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AHMEDABAD l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 72 Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits the stall during the inauguration of ‘Defence Expo 2020’, in Lucknow on Wednesday. —PHOTOS BY PTI UP, TAMIL NADU TO BECOME GRAND DEFENCE MANUFACTURING CORRIDORS: PM MODI Lucknow: Prime Minis- ter Narendra Modi on Wednesday said two grand defence manufacturing corridors were being built in UP and Tamil Nadu to help the defence sector as ond is being built in UP . ing on India’s future plan to strengthen defence the offset sector and guide- lines have been made more flexible, Modi said: “These changes would help the In- dian industry take a bigger role in the world supply chain. World’s top defence manufacturers will now get more competitive Indi- an partners.” PM also said that the “wrong use of technology , terrorism threats” are big hurdles for entire world. The main theme of this year’s event is ‘In- dia: The Emerging De- fence Manufacturing Hub’ and the focus will be on ‘Digital Transfor- mation of Defence’. As many as 1028 compa- nies have registered for participating in this year’s event, as against 702 in the DefExpo 2018. The number of participating foreign companies have also in- creased to 172 from the pre- vious figure of 160. well as other smaller busi- nesses in the regions. “Two grand defence corridors are being built today here in India. One is in TN, while the sec- This will not only help the defence sector but other smaller businesses in the regions as well,” said PM here at the De- fence Expo 2020. Stress- sector, said at least 25 products associat- ed with artificial he and cyber intelligence in the de- fence sector will be devel- oped in the next 5 years. He said aspirations and abilities of 21st century India are being well-por- trayed at this Expo. PM said India is targetting to export defence of Rs 35,00 crore in next five years. “In 2014, the export of defence of India was about Rs 2000 crore. In the last 2 years, India has exported defence worth Rs 17,000 crore. In the next 5 years, we’re tar- PM Narendra Modi interacts with the exhibitor during the inauguration of ‘Defence Expo 2020’ in Lucknow on Wednesday. geting to take the num- ber to Rs 35,000 crore,” he said. “Till 2014, only 217 defence licenses were issued. In the last 5 years, this number has grown to 460,” PM added. He asserted that India is building several de- fence types of equip- ment like artillery guns, aircraft carriers, subma- rines, light-combat air- craft, and combat heli- copters. “People who understand and defence know that India is not just a mar- ket, but a huge opportu- nity as well,” he said. Underlining that several changes have been made in economy —ANI CM Rupani thanks PM Modi for Ram Temple trust, IIIT at Surat Haresh Jhala during the tenure of Narendra chief minister he de- veloped a concept of sectoral universities and so the state has universities like GFSU, PDPU, National Law University, Raksha Uni- versity, Maritime Uni- versity, these all uni- versities are class universities at- tracting faculties from across the nation and the world. Prime Minister’s new gift to Gujarat in form of IIIT will add another feather in the cap of the state and will make a destina- tion of studies and will attract students not just from across the nation but from across the globe. CM Rupani is in Del- hi since Monday is cam- paigning for the party candidates contesting assembly Where Rupani has ap- pealed to voters to vote for BJP candidates so that Gujarat model of development can be im- plemented in Delhi too. plore their future in campus at Surat. Surat is the hub of Synthetic Diamond, Zari, Chem- ical, Petrochemical, Petroleum and Gas sector. Now the IIIT coming up in Surat will inspired entre- preneurs to invest in information and tech- nology sector as they will get ready engi- neers for the sector and will not have to look to other states for candidates. He remembered that He said that by mak- ing the announcement, Prime Minister Modi has respected the belief of crores of Hindus. Since decades Hindu’s were waiting for this day . CM Rupani pressed that the new generation is infor- mation and technolo- gy savvy. In South there is a regional engi- neering college, this will provide huge scope for youths of South and Central Gujarat to ex- Modi as Gandhinagar: Chief Minister Vijay Rupa- ni and his govern- ment have thanked Prime Minister Nar- endra Modi and Cen- tral Government for selecting Surat to set up Indian Institute of Information Technol- ogy (IIIT). He also thanked Prime Minister Modi for constituting a trust for Ram Temple struction. Textiles, ex- world elections. Gujarat the con- CM Vijay Rupani campaigning for the BJP candidate in Rajouri Garden area in Delhi on Wednesday.
TALKING POINT 02 AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia I t maybe 2020 but Bob Marley is still a well known face and name, whether it be his music or his infamous ro- mance with the recrea- tional side of the indus- try, its a name you can’t not recognize. Who Bob Marley was, is best summarized by Jimmy Cliff “The first thing I noticed was he had a thing with words. He put emphasis on words more than melody. He was more like a poet. I really liked three of the songs, and for me, those three songs summed up who he really was. “Judge Not” was a song about your individuality as a person. Who are you to point the finger at me without knowing who I am? I have a right to who I am. He always went through life like that. The other song was “Ter- ror,” about people terrorizing people, which was something he was against. And the other song was “One Cup of Coffee,” a love song. That summarized his revo- lutionary side, his individualis- tic side, and his love side. The combination of all those songs made him who he was.” Marley was born on February 6, 1945, in Nine Miles, Saint Ann, Ja- maica, to Norval Marley and Cedel- la Booker. His father was a Jamai- can of English descent. His mother was a black teenager. He started his career with the Wailers, a group he formed with Peter Tosh and Bunny Livingston in 1963 and married Rita Marley in February 1966. It was she who introduced him to Rastafarian- ism. By 1969 Bob, Tosh and Liv- ingston had fully embraced Ras- tafarianism, which greatly influ- ence Marley's music. The Wail- ers collaborated with Lee Scratch Perry, resulting in some of the Wailers' finest tracks like "Soul Rebel", "Duppy Conquerer", "400 Years" and "Small Axe." This brought the Wailers' music to the attention of Chris Black- well, the owner of Island Records who immediately signed the Wail- ers and produced their first al- bum, "Catch a Fire". HAPPY HAPPY WORLD SETS STAGE TO THANK THE REGGAE LEGEND FOR SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE SONGS OF ALL TIME BOB BOB LEAVING AN IMPRINT ON THE WESTERN WORLD In 1976, in England "Exodus" was produced, and it remained on the British charts for 56 straight weeks. This was followed by another suc- cessful album, "Kaya." These suc- cesses introduced reggae music to the western world for the first time, and established the beginning of Marley's international status. TRIVIA Marley was awarded the International Peace Medal by the African delegation to the United Nations in 1978. He was also an offi cial guest at Zimbabwe’s independence celebration two years later, the only foreign artist to get the invitation, an honor Marley was quoted as saying was the highest he’d ever received. MARLEY, MARIJUANA, AND RELIGION Bob Marley did not use cannabis recreationally and did not see its use as a casual matter. He viewed marijuana as a holy rite, much as Catholics view Holy Communion or some Native Americans view the ceremonial usage of peyote. View- ing himself as a holy person (as do all Rastafarians), Marley strongly believed that marijuana opened up a spiritual door that allowed him to become the artist and poet he was. Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be all right One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain INJURY WHICH RESULTED IN UNTIMELY DEATH In 1977 Marley consulted with a doctor when a wound in his big toe would not heal. More tests revealed malignant melanoma. He refused to have his toe amputated as his doctors rec- ommended, claiming it contradict- ed his Rastafarian beliefs. Others, however, claim that the main rea- son behind his refusal was the pos- sible negative impact on his danc- ing skills. The cancer was kept secret from the general public while Bob continued working. Returning to Jamaica in 1978, he continued work and released "Sur- vival" in 1979 which was followed by a successful European tour. 1980’s was a time of great success for Mar- ley , and he started an American tour to reach blacks in the US. He played two shows at Madison Square Gar- den, but collapsed while jogging in NYC's Central Park on September 21, 1980. The cancer diagnosed earlier had spread to his brain, lungs and stomach. Bob Marley died in a Miami hospital on May 11, 1981. He was 36 years old. None but ourselves can free our minds His posthumously released anthology collection “Legend” is one of the highest selling “greatest hits” recordings by a solo artist. His albums are in the process of digital remastering and are being re-released with additional material such as alternate versions and unused demos. TOP SONGS Three little birds Could you be loved Is this love Buffalo soldier Jamming Redemption song No woman, no cry One love Stir it up THE GOOD OL’ TIMES Former US President Barack Obama got a tour of the Bob Marley Museum from staff member Natasha Clark in Kingston, Jamaica on April 8, 2015. SOURCE: IMDB, ROLLING STONE, SPOTIFY
AHMEDABAD l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 72 JAIPUR PIPED 36 NOMINATIONS DURING 43RD SESSION OF THE UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE, WHICH WAS HELD IN AZERBAIJAN LAST YEAR. JAIPUR ENTERS UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES Ashok Gehlot @ashokgehlot51 Delighted and proud that #Jaipur has got @UNESCO Heritage Certifi cate. I dedicate the honour to people of the Pink City and state. Jaipur is one of the most well planned and beautiful cities of the world. Let us preserve the heritage of the capital city. TRACK READY FOR TEMPLE RUN PM announces trust for construction of Grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya THE 15 TRUSTEES Week to exercise all legal remedies: HC to Nirbhaya convicts Court also refuses Centre’s request to hang the convicts separately K Parasharan: Senior advocate of the Supreme Court. Represented the Hindu side in the Ayodhya case for 9 years. stone in the Ram temple in 1989. A trustee nominated by the Board of Trustees, who is a Hindu. Jagatguru Shankaracha- rya Swami Vasudevanand Saraswatiji Maharaj (Praya- graj): Shankaracharya of Jyotish Peeth at Badrinath. A trustee nominated by the Board of Trustees, who is a Hindu. Mahant Dinendra Das: Head of Ayodhya meeting of Nirmohi Akhara of Ayod- hya. Will not have the right to vote in trust meetings. Jagatguru Mad- hwacharya Swami Vishwa Prasannathirtha Ji Maharaj: 33rd Peethadheeshwar of Pejawar Math lin Udupi. A representative nominated by the central government, who will be a Hindu and an IAS offi cer under the central govern- ment. This person shall not be below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Govern- ment of India. Will be an ex-offi cio member. Yugpurush Parmanand Ji Maharaj: Head of Akhand Ashram Haridwar. New Minister Modi on Wednesday announced in Lok Sab- ha the formation of a trust to construct a Ram Temple in Ayod- hya as directed by the Supreme Court in its landmark verdict in the Ram Janmabhoo- mi-Babri Masjid case in November last year. Making a statement in the lower house soon after the meeting of the Union Cabinet, Modi said, “We have readied a scheme for the devel- opment of Ram Temple in Ayodhya. A trust has been formed, it is called ‘Shri Ram Janambhoo- mi Teertha Kshetra.” Since Parliament is in session, the gov- ernment decided to inform the House on the important deci- sion taken by the Cab- inet. The prime minister said that after the ver- dict on the Ram Janma- bhoomi issue came out, the people of India displayed re- markable faith in demo- cratic processes and procedures. Delhi: Prime Narendra New Delhi: The con- victs in the Nirbhaya case will get one week to exercise all their legal remedies, after which the trial court will begin pro- ceedings for their execution, the Delhi High Court said to- day , settling the Cen- tre’s petition against the indefinite freeze on execution placed by the lower court. The judges, however, refused to hang the convicts separately, which was also part of the Centre’s re- quest. “Delhi Prison Rules do not say that if mer- cy petition of one con- vict is pending, the execution of the other convicts can place,” said Justice Suresh Kait, who was hearing the case. “Since upto the Su- preme Court, their fate has been decided by a common judg- ment, I am of the opin- ion that death warrant of all convicts should be executed together and not separately,” the court added. “I’m glad that the PREZ REJECTS CLEMENCY PETITION President Ram Nath Kovind has rejected the mercy petition of Akshay Kumar Singh, one of the four men facing the gallows in the 2012 Nirb- haya gangrape and murder case, Home Ministry offi cials said on Wednesday. Singh fi led the mercy petition before the president a few days ago. Swami Govind Dev Giri Ji Maharaj: Conducts discourse of Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and other mythological texts. MPs greet PM with Jai Shri Ram slogans The moment PM Modi entered the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, BJP MPs greeted him with “Jai Shri Ram” chants making it evident that it is the announcement of Ram Mandir Trust formation. The MPs were waiting in anticipation as the chief whip of the party in Lok Sabha late last night asked them to be present in the house. A representative nomi- nated by the state govern- ment, who will be a Hindu and an IAS offi cer. Vimlendra Mohan Pratap Mishra: Descendant of Ayodhya royal family. Social servant and member of the Ramayana Mela Sanrakshak Samiti. The Collector of Ayodhya District will be an ex-offi cio Trustee. Should be follower of Hinduism. If the collector is not a Hindu, then the Additional Collec- tor (Hindu) of Ayodhya will be an ex-offi cio member. Dr Anil Mishra, Homoe- opathic Doctor: Originally a resident of Ambedkarnagar, Anil is a famous homeopa- thy doctor of Ayodhya. Shri Kameshwar Chau- pal, Patna (SC Member): The Sangh has given Kameshwar the status of Karsevak at fi rst. Laid the fi rst brick of the foundation The Board of Trustees shall appoint the Chairman of the matters relating to the Ram Temple develop- ment and administration. Must be a Hindu. High Court has set a time limit for the pro- cess. The convicts have been delaying it, now it has to done within a week,” Nirbhaya’s mother told reporters. Vinay Pawan Gupta, Muke- sh Singh and Akshay Singh - convicted for the shocking gang- rape and murder of a 23-year-old paramed- ical student dubbed Nirbhaya by the me- dia in Delhi in 2012 - were to be executed on February 1. Sporting a saffron muffl er, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing formation of the temple trust in the Lok Sabha in New Delhi on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY PTI One of trustees to be Dalit, says Shah UP govt allots five acres of land to Waqf Board 25-km from temple site take Sharma, 18 kilometres from the district headquarters and 25-km from the tem- ple site, state govern- ment spokesperson Shrikant Sharma told reporters. The decision was tak- en at a cabinet meeting chaired by Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday morn- ing. The home minis- ter’s statement comes a little over an hour after Prime Minister Narendra Modi an- nounced in Lok Sab- ha about the constitu- tion of the trust. “There will be 15 trustees in the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust out of which one trus- tee will always be from the Dalit society ,” he tweeted. Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government on Wednesday allot- ted five acres of land in Ayodhya district to the Sunni Central Waqf Board as direct- ed by the Supreme Court. The land is in Dhannipur village in tehsil Sohawal in Ayodhya on the Lucknow high- way, about New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday announced that the Shri Ram Janmab- hoomi Kshetra, set up by the government for construction of a temple in Ayodhya, will have 15 trustees and one of them will be from the Dalit commu- nity . Teertha Turn on P5 Uttar Turn on P5 ‘EC NOD NOT NEEDED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT’ Election Commission on Wednesday said its ap- proval was “not required” for the government to announce the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra trust. Responding to questions on whether the government required a clearance from the poll panel to announce the trust as the model code was in place in Delhi, a EC spokesperson said the nod was “not required”. CENTRE MOVES SUPREME COURT AGAINST HIGH COURT ORDER The Centre and the Delhi government Wednesday moved the Supreme Court challenging the Delhi High Court’s order rejecting the government’s plea against staying the execution of the four December 16 gangrape-murder case convicts. Turn on P5 Turn on P5 CONVICTS WILL BE HANGED SOON: LAW MINISTER PRASAD TELLS LS Law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad assured Lok Sabha that the convicts will be hanged soon. “We are very strict…justice will be given to her. Convicts will be hanged soon,” Prasad said in Parliament on Wednesday. Personal property of directors of I-T defaulting firms may be auctioned Rajkot Income Tax Department for the first time invoked Section 179 to recover tax dues tached the personal as- sets of directors Naresh Patel, Bhavesh Patel and Manish which included a Hero Honda motorcycle and one Activa scooter, be- sides gold and silver ornaments. The items were auctioned Wednesday giving re- covery of Rs 1.05 lakh. “This was the first phase of initiation of harsh action were mov- able properties were at- tached. We have further given 30 days time pe- riod to pay the demand. the recovery but failed. By making use of Sec- tion 179, the directors of the company can be made liable for the pay- ment of the demand from the company. Till now no actions were taken for auctions us- ing this section. The section says that if the company bankrupt or goes into liquidation, it is the per- sonal liability of the directors to pay on be- half of the company .” By the virtue of this section, Tinwala exer- cised powers and at- Tinwala under the su- pervision of Chief I-T Commissioner Ravindr- akumar Patel and Princi- pal Commissioner Niraj- kumar. Tinwala claims, “This is for the first time in entire India that this section was used for auc- tion and recovery .” Speaking to First In- dia about the entire op- eration, Tinwala said,” A demand of Rs 55 lakh was outstanding from Rudra Technocast Pri- vate Limited based in Shaper since 2013-14. We made continuous ef- forts for three years for Patel, Masuma Bharmal Jariwala limited company on Wednesday after the company failed to pay around Rs 55 lakh. The Section imposes liabilities on every di- rector of a private com- pany for recovery of tax dues, should the same is not recoverable from the company . The entire operation was carried out by the tax recovery Taher Shk Saifuddin Rajkot: Sending strong signals to directors of defaulting private lim- ited companies, for the first time in the history of Income Tax Depart- ment, the Rajkot I-T de- partment has made use of Section 179 of the Income Tax Act and seized auctioned per- sonal property of three directors of a private on becomes officer Turn on P5 Income Tax offi cials during the auction.
GUJARAT AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 Surat Infant dies after consuming ‘medicine’ A person claiming to be a ‘doctor’ prescribed meds 04 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia AMC keeps information on ‘corrupt’ officials under wraps RTI query was about specifics like the exact fine charged according to designations Gargi Raval First India News SHEER NEGLIGENCE Ahmedabad: In De- cember 2019, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation served charge-sheets to 23 of its own engineers in irregularities in road resurfacing work in 2017. The civic body also imposed a fine of Rs 2 lakh on the additional engineers slapped fine of Rs 1 lakh on a retired engineer. However, Right to Information (RTI) query was filed to know the amount of fines slapped on the engineers along with their names the civic department’s wel- fare-cum-labour officer had refused this infor- mation claiming that “personal details” can- not be asked “As a mat- ter of right”. The RTI query was about specifics regard- ing the exact charged according to Guj has 49,973 AYUSH practitioners: MoS Shripad Naik First India News Surat: A 4-month-old girl died after consum- ing medicine meant to treat dengue and ma- laria in Limbayat area of the city on Monday night. Kishori, who had been sick, was brought to the New Civil Hospi- tal by her parents for treatment. According girl’s mother Esme, she and her husband Muke- sh Patil, a salesman by profession, their baby girl to the hospital to get medical assistance. A person claiming to be a ‘gov- ernment doctor’ met with them and pre- scribed the anti-den- gue-malaria drug for the child’s malady. He allegedly gave the drug to the parents for a sum of Rs120. The child was then administered the drug by her parents at home; following this, she start- the (AMC) The baby who died and her parents. PANIC ATTACK and also to the when a brought —PHOTO BY HANIF SINDHI An example of the city’s bad roads. conducting required su- pervision, not main- taining records.” said Dinesh Sharma, leader of the opposition at AMC. “Due to this, hundred crores loss was born by the AMC and now even under RTI it has not re- vealed information. It seems either the penal- ty has not been levied or someone is them,” added Sharma. guilty by the vigilance department and there is nothing personal about the fine.” “The BJP-run AMC had delayed inquiry in the corruption matter. Because of the corrup- tion of BJP’s favourite officers, the citizens had to pay. How come the fine amount on the officers a personal mat- ter? They were charged with irregularities, not regarding amount and irregulari- ties were already re- vealed in media the day the fines were slapped, “So how come this is a piece of personal infor- mation.” Johar Vora, Congress Secretary in the AMC, said the offic- ers were fined because they showed negligence in their duties. “The of- ficers failed to do their duty. They were found Eunuch attacked, robbed by rivals penalty ever, doctors have as- sured the parents of the child that money charged medicine was not for any government vac- cination programme, as claimed by the ‘doctor’. Parents of the child have lodged a com- plaint with local police and the body of the de- ceased infant has been sent for post-mortem. designations. At pre- sent, a retired judge is conducting a detailed inquiry in it. However, Deputy Mu- nicipal Commissioner Arjav Shah told First India that “Information pertaining to property is