speak English • It was really fun and exciting to talk live to people over in France • I liked it because they congratulate us and we do the same • It was really cool – I want to do it again • The webcam issensational and a great idea, lots of fun.
We could go to France and see our friends …and the cats • Can we write letters to the French kids and hope they reply • We could have some plays and sing more songs • We could do the shopkeeper scene with them • We could do a dance for them • Show them our art work • I think we should sing in English and they sing in French and we can see if we understand what they are saying ‘WOW! A REAL LIVE AUDIENCE FOR CROSS- CURRICULAR AND COLLABORATIVE WORK’
Where to find out more: http://tinyurl.com/josepICTMFL Technology in MFL – A Practitioner’s Perspective http://www.linksintolanguages.ac.uk/resources 10 minute guides – Intercultural Understanding