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Research and Educational Projects at CIST. Roumen Nikolov, Iliana Nikolova, Krassen Stefanov Sofia University. SU - Educational and Scientific Centre of the Country. Over 35,000 students 80 Bachelor’s and over 200 Master’s degree programmes Over 3000 teachers and researchers
Research and Educational Projects at CIST Roumen Nikolov, Iliana Nikolova, Krassen Stefanov Sofia University FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
SU - Educational and Scientific Centre of the Country • Over 35,000 students • 80 Bachelor’s and over 200 Master’s degree programmes • Over 3000 teachers and researchers • Very important role for the development of the country • Challenges: economic and social changes, new models of education, new role of universities, brain drain • European Space of Higher Education • Sofia University –to become aNational and Regional Centre of High-Technologies, Innovations and Entrepreneurship FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
PHARE EU Framework Programme 6 INCO – Copernicus Leonardo da Vinci Socrates, Minerva EU Framework Programme 5 … and Other Bilateral Cooperation Programmes in the frame of which we develop projects FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
More than 40 eLearning related projects • 6 (out of 10) projects from Sixth Framework RTD Programme • 7 (out of 15) projects from Fifth Framework RTD Programme • 5 (out of 7) projects from Fourth Framework RTD Programme (INCO COPERNICUS) • Almost any other RTD project has an eLearning component • Many other national and international eLearning related projects - Internal at Sofia University, Ministry of Education and Science, EC (PHARE, Socrates - Minerva, Leonardo, Comenius), World Bank, Industrial, Bilateral with other Universities, etc. FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
6FP NoE Project KALEIDOSCOPE “Concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with digital technologies”, • 6FP IP Project TENCOMPETENCIES: Building The European Network for Lifelong Competence Development (under negotiations) • 6FP STREP Project UNITE: Unified eLearning Environment for the School (under negotiations) • FP6-2004-IST-NMP-2 PRIME “Providing Real Integration in Multi-disciplinary Environments” • 6FP SSA Science.and.Society.7 Project PARCEL “Participatory Communication Activities on E.Learning” • FP6 SSA 016020 ATVN-EU-GP “Academic Internet Television Showcases the Best of Good Practice Activities” • 6FP IP Project GUIDE “Creating an European Identity Management Architecture for eGovernment”, http://www.guide-project.org • 6FP BulRMCNet “Bulgarian Network of Research Mobility Centres” • 6FP Project E4: Extended Enterprise Management in Enlarged Europe (under negotiations) • FP6 MOBILITY-2004-SSA REKS “Researchers in European Knowledge Society” FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
5FP IST-2002-5.1.15 (2002-2005) MECITV Project: “Media Collaboration for Interactive TV” • 5 FP IST Project "DIOGENE: A Training Web Broker for ICT Professionals" - http://www.diogene.org/ • 5 FP 2001/C 321/17 (2002-2005) GEM-Europe Project: “Global Education in Manufacturing” • 5 FP IST Project "WebLabs: new representational infrastructures for learning", http://www.weblabs.eu.com • 5 FP IST-1999-20852 (2000-2002) "Best Practice Pilot for the Promotion and Implementation of Teleworking Tools at European SMEs of the Service Sector (PROTELEUSES)" • 5FP Innovation and SMEs IPS-2001-41103PROMOTOR+ Project: “Collaborative Validation and Transfer of Regional Support Measures for Start-ups and Growth in Five NACs Regions“ • 5FP IPS-2000-056 (2001-2003) EIM – CEE Project: “Euro Innovation Manager – Central and Eastern Europe” FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
5 FP IST-1999-21148 (2000-2002) "Best Practice Pilot for the implementation of Integrated Internet Based Remote Working Places for Virtual Teams developing their work at SMEs (IWOP)" • 5 FP IST-1999-12646 (2000-2002) "A Picture of Social Observation of Call Centre (TOSCA)" - http://www-it.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/tosca/ • 5 FP IST-2001-32790 (2001-2002) WG-ECUA+: European COTS Working Group Extension - http://www.esi.es/ecua/ • 5 FP IST-2001-34488 (2002- 2004) EXPERT Project: “Best Practice on E-project Development Methods” • 5 FP IST-2001-37460 COCONET “Context Aware Collaborative Environments for Next Generation Business Networks” • 5FP IST Project EUNITE - EUropean Network on Intelligent TEchnologies for Smart Adaptive Systems - http://www.eunite.org/ • 5 FP IPS-1999-950097 (2001-2002) INNOCONS: Increasing The Awareness On Innovation In The European Construction Sector - http://www.innocons.org • 5FP IST-02-8-1B (2002-2003) AFORO Project: “Agro-Food Roadmaps. A vision and work plan to implement future RTD trends for the transformation of agri-food industries into digital companies” • 5 FP Innovation and SMEs Thematic Networks, BIGEAR NET Thematic Network on Stimulation of Business Innovation and Growth from Exploitation of Academic Research" FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
