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Data Access WebService for W7-AS

Data Access WebService for W7-AS. S. Jakob , T. Bluhm, A. Werner. Unified Data Access Interface. MDS+ Service. MDS+. MDS+. Service Oriented Architecture ( IBM‘s Redbook on SOA Foundation ). WebService Technology. Server Side. User Side. WSDL file. Building the client code:.

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Data Access WebService for W7-AS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data Access WebServicefor W7-AS S. Jakob , T. Bluhm, A. Werner

  2. Unified Data Access Interface MDS+ Service MDS+ MDS+

  3. Service OrientedArchitecture(IBM‘sRedbook on SOA Foundation)

  4. WebService Technology Server Side User Side WSDL file Building the client code: Stub Compiler: WSDL -> Source Code Compiler: Source Code -> Executable Running the client code: Executable: Run Service request: SOAP Message Server Function: Run Service response: SOAP Message

  5. Self Description: WebService Contract WSDL Definitions <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions name="w7x" <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xsd:complexType name="CoilInfo"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Units" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element> <xsd:element name="minCurrent" type="xsd:double"></xsd:element> <xsd:element name="maxCurrent" type="xsd:double"></xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Windings" type="xsd:int"></xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> ... </wsdl:types> <wsdl:message name="getCoilDescriptionResponse"> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CoilDescription"></wsdl:part> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType name="FunctionsW7XPortType"> <wsdl:operation name="getCoilDescription"> <wsdl:input message="tns:getCoilDescriptionRequest"></wsdl:input> <wsdl:output message="tns:getCoilDescriptionResponse"></wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> ... </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding name="FunctionsW7X" type="tns:FunctionsW7XPortType"> <binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /> <wsdl:operation name="getCoilDescription"> <wsdl:input> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> ... </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:service name="PlainW7XService"> <wsdl:port name="IppHgwPort" binding="tns:FunctionsW7X"> <soap:address location="http://validator1.ipp-hgw.mpg.de:30000/ipp/w7x/mhd"> </soap:address> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> </wsdl:definitions> Data Types Messages Operations Protocol: typ. SOAP Service location

  6. Data Access Genericschemefordataretrieval: 1. Data setisdivided in time intervals withconstantconfigurationW7-AS: shots 2. These intervalsaresubdividedinto time intervalswithconstantparameters segments, W7-AS: timerbursts 3. Segments maybesplitintoseveral databoxes W7-AS: onlyonedata box per segment

  7. Client Programming (C#.NET) Add servicereference(menuentry) Retrieve WSDL Generatestubs Usestubfunctions client = newDataAccessClient.codac.DataAccessPortClient("UDAS"); DataAccessClient.codac.Reference w7asdb = client.open();

  8. Diagnostic/Module Selection codac.ParameterSet[] selectors = newDataAccessClient.codac.ParameterSet[1]; selectors[0] = newcodac.ParameterSet(); selectors[0].name = "dataset"; codac.Parameter[] parms = newDataAccessClient.codac.Parameter[3]; parms[0] = newcodac.Parameter(); parms[0].name = "diagnostic"; parms[0].value = "BDOK"; parms[1] = newcodac.Parameter(); parms[1].name = "module"; parms[1].value = "MIR-354"; parms[2] = newcodac.Parameter(); parms[2].name = "channels"; parms[2].value = "1,3"; selectors[0].parameter = parms; client.select(w7asdb, selectors);

  9. Time/ShotSelection & Data Retrieval long from = client.tagToInterval("56358"); longto = from + (long)1e9; DataAccessClient.codac.ConfigurationInterval[] shots = client.getConfigurationIntervals(w7asdb, from, to); foreach (codac.ConfigurationInterval shot in shots) { DataAccessClient.codac.SegmentInterval[] segments = client.getSegmentIntervals(w7asdb, shot.ID, 0); foreach (codac.SegmentInterval segment in segments) { for (int i = 0; i < segment.nslices; i++) { DataAccessClient.codac.TimeBasedDatadata = client.accessData(w7asdb, i, shot.ID, segment.ID, selectors[0],true); System.Console.WriteLine("Data length = " + data.data.Length); } } } client.close(w7asdb); Important, only 5 servicesrunningsimultaneously!

  10. StructureofTimeBasedData Time vector (tobeconvertedfrombyteto int64) Data vectors Units areemptyfor W7-AS Namesare just channelnumbers Endianess, on standard PC noconversionrequired Dimensions: numberofsamples numberofchannels Base type ofdatatobeconvertedto (double, short, …) W7-AS uses double Size ofbase type public partial classTimeBasedData { publicbyte[] timestamps; publicbyte[] data; publicstring[] channelunit; publicstring[] channelname; publicDataDescriptordataDescriptor; } public partial classDataDescriptor { publicboollittleEndian; publicint[] dimension; publicDataDescriptorBaseTypebaseType; publicintbaseTypeSize; } Byte arrayto double arrayconversion tobecodedindividually!

  11. MatLaband IDL via Java Examplebeforehasbeenbuiltusingthe WSDL solely Java clientisavailablefordirectuse in Java codes, MatLaband IDL MatLab %% -------------------------- Defineimports ------------------------------- importde.mpg.ipp.codac.services.commondataaccess.client.*; importde.mpg.ipp.codac.services.commondataaccess.client.selector.*; importde.mpg.ipp.codac.services.datatypes.*; importde.mpg.ipp.codac.util.converter.NanoTime; %% ---------- Initialisationofthewebserviceconnection ------------------ service = DataAccess('UDAS'); service.open; …

  12. Status • Generic WS interfaceworksnowfor W7-X, W7-AS andNetCDF • Interface to MDS+ isunderdevelopment • Service isrunningwithacceptabletransferrates: > 4 MB/s • Itis not accessiblefrom outside yet • Plans • Server setup + helppages in DMZ within 1-2 months • Foraccessplease send an email toandreas.werner@ipp.mpg.dewith IP addressesorsubnetsforfirewallconfiguration • The requestor will be registered astheresponsiblecontactperson • Anypublicationsthatuse W7-AS datahavetobeagreedby IPP

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