personal informa- tion, but fine slapped on any officer by the de- partment is not person- al.” Another senior of- ficer said information ed crying profusely. This prompted mother to breastfeed her. When the child did not wake in the morn- ing, the worried couple rushed to the hospital where the doctor declared the in- fant dead. The person responsi- ble for the prescription of the drug has been identified as a govern- ment employee. How- detailed her for the on-duty saving fine Woman molested in Nava Vadaj First India News First India News group of people came out from an auto-rick- shaw and injured her leg, hand and chin. The complainant claimed that abused and threatened them, apart from steal- ing around Rs15,000 in cash and a gold chain. The victim’s sister said, “It is a territory issue. They (the group) have attacked us in the past too. We had even filed a complaint back then, to no avail.” The victim was ad- mitted to a city hospital for treatment. NO LOVE LOST Ahmedabad: In a turf war between two gangs of eunuchs, a 27-year- old from Vastral filed a complaint bridge police station against six persons. In the complaint, the vic- tim Sejal Pavaiya stated that she was allegedly robbed and attacked by six people namely Im- ran, Faizan Liyakat Kazi, Zahir, Chhota Za- hir, Akram and Raju. In the past, territory disputes between differ- ent groups of eunuchs also they A Ahmedabad: 19-year-old woman filed a complaint with Vadaj police station, accusing her brother-in-law of molesting her and as- saulting her husband. According to the com- plaint, the woman was at her home on Tues- day evening when her brother-in-law Harshad Parmar requested her to be home because he was planning to visit her with his sister. Police sources say Parmar made his sister leave the house to pur- chase water. When Par- mar was alone with the woman, he allegedly groped her and tore her dress. The woman tried to escape from his grip and screaming. As neigh- bours gathered to see what had happened, the woman, the accused escaped. The woman formed her husband and mother-in-law about the incident. As per the complaint, the woman’s husband went to meet the accused and his uncle to talk about the matter, in person. at Ellis- Ahmedabad: Out of 8 lakh AYUSH practition- ers (doctors) registered with the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Na- turopathy, Unani, Sid- dha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) across India, 49,973 practitioners are from Gujarat. MoS Shri- pad Yesso Naik, Minis- try of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Siddha and Homeopa- thy, supplied this infor- mation when tioned by MP Parimal Nathwani in the Rajya Sabha. Naik also point- ed out that with regard to the number of AYUSH hospitals, Gujarat ac- counted for 64 out of a total of 4,035 spread across India. The state is ranked at number eight in terms of AYUSH hos- pitals, while UP with 2,316 accounted for more than half of the total number of AYUSH hos- pitals in India. Further- more, out of 49,973 AYUSH practitioners in the state, the largest number stands at 26,716 for Ayurveda, another eunuch BIG NUMBERS sister in Ambawadi. The victim was collect- ing alms on Tuesday morning with her sister Kamini Pavaiya and brother Sunil when, a 3 injured in LPG blast in Vesu swords, injured them as well as robbed them of their jewellery and mo- bile phones. The 27-year-old com- plainant lives with her have been common in the city . As per the com- plainant, the group of six eunuchs allegedly attacked another eu- nuch group with Unani, Gujarat High Court allows ‘research donation’ First India News scrutiny of accounts, it was revealed that Th- akkar had claimed de- duction under section 35(1)(ii) by claiming that the expenses incurred were towards a donation. On appeal, the Com- missioner of Income Tax (Appeals) had de- leted the disallowance. A division bench com- prising of Justice JB Pardiwala and Justice Bhargav D Karia while upholding the judgment ques- First India News of the lower appellate authorities remarked that “ the facts of the present case remain that the amount of do- nation was transferred to Herbicure (Thakkar’s company) through a bank channel and there is no evidence that the same was returned back in cash. The Herbicure Foundation has con- firmed that the amount has been utilized for sci- entific research.” his neighbour Vinod Goswami, 32, who tried to get the fire under control. The situation got out of hand and caused burn injuries to Shah and his wife Jy- otsna and Goswami. The injured were rushed to the New Civ- il Hospital for treat- ment. Goswami, who saved the life of Shah’s three kids remains critical and under ob- servation. started 22,930 are Homeopathy practitioners and Unani accounted for 327. Of the 64 AYUSH hospitals located in Gujarat, 42 are for Ayurveda, 16 for Homeopathy and 6 for Naturopathy . As per the National Health Policy, AYUSH is to provide comprehensive set of preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilita- tive services. Ahmedabad: The Guja- rat High Court has per- mitted expenses curred by a Thakkar Govindbhai Ganpatlal, on a donation made through banking chan- nel used for scientific purposes. The case of the assessee was selected for scrutiny assessment and notice under section 143(2) was issued and served to Thakkar. After Surat: A family of three was injured in an LPG blast in Vesu area of the city on Wednes- day. As per the fire bri- gade, the incident took place at a house in an affordable housing fa- cility. One of the vic- tims, Pravin Shah, 42, took to flame when a family member tried to ignite the stove. Shah then sought help from in- in- GUP SHUP WHEN BUDGET IS NOT A PROBLEM! W Sabarmati ward of local civic body AMC has suddenly become the centre of attention. Generally, the maximum budget allocated for infrastructure work to any given ward of the AMC is Rs5 crore. But, gossip suggests that roads in the Sabarmati ward are being given an extreme makeover at the cost of Rs22 crore! This number is four times more than the budget allocated to any other ward. A few senior offi cials even believe that the civic body may spend upto Rs45 crore on Trump’s visit. There is a saying in Gujarati, which may go well with this development, “Kona baap ni Diwali che?” DHANDHA HAI, PAR GANDA HAI C constantly in touch with hospital offi cials, inquiring about the number of patients who have contracted the virus and the number of suspected cases. The staff at the hospital learned that a few traders had been making rounds at the hospital to sell masks for patients and their families. With seemingly no concern for patients, the traders look more interested in raking up business and selling masks. The reason why inquires about the number of patients are being made is to be at the ready to pounce on hapless victims. TO CALL OR NOT TO CALL? W a sweet voice asking you, “How can I help you?”, will it not throw you a bit? When you explain that you wish to speak to an education offi cer or counsellor, the person on the other side will calmly explain the situation to you. The reason for all the confusion is that any number which starts with 181 or ends with 181, it will automatically be diverted to the women’s helpline. What’s more interesting is that all mobile numbers of the education department’s website start with 18181 and 11011. So, when you call, beware that it is a coin toss on where you will connected! oronavirus has spread globally. In the city, an isolation ward has been prepared at the Civil Hospital for Corona patients too. A number of people have been ith US President Trump’s impending visit to Gujarat, the hen you call the district education offi ce, and you hear BUGGED? Or is it the grapevine... . First India begins a column that brings to you gossips or tete-e-tete from the corridors of power MAKING MOOLAH, ONE THREAT AT A TIME L the borrower to repay the amount? In a bizarre incident, a prisoner named Riyaz Ismail Dal aka Rushi Rasik Thaker of the Rajkot Central Jail in Popatpara area of the city called a borrower and threatened him with dire consequences, if he did not pay the amount owed. The borrower claims to have paid the entire amount with interest. But that did not deter Riyaz aka Rushi from threatening him to pay more interest. This may just be a case of vasooli taken very seriously, eh? oan sharks threatening people for payment of interest and loan amount is common, but, what does one say when a prisoner calls from jail and threatens
