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Student Off-Campus Activities Health and Safety. The objective is to enable students to undertake off campus activities safely. . Off-Campus Activities within the U.K. Please inform relevant university contact of your activities for the day and your contact details.
Student Off-Campus ActivitiesHealth and Safety The objective is to enable students to undertake off campus activities safely.
Off-Campus Activities within the U.K. • Please inform relevant university contact of your activities for the day and your contact details. • If visiting a company ensure that you are familiar with their H&S procedures. • Be polite and courteous at all times. • If you feel unwell or you are involved in an accident during your chosen activity notify your university contact ASAP. • Carry a list of emergency contacts with you.
Off-Campus ActivitiesStreet Safety • Don’t carry large amounts of cash. • Be alert and brief when using a mobile phone in public. • Avoid confrontation with others walk away if being provoked or hassled. • Don’t use bags that advertise the name of a laptop use a plain carry bag. • If possible try to avoid working alone. • Where possible use public transport or a reputable taxi company. .
Off-Campus ActivitiesStreet Safety • Do not accept drinks from strangers or leave drinks unattended. • If you feel that you are being followed move quickly to a public place and telephone for help. • When using a cash point be aware of other people in the vicinity. Avoid using ATM’s at night. • If out late at night arrange to contact someone at a designated times through out the night.
Student Placements U.K.Employer’s duties • Ensure your health, safety and welfare whilst undertaking your placement. • Employers must deliver an Induction which should include the following; • Welfare facilities • Fire and emergency procedures, • First Aid arrangements • H&S information including instruction, training and adequate supervision where appropriate. • All hazardous activities must be risk assessed.
Student Placements Employee’s (students) duties U.K. • Your duty is to work safely, not to put yourself or others at risk by your actions or omissions. • Report hazards, injuries or illness to employer and MMU. • Observe safe systems of work, safety procedures, risk assessments at all times. • Do not misuse anything provided for H&S purposes. • Whilst at your placement your employer is responsible for your H&S. • Away from your placement your H&S is your responsibility. • Ensure that you maintain regular contact with your placement co-ordinator.
Student Placements out of U.K. The following safety advice will be useful • Be aware of security and take sensible precautions • Leave jewellery and valuables at home where possible. • Only carry money for the day • Keep passports and important documents in safe place • Where possible use photo copies of important documents • Be aware of local scams • Keep abreast of local issues of the area you are visiting • Do not get involved in drug abroad the penalties abroad can be extremely severe
Student Placements out of U.K. Cont • Do not enter into situations that could be risky • Make a note of the following addresses and telephone numbers • British Embassy • British High Commissioner • British Consulate • Keep in regular contact with family, friends tutors. • Always inform a reliable person of your itinerary • Dress and behave appropriately • Respect local laws and customs
Student Placements out of U.K. The following websites will provide good, detailed information for students travelling out of the U.K. • www.who.int/ith/en World Health Organisation. • www.hpa.org.uk Health Protection Agency. • www.fco.gov.uk Foreign and Commonwealth Office. • www.nathnac.org National Travel Health Network. • www.dh.gov.uk/travellers Department of Health. It is your responsibility to ensure that your vaccinations are up to date for the country you are visiting. If you are taking prescription medication ensure that you have enough for your trip and it is legal to take them into the country you are visiting
Student Placements out of U.K. • It is your responsibility to ensure that your vaccinations are up to date for the country you are visiting. • Obtain medical advice through your GP. • If you are taking prescription medication ensure that you have enough for your trip and it is legal to take them into the country you are visiting. • Your course provides you with the opportunity to undertake a placement, please ensure that you follow information provided to ensure you safety whilst on you placement
Student Placements • Whilst on your placement please remember that you are an ambassador for the university. • Please ensure that your actions are not detrimental to the university in any way. • Not all country’s that you visit have the same health and safety standards as the U.K.