6FP project Kaleidoscope “Concepts and Methods for Exploring the Future of Learning with Digital Technologies” Kaleidoscope- a Network of Excellence which brings together European teams in technology-enhanced learning. Its goal is to integrate 76 research units from around Europe, covering a large range of expertise from technology to education, from academic to private research. altogether, it is a community of more than 800 researchers in 23 countries which have joined in their efforts to develop new concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with digital technologies. FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Kaleidoscope Activities • Backbone ActivitiesAcademy-Industry Digital Alliance Advanced Training Institute Shared Virtual Laboratory Virtual Doctoral School Users Group • European Research Teams Computer-based Analysis and Visualization of Collaborative Learning Activities (CAViCoLA)Computer-Supported Scripting of Interaction in Collaborative Learning EnvironmentsConditions for productive networked learning environmentsIntegrating Collaborative, Inquiry and Experiential Learning (CIEL)Learning and Technology at WorkPhilosophy of Technology Enhanced LearningProduction of educational formatsTechnology enhanced learning in mathematics FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Kaleidoscope Activities (Cont) Jointly Executed Integrating Research Projects Digital Language Learning: An Integrated PerspectiveLearning Patterns for the design and deployment of Mathematical GamesTechnology enhanced public spaces for intergenerational learning (La Piazza)Special Interest Groups Artificial Intelligence and educationComputer Support for Collaborative LearningComputer Supported Inquiry LearningLearning GRIDNarrative and Learning EnvironmentsCompleted activities - Jointly Executed Integrating Research ProjectsBuilding Visual Interactive Blocks for Tangible MathematicsConditions for productive learning in network learning environmentsInteraction & Collaboration Analysis' supporting Teachers & Students' Self-regulationMobile Support for Integrated LearningPersonalised and Collaborative Trails of Digital and Non-Digital Learning ObjectsSemantic Web and E-LearningImpact of technology-enhanced learning on rolesand practices in Higher Education FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
TENCompetence Project • Development of an European 'Infrastructure' for lifelong competence development • Develops and integrates new pedagogical & organisational models for lifelong competence development • Infrastructure is based on integrated open source components • To be used by any individual, school, team or organisation to develop competences • Project doesn't start from scratch, but build on existing methods, open standards & open source tools FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
TENCompetence data • EU IST–Technology Enhanced LearningIntegrated Project • Web site: www.tencompetence.org • 4 years: December 2005 – December 2009 • Substantial Pilots: • training for digital movie production • continues training for health care workers • UNESCO-IHE water management Nile region • Antwerp lifelong learning city • Building a growing network of associated partners FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
PRIME - Providing Real Integration in Multi-disciplinary Environments The main objective of the PRIME project is to give business professionals in strategic manufacturing a Learning Environment where they can experiment with new ideas and learn how to handle the entire life cycle of products and processes for all stakeholders of the organization. PRIME proposes to achieve this by enhancing current work environments with a new paradigm based on the creation of a Virtual Business Environment (VBE) using technologies from the field of virtual environments and serious gaming. A serious game consists of applying the engagement factors of gaming within work environments. One of the most successful forms of virtual environments is the flight simulation used as an integral part in the training of aviation pilots. FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
PRIME Learning Anywhere and Anytime FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
WebLabs Project: http://www.weblabs.eu.com/ • WebLabs: New Representational Infrastructure for e-learning • Partners:Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, UK. • BG team: Teaching staff and PhD students from Sofia university; Researchers from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Teachers; Children; Parents/Grandparents • Goals:Creating virtual laboratory and a community of young learners, teachers and researchers to explore collaboratively mathematical and science phenomena • Educational aims: • Young children from different countries to learn and explore mathematics and science topics through virtual collaboration with peers, teachers and researchers worldwide • To evaluate learning in a context where the community’s ideas are being expressed through specially designed instruments - dynamic web reports FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
WebLabs’ achievements • Collaborationin mathematics and informatics context at various levels • Making knowledge, traditionally considered as difficult and unattainable for young children, accessible, interesting and meaningful for them • Implementing the constructionist approach in ToonTalk context • Symbiosis between web collaboration, visual programming and mathematical modeling • Creating a new culture of communication and collaboration FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
IDWBL - 'Innovative Didactics via Web Based Learning”, a Minerva projecthttp://www-it.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/idwbl/ FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