GUJARAT AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 05 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia RMC SEALS 170 UNITS, GETS `1.78 CR IN A DAY Premises of Big Bazaar and Pantaloons, among the units sealed for tax default New medical body AHNA formed Ahmedabad: In a bid to collectively raise their voice against is- sues and problems faced by them, medi- um, as well as large hospitals and nursing homes in the city, have come together to form the Ahmedabad Hospi- tals & Nursing Homes Association (AHNA). One of the most im- portant objectives of the newly formed body includes revising rates offered by insurance companies to member hospitals. According to the association, the rates are too low, which make it unfeasi- ble for hospitals to of- fer quality assistance to patients. The asso- ciation will also seek to get the govern- ment’s approval for the opportunity for is- suance of new licenses as well as renewal of licenses. In order to deal with shortage of skilled paramedical staff, the body also plans to arrange train- ing programmes. Case likely against Sau univ prof Masuma Bharmal Jariwala Masuma Bharmal Jariwala BIG TARGETS Rajkot: In a major crackdown on tax de- faulters, the Rajkot Mu- nicipal Corporation on Wednesday around 170 properties and recovered amounting to a whop- ping Rs 1.78 crore in a single day . Among the big play- ers whose properties were sealed included renowned retail chain Big Bazaar and Panta- loons, Dynamatics Forging India Limited and Navdurga Commu- nity Hall. Speaking to First In- dia, Assistant Commis- sioner (Tax) Haresh Kagathara confirmed, “We have sealed the premises of Big Bazaar and Pantaloons, along with a total of 170 units who have defaulted in making timely pay- decided to send the clip to the Directorate of Forensic Sciences (DFS). The professor will stay suspended until the DFS reports are received. We are also inclined to take the matter to the police and seek in- vestigation by the cy- bercell and hand over the investigation to a committee consisting of a retired judged.” Zala was immedi- ately suspended and his chamber sealed af- ter the audio clip went viral on social media. The matter was also given to women sexual harass- ment cell for investi- gation but it gave clean chit to Zala as no official complaint was lodged. Rajkot: about a blot on the reputation of Sau- rashtra University, the syndicate on Thurs- day unanimously de- cided to inform the police about the viral audio clip in which professor and head of the sociology depart- ment Haresh Zala is allegedly heard de- manding sexual fa- vours from a female student who wanted to pursue a PhD degree at the department. Vice Chancellor of the university Nitin- kumar Pethani told First India, “Consider- ing the prestige of the university is at stake, the university syndi- cate has unanimously Considered sealed tax The RMC sealed various commercial establishments and made a recovery of Rs 1.78 crore in a single day. —PHOTO BY HANIF SIDHI Rajkot is divided into three zones, comprising a total 18 wards. Among the industrial units sealed in ward number 15 are Agon Pumps, Kranti Engineering, three units of Dynamic Forging Ind Limited, Meera Foundry and three units in Sajanand industrial area. Pantaloons 39,36,370. “This year we are taking the toughest measures and actions,” Kagathara added. Meanwhile, latest re- ports coming in stated that seals of Big Bazaar and Pantaloons were later opened after they made necessary pay- ments to the civic body . at Rs comparison to the last year target. So far, the RMC under the current target has already re- covered a total of RS. 160.25 crore. Currently, the civic body is target- ing defaulters above Rs 1 lakh. The tax amount pay- able by Big Bazaar stood at Rs 97,70,530 and ments despite remind- ers and notice period. “ Kagathara also revealed that, “Very soon, we are going to auction 24 properties. This should set an example for time- ly payment of taxes.” The RMC has kept a target to recover Rs. 248 crore by March, which is Rs 3 crore more in anti Schools asked to get certified under RTE First India News Cong MLAs build pressure on govt on farmers’ issues First India News Woman files dowry case against husband, in-laws First India News amendment. Rajkot District Edu- cation Officer (DEO) K D Bagada told First In- dia that he has issued notices to 523 private schools asking them to file these applications in time. “If the school man- agement does not follow procedure, the depart- ment can take action against them,” he said, adding, “Each school has to maintain state government standards in the interest of stu- dents. For instance, there should healthy and supportive environment to aid stu- dents’ growth and devel- opment. in-laws. claimed that her hus- band insisted that he wanted these items to start a business in the city. In her complaint, the woman further stated that her husband would beat her up and verbal- ly abuse her too. He used to call her ‘short and mentally unstable’. The woman claimed that her in- laws even kicked her out of their house three months ago. Navrang- pura police filed the complaint and have started investigating the case. She also Rajkot: The Right to Education Act (RTE) gives all children the same right to a decent education. To ensure that children, even those from below the poverty line, get a certain level of all-round education, all schools in the state have to be certified by the government’s educa- tion department. This certification is imperative to check that the schools have ade- quate infrastructure, playgrounds, and fire- safety equipment as per the new rules and norms of the RTE Two A Ahmedabad: Congress MLAs have written multiple letters to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani highlighting the plight of farmers. Patan MLA Kirit Pa- tel asked CM to release water for irrigation. “Farmers in my con- stituency need water for the Rabi crop. Bore- wells are not viable as they only get electrici- ty for eight hours a day. I have requested the government to provide water until the season ends,” he told. Meanwhile, Dhoraji- Ahmedabad: 30-year-old woman ap- proached Navrangpura police and filed a com- plaint against her hus- band and her in-laws, over a dowry demand and charges of domes- tic violence. The complainant, a psychology student at an institute in the city, says the accused have been allegedly harass- ing her for Rs15 lakh for dowry ever since they got married in March 2018. The wom- an filed a case against her husband Kazim Shaikh, father in-law Mohamad Nazir Shai- kh and mother in-law Raziyabanu Shaikh. The woman also has an 11-month-old daughter. The woman said that they would also keep asking her father to buy a two-wheeler vehi- cle and laptop for her also —PHOTO BY HANIF SIDHI Offi cials at a groundnut godown. tomorrow but more than 2,000 from my constituency have not yet received any update after apply- ing online,” Vasoya said. Upleta Vasoya has requested that the government extend its deadline for procuring groundnut at minimum support price. “The deadline is MLA Lalit farmers be a Guj Textbook Board all set for