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It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all of you gathered here. My name is Hanna Majdanik and I’m an engineer. I have been working for ZSET since 2003, what makes me very proud. Today we are here to discuss one of the most important issues in the European Union-Women in men’s professions.
It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all of you gathered here. My name is Hanna Majdanik and I’m an engineer. I have been working for ZSET since 2003, what makes me very proud. Today we are here to discuss one of the most important issues in the European Union-Women in men’s professions.
I’d like to share with you my story.To begin with, I should get back to the times when I was a kid and was supposed to be a little princess, which I wasn’t. At least my parents thought I was. But I really wasn’t keen on princesses, dolls or fairy tales. For a short time I wanted to be a vet but most of the time I played with cars trying to repair them.
It was Christmas time when me and my sister got two different presents: she got beautiful, big doll, I got five cars. I was really happy but my sister was disappointed, because she claimed that I got more presents than she did.
The truth was, that her doll was much more expensive than my five cars and to get the doll our father had to spent two nights waiting at the shop’s door, because at those times it wasn’t easy to get anything. But I got something what I really desired and this made a difference.
So since my early childhood ,my interests in cars continued and even got stronger. Then, at the age of 15, I had to face my first choice and decide which school should I go to . I have chosen ILO-type of High School where you get general education but you cannot get a profession.
You may want to ask: Why am I here? One day I have found an article in the local newspaper about innovative educational trends,it was a revolution in the technicalfields, which were offered by my school, called “Kolejówka”. New fields were opened: telecommunications and ICT.After a discussion with my parents I decided to change my future carrier plans. And that’s the way I am here.
Then I have graduated fromTechnical University in Poznań and finally returned to my favourite school, but this time I was a teacher.I was very happy that I comeback, I havealwaysfeltwellhere.
My previous Headmaster ,Mr.Maćkowiak, was really satisfied because of my return to school. He said: „I amdelightedthatourgraduates want to work with usand share their knowledge with next generations.”So far, only men used to teach those typically men’s vocational subjects. That’s why, he also believed that it is going to be profitable to have full-time teacher, who is a woman and what’s more, teaches vocational subjects.
I still remember surprised faces of the other teachers when I entered Teachers’ Room and they saw a young woman. But they have neverlaughed at me, just the opposite, always served with an advice and a good word. I have neverregretted my decision. Today I know, that I would choose this again.
Woman’s social role is not only looking after family or cleaning the house. I have got my own family, lovely little daughter and I share my households with my husband, who is a musician and is my opposite. I think it is a good thing because we fulfil each other.
So girls don’t be afraid or shy . Do not avoid challenge, you need to develop your skills and passion. If you feel like being a technician or you are interested in production, engineering, take your chance and prove that you can be as good as men are. Remember good education is a priority.
On the 1st July in the American Embassy in Warsaw participantsdiscussed and exchangedPolish and American experiences in projectswhichaimis to promotewomen and girls sector of modern technology and education in the fields of ICT and telecommunications. It iscertainly a milestone in youreducation and career.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to anyoneinvolved in the creation of thisproject. The CAT and Leonardo foundationdeserve the gratitude for creating and implementing a newapproach to the world. We truly appreciate your dedication.
Youreducationcanaffect the stimulation of economicgrowth and creatingnewjobs in whichwomenwilloccupy the top positionsorwill be working in the manufacturingindustry.
Our country and probablymanyotherneedsyourhelp in abolishingbarriers. Thisis the challenge for you - justbecome the Polishleaders of the revolution in the internationalindustry.
Youare a group of young, ambitious, hardworking and enthusiasticwomenwhoare not afraid to takemattersintotheirownhands. Keepit up. Just such a zeal and determinationneed Poland from the nextgeneration.
Poland is one of the besteducated, the most enterprisingand creativesocieties in the world. Poland hasbeenable to boastfemalerepresentatives of science, womenwhowerecarryingenlightenment and openedminds.
Go with yourideas to others, surrenderthem to criticism and learnhow to presentyourideas. Youcanalsobuild a successfulcompany and create the career of yourdreams. I wishyougoodluck. Thankyou for yourattention;) Hanna Majdanikś