IDWBL ProjectOctober 2005 – 30 September 2006 Innovative Didacticsfor Web-Based Learning • Participants_ NL, LT, PL, SQ, and BG • Objectives: • To train (via a cascade approach) teacher educators and secondary school teachers – by using a specially developed Methodology and instruments - in developing Web assignments and applying web based learning with their students • To produce a database with assignments for at least 5 school subjects in English and in the national languages • To evaluate the proposed and implemented web-based teaching and learning model in terms of effectiveness, added value, sustainability and transferability • To disseminate the project outcomes to national educational policy-makers and the wider national and European communities of educators FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Summary of the approach • Course leaders from each country are trained by the coordinating institute • Each course leader uses a translated version of the manual to trainteacher educators (5 per country) • Each teacher educator trains 5 teachers • Each teacher applies materials for web based learning to students. During the training process each trainee develops assignments, which are peer reviewed and after revisions stored in a data base. During this process, a large number of assignments are developed, which can be used and/or adapted by the registered users of the data base Some assignments are later allocated to students to work on them in class FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
I*Teach – Innovative Teacher, a Leonardo Project- http://i-teach.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/ FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Partners: 8 partners from 7 countries (BG, DE, IT, LT, NL, PL, RO); • Focus: Enhanced ICT skills and Soft Skills • Objectives: To develop practical methodologies, approaches and tools for: • day-to day • utilization of enhanced ICT skills • by teacher trainers and teachers • in their professional practice. • Target groups: teacher trainers in ICT; Teachers and Trainers in ICT related subjects from vocational schools; • Expected results: • Methodological handbook, • Teacher training curriculum, • Pilot training, • On-line content repository, • Virtual Training Centres. FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
ReDisInfoIST re-qualification of disabled persons Leonardo da Vinci Programme CZ04BF NT-168025 http://www-it.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/redisinfo FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
ReDisInfo - about project • Aims: To develop training materials for teaching information technologies and to perform training to disabled people • Target group: disabled people who already have some qualification and need to be re-qualified for using ICT. • Consortium: Universities and NGOs from Czech Rep., Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Bulgaria. • Results: 5 ODL courses for disable people • Duration: 2004-2007 FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006 http://www-it.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/redisinfo
Courses • Basic Computer Literacy • Using the common function of a personal computer, its operating system and possibility for communication via Internet. • Office applications • Using the based functions of office applications and create simple documents. • Web applications • To learn how to create simple web pages and Internet sites. • Digital Images • To create and modify digital images in different formats. • Advanced Office • To use advanced options of Office applications in single and networked computers. FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006 http://www-it.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/redisinfo
eLearning at Sofia University- practicing what we preach FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Basic Data – eLearning at FMI, Sofia University • Experience –12 years • More than 60% of the courses in Computer Science at MSc level are in eLearning format • Teacher Training • ARCADE – a LMS platform developed at FMI • Extending the eLearning experience • eLearning based industrial training initiatives FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Regional Cisco Academy FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
eLearning Perspectives Emerging Technologies for Learning FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Trends • Semantic Web in eLearning • Personalisation of (e) Learning • Mobile learning • Ambient Technologies in Learning • Computational modeling and advanced human-computer interaction solutions • Virtual social networks • Broadband, broadband home FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
A tendency Shift from being digital consumers tobecoming digitalproducers and publishers. Needs for new instructional strategies FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Example: M-Learning See: Get Mobile (http://www.getmobile.org), M-learning website (http://www.mlearning.org).) M-learning new tools that tutors canadd, combined as required, to their teaching resources. Some of these tools are: • SMS (text messaging) as a skills check, or for collecting feedback • audio-based learning (iPods, MP3 players, podcasting) • Java quizzes to download to colour-screen phones • specific learning modules on PDAs • media collection using camera-phones • online publishing or blogging using SMS, MMS (picture and audio messages), cameras,email and the web • field trips using GPS and positional tools. FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006
Thank you for your attention! FMI Conference, 8-10 July, 2006