new academic timetable First India News FROM PG 1 PM announces... “I salute the 130 crore peo- ple of India,” he said. “Let us all support con- struction of a grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya,” he said, amid “Jai Shri Ram” slogans from treasury benches. The Supreme Court had directed the government to form the trust within three months and the deadline was ending on February 9. Modi said in India, be it Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis or Jains, everyone is a part of one “broad family”. “Development take place for every mem- ber of the family . Our gov- ernment is moving for- ward with the mantra of ‘sabka sath sabka vikas’ so that everyone is happy ,” he said. Seeking to emphasise the importance of the an- nouncement, Modi repeat- ed twice “Aayee Aayee” (Come come) before urg- ing all members to sup- port in one voice the con- struction of the Ram Tem- ple. Modi said after the ver- dict on the Ram Janmab- hoomi issue came out, people displayed remark- able faith in democratic processes and procedures. I salute the 130 crore peo- ple of India. It has also been decided to transfer 67.703 acre land to the trust, he said, adding the Uttar Pradesh government has agreed to give five acres of land to the UP Sunni Wakf Board as directed by the Su- preme Court in the Ayod- hya matter. trust has been formed, it is called ‘Shri Ram Janam- bhoomi Teertha Kshetra.” The Supreme Court had directed the government to form the trust within three months and give five acres of land to the Sunni Central Waqf Board. The deadline was ending on February 9. Saurashtra and Kutch. “ This is a strong message to the directors of the de- faulting private limited companies”, Nirajkumar said. ACADEMIC YEAR TIME-TABLE Gandhinagar: The Gujarat State Board of School Text- books which controls the sup- ply of textbooks for school- kids studying under the state board claims to be ready for the new academic year. This comes on the heels of the state government’s announcement to follow Central Board of Secondary Education’s aca- demic timetable from the next academic year. In wake of this develop- ment, “the state board affili- ated schools academic year for 2020-21 will begin this April 20 and summer vacation will begin from 1st May and school will reopen in June,” said Vinod Rao, Secretary for Primary and Secondary Edu- cation. One of the biggest challenges that the board faces is to ensure that text- Week to... But the trial court post- poned the execution in- definitely after a second convict, Vinay Sharma, filed a mercy petition before President Ram Nath Kovind. As his ap- peal was turned down, another convict, Ak- shay Singh, filed his mercy plea. The Centre contended that the convicts were working in tandem, using every possible loophole to delay the execution. “The accused are trying the patience of the nation. Such delays will shake the faith of people in the ad- ministration of justice,” Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said, asking that the execution of the two convicts who exhausted all the legal options be carried out. The four convicts, along with two others -- one of them a minor -- had at- tacked the gang-raped the young woman and tor- tured her with an iron rod in a moving bus on the night of December 16, 2012. Class Education days (Min) One of... Shah congratulated Modi “for such an unprecedent- ed decision” that strength- ens social harmony . The home minister said the trust will be indepen- dent to take every deci- sion related to the temple and 67 acres of land will be transferred to it. “I fully believe that the waiting of millions of people for centuries will be over soon and they will be able to pay obeisance to Lord Shri Ram in his grand temple at his birth- place,” he said. 1 to 5 200 UP govt... “The state government had sent three alterna- tives for land to the Cen- tre. This one was accepted by the Centre and state cabinet has approved its allotment. There is good transportation facility to reach here and communal amity and law and order are also good,” Sharma added. Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi announced in Lok Sabha the formation of a trust to construct a Ram Temple in Ayodhya as directed by the Su- preme Court in its land- mark verdict in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Mas- jid case on November 9 last year. Making a statement in the lower house soon after the meeting of the Union Cabinet, Modi said, “We have readied a scheme for the development of Ram Temple in Ayodhya. A 6 to 8 220 9 t0 12 240 Buddhists, the year 2020-21 will increase by 12 days. While, the number of education days will get an increment of 24 days in the academic year 2021-22. According to HS Limbach- ya, Deputy Director (produc- tion), GSSTB, the board had been fully prepared for the change in the academic sched- ule long before the announce- ment was made. books are printed ahead of the reopening of schools post vacation. Previously, the aca- demic year cycle followed by the state board commenced in April and ended in June. Rao added that the changes to schedule have been made to meet the minimum education days criteria. With new aca- demic time table in effect, the number of education days for must Personal property... In the second stage, im- moveable properties of the directors, including houses and land will be done,” said Tinwala, who conducted all the three auctions in a single day . According to available information, there are around 250 private limited defaulting companies in
PERSPECTIVE 06 AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia HUMAN - ANIMAL CONFLICT... WHO IS THE REAL VICTIM? Forest areas are increasingly decreasing and there seems to be a tug of war for land IN-DEPTH $5 TN ECONOMY DREAM HANGING ON DEFEXPO P rime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of turning India into a $5 trillion economy got a major push with the inauguration of the 11th Defence Expo in Lucknow on Wednesday. With defence ministers from 30 countries and 1026 manufacturers of defence equipment from the country and abroad pre- sent at the show, it is being touted as Asia’s biggest. For the host state Uttar Pradesh, a laggard otherwise, nothing could be bigger than this. The DefExpo, which is being held for the first time in UP to showcase it as a big ticket investment destination, has the objective of doubling India’s defence exports from Rs 17,000 crore at present to Rs 35,000 crore in the next five years. To achieve the goal the Prime Minister visualizes India and UP as the hub of defence manufacturing. Underlining a positive trend in this direc- tion, the Prime Minister pointed out in his inaugural speech that the number of defence licences issued in the last five years has gone up from 410 to 460 and that the country now has the capability to produce aircraft carri- ers, submarines, artillery guns, besides other military hardware. The success of DefExpo is as vital for the $5 trillion economy dream as it is for the growth of Uttar Pradesh, which is a drag on India’s economy . Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is expect- ed to sign 23 memorandum of understanding (MoUs) for investments worth Rs 50,000 crore. Together these investments would provide job opportunities to an estimated 300,000 peo- ple and boost progress. The state’s most backward region, Bun- delkhand, is being developed as Defence Cor- ridor and the government is going all out to lure foreign and Indian investors. The Corri- dor, which was awarded to UP in 2018, spans Lucknow, Kanpur, Jhansi, Chitrakoot, Aligarh and Agra. Subsequently , the state formulated its defence and aerospace policy and created a land bank of 25,000 acres for the investors. With improved connectivity and mega ex- pressways in the pipeline the Yogi Adityanath government is optimistic about putting the state on the global map as an investment destination. In this endeavour he has the backing of the Prime Minister who spoke of making UP the biggest defence manufacturing hub in India. Kenneth Juster, the US ambassador to In- dia, who was also in the state capital to par- ticipate in the DefExpo had a word of caution on the slowing down of economy, which af- fects the country’s “ability to modernize de- fence capabilities”. The US is a major defence partner of India with sales between the two countries touching US $18 billion. The success of DefExpo will depend on how many of the MoUs signed eventually concretes. Investment events alone do not guarantee progress. Yogi Adityanath has to ensure there is complete harmony and peace in the state. Also, Bundelkhand will have to transformed into world class region. COL DEVANAND LOHAMAROD O n 28 January, SC after a de- cade long debate over a cont- roversial plan allowed to import the African Cheetah from Namibia. Although the plan was allocated Rs 50 cro- re and approved in august 2012 but the court disallo- wed import in 2013. Kuno and Nauradehi Sanctuaries in Madhya Pradesh and Shahgarh in Jaisalmer were selected by the Wildlife Ins- titute of India as most sui- table sites for the introduc- tion project. Kuno identified as a poten- tial cheatah site in 2013 is now unlikely to get any Cheetah as much of its grassland that were created by relocating villages have naturally progressed to Woodlands and has barely any presence of chinkara or black- buck who are potential prey of Cheetahs. Rajasthan too not so keen for Shahgar in Jaisalmer since the near extinct Great In- dian Bustard is a potential pray for the Cheetah and hence put- ting them together cannot be contemplated at all. This approval if carried out in isolation will further aggravate existing fragile Human- Animal Conflict (HAC) situation mainly by uprooting or squeezing the people from their ancestral habitats for creating space for animals . HAC have occurred since the dawn of history but in re- cent past the blurring of lines between human settle- ments and forests resulted into more human losses than ever. As of May 2012, the protected areas of India covered 156,700 square kilometres. National parks, Wildlife sanctuaries, conservation Reserves and community Reserves comprise four main categories of Pro- tected areas as per wildlife Pro- tection Act 1972. The issue has three main players :- Forest laws and acts ..Lack of in-depth study before enacting forest act where in law mak- ing machinery failed to institute means to protect rights of Hu- mans & HAC. vironment (Protection) Act, 1986, and the Biological Diver- sity Act, 2002 and 2006 Amend- ment provide complete protec- tion of the biodiversity but what about Human rights of people affected ? There have been increased reports of attacks on human by animals in the forests. The for- est officials can’t be mute spec- tator to the loss of human life or property. Government has right to frame laws to protect animals but where is its duty to institute procedure to protect the very people squeezed around the protected areas by enacting animal friendly laws. Who is the greater victim in this situation? The animals who seek to widen their terri- tory in search of food because their habitats are encroached upon? Or the farmers who feed the world and whose livelihood is completely dependent on ag- riculture? To provide a balance of jus- tice, collective action needs to be taken by the government, poli- cymakers, Forest Department, Revenue department, locals, and other stakeholders Indian Forest Act and policies di need reforms and amendments for protecting human rights of af- fected Human beings. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL Displacement and rehabilitation Forced/coercive Displacement and unrealistic rehabilitation policy. To provide collective action needs to be taken by govt, policymakers, Forest Department, Revenue department, locals, The villages which fall on/near protected areas are denceless to routine attacks by wildlife. The people residing in pro- tected areas prior to enact- ment of laws were not taken in confidence and majority had been coerced to move out of the area using any means possible. The territorial animals do not have enough space and their prey does not have enough fodder, resulting in wild ani- mals moving out and venture close to human habitats in search of food. Unable to hunt down wild animals due to old age, sometimes animals tend to hunt domestic animals and at- tack even men. Wild animals grazing in agricultural field constitute one of the major causes of crop damage. According to data from the Union environment ministry, more than 1608 humans (one human killing per day) have been killed In HAC cases be- tween 2013 and 2017. The loss of crops to farmers, human be- and other stakeholders created Who is the greater victim in this situation? The animals who seek to widen their territory in search of food because their habitats are encroached upon? Or the farmers who feed the world and whose livelihood is completely dependent on agriculture? ings getting injured or killed and the insensitive attitude of forest officialsclosing the case with meagre compensation needs to be addressed by gov- ernment. According to reports, only 0.1 to 8% farmers received compensation between 2009 and 2015, and while over 90% farmers near buffer zones suf- fered losses. Farmers are helpless to pro- tect crop damage by wild her- bivores, which are protected under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and the respective wildlife laws of States. The En- Zuckerberg takes a timid stab at theology E more as a joke, that his de- ity apparently doesn’t have an operational role at Face- book, either as staff or a consultant: “I did not mean to say that God is a mentor.” How his conversion from materialistic atheism will influence his management of the social media so many humans are addicted to re- mains to be seen. He does reveal the two major factors that led to this change of theological when he confesses that “the birth of his daughters and the challeng es his compa- ny have faced have influ- enced his faith.” Perhaps his experience as a father has taught him that it’s more difficult to manipu- late a single infant than the billions of Facebook’s sub- scribers he has no personal reason even to care about. FOR FULL REPORT LOG ON TO WWW.FAIROBERVER.COM These details, whether it’s about breakfast menus or religious beliefs, are things the world needs to know because they may supply people who aren’t rich, fa- mous and powerful with the keys to becoming any or all of those things. Zuckerberg gave at a con- ference in Utah, the found- er and CEO of Facebook for the first time revealed his deepest thoughts on spirit- uality. “I think there’s a comfort in knowing and having confidence that there are things bigger than you … it’s why I have so much faith in democra- cy overall, it’s why I care so much about giving people a voice.” He added: “You have to believe in things that are bigger than yourself.” taxes Zuckerberg pays con- tribute handsomely to their community’s This means that his wealth is somehow trickling down to them. It’s win-win, so they have no reason to com- plain. The rest of us ordinary people know that there is something bigger out there, something that constrains our power and limits our action in the world. Zucker- berg reigns over Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — the networks that struc- ture contemporary civiliza- tion. When someone who feels little constraint on his actions and initiatives in- side a social network uni- verse that now encompass- es every nation on earth and touches close to half the world’s population, we should listen carefully to his testimony . He has reveaed, though veryone wants to know what Mark Zucker- berg believes, just as everyone prosperity . wants to hear the songs Elon Musk records and re- leases to the public. When you’re that rich, that fa- mous and that powerful, the world is curious to know everything there is to know about your beliefs, hobbies and desires. Who, for example, wasn’t im- pressed two years ago upon learning that Warren Buf- fett splurges as much as $3.17 on his breakfast every day at McDonalds, and that when he’s “not feeling quite so prosperous, [he] might go with the $2.61?” And now the world and the media have had the chance to discover the pro- found truth about Zucker- berg’s hitherto pressed religious beliefs. perspective people are role models for the entire world, not for their neighbors. If his the neighbors in Hawaii had followed Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s advice to Greta Thunberg, who said he would take the Swedish teenager seriously after she has enrolled in a college economics course, they might have under- stood that the property Mark Zuckerberg, having discovered humility, is actively seeking to understand Facebook’s and his own position in the universe TOP TWEET Dharmendra Pradhan @dpradhanbjp The 241 Km Sambalpur- Gopalpur new line via Phulbani at a cost of Rs 2957 crores will not only significantly increase connectivity in the tribal areas but will also give boost to local economy. Contextual Note Zuckerberg takes the atti- tude that extremely wealthy unex- G Vol 1 G Issue No. 72 GRNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Planet Survey No.148P, Changodar-Bavla Highway, Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad. Published at D/302 3rd Floor Plot No. 35 Titanium Square, Scheme No. 2, Thaltej Taluka, Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad. Editor: Jagdeesh Chandra, Resident Editor : Darshan Desai, responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
INDIA AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 07 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia ‘ALONG WITH RAM TEMPLE, MUSEUM, RESEARCH CENTRE, UNIV SHOULD BE MADE IN AYODHYA’ ‘Formation of Trust was important for free India’ Hosapete: Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev hailed the central government for the announcement of the trust to oversee Ram Temple construc- tion in Ayodhya and said that a museum, re- search centre and uni- versity should also be built in the holy city . “Prime Minister Nar- endra Modi has taken a historic decision by giv- ing 67-acre land for Ram Temple. I congratulate him and Amit Shah for the same. For the first time, we have a prime minister who is proud of being a Hindu and by raising slogans of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ in the parlia- ment, he has expressed his devotion towards ‘maryada-purshottam’ Lord Rama,” Ramdev said. He added, “Along with the grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya, a world-class museum, world-class centre, one of the world’s biggest univer- sity should be made based on the Indian cul- ture, where the whole world can come and wit- ness the pride of Indian culture.” Speaking in the Lok Sabha, PM Modi said PRIESTS IN AYODHYA EXPRESS HAPPINESS New Delhi: BJP MP GVL Narasim- ha Rao hailed Prime Narendra decision for estab- lishing a Ram tem- ple trust, and called it the most impor- tant announcement of free India. Calling “auspicious” day, he said that the Centre has taken a big initiative to im- plement the order of the Supreme Court in a proper manner. “The an- nouncement made by the Prime Minis- ter in the Parlia- ment is most impor- tant of free India and the day is aus- picious Centre has taken a big initiative to im- plement the Su- preme Court’s or- der properly,” Rao said. —ANI Ayodhya: Dharm Das Maharaj of the Akhil Panch Ramanandi Nirmani Ani Akha- ra expressed happi- ness over Modi’s announce- ment of the forma- tion. “I am happy that the announce- ment of trust has been made. The trust should have been formed last month. While the world is happy that we have got suc- cess,” he said. Chief Priest of Ram Janmabhoo- mi Temple Achar- ya Satyendra Das said, “Trust should have been formed a couple of months ago. Unless the trust is constitut- ed, the temple can- not be built. I am happy that wishes have been fulfilled.” —ANI Bhartiya Minister Modi’s PM ‘IT IS A DAY OF IMMENSE PRIDE’ New Delhi: BJP leader Uma Bharti congratu- lated PM Modi for his decision to constitute a Ram temple Trust. She tweeted, “It is a day of immense pride and happiness as PM Narendra Modi has announced the consti- tution of Ram Temple Trust.” the PM stood from his seat in Lok Sabha to declare that the Union Cabinet has decided to form a trust. ‘BJP WORRIED OVER DELHI POLLS’ New Delhi: “Session of Parliament will end on February 11, the announcement could have come after 8th February. Seems like BJP is worried over Delhi elections. It (formation of trust) was the decision of Supreme Court which is supreme,” AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi said after PM Modi an- nounced the formation of Ram Temple trust. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh meets Maj Gen Raiimberdi Duishenbiev, Chief of General Staff of Kyrgyz Armed Forces and Defence Minister of Kyrgyzstan during ‘Defence Expo 2020’ in Lucknow. ‘Ram Mandir Trust’s Dalit inclusion fortifies harmony’ it an ple construction. “I would thank Prime Minister Modi for setting up an autonomous trust to build a grand temple at the birthplace of Lord Shri Ram. The ‘Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra’ Trust will be completely inde- pendent and capable of making all decisions related to temple con- struction. Ram!” Yogi tweeted in Hindi. —ANI by announcing the for- mation of Ram Temple Trust. With the repre- sentation of Dalit com- munity in the trust, so- cial harmony has been strengthened. I heartily congratulate the Prime Minister for this deci- sion.” Meanwhile, UP Chief Minister has also lauded PM Modi’s deci- sion saying that this trust will be completely independent and capa- ble of making decisions related to the Ram Tem- New Delhi: Union Min- ister Rajnath Singh hailed PM Modi for an- nouncing the formation of ‘Shri Ram Janmab- hoomi Teertha Kshetra’ trust saying that the representation Scheduled Castes in the trust will strengthen so- cial harmony . Taking to Twitter, Singh wrote in Hindi, “Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi has honoured the spirits of crores of citizens of this country Narendra research of because the development of Ram Temple in Ayod- hya. A trust has been formed, it is called ‘Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra.” —ANI that the trust has been named ‘Shri Ram Jan- mabhoomi Kshetra’. Court of India. We have readied a scheme for Teertha Supreme our Jai Shri Resolution against CAA passed by MP Cabinet IN THE COURTYARD Mumbai court refuses to grant bail to Urvashi in sedition case Mumbai: A Mumbai court rejected the an- ticipatory bail applica- tion filed by Urvashi Chudawala, who was recently booked in a se- dition case for allegedly raising “anti-national slogans” in support of JNU student Sharjeel Imam. Additional sessions judge Prashant Rajvaid- ya rejected interim re- lief after hearing argu- ments from both sides. The court observed that prima facie the case of Section 124 (sedition) of the IPC is made out against her and there- fore anticipatory bail cannot be granted. Dur- ing the hearing, public prosecutor Jaysinh De- sai opposed the relief and said: “she was sup- porting a person who is officially an enemy of the state.” “We are at an investi- gation stage, we have to ascertain other several things & for that further probe is needed. —ANI Actor Vijay being questioned for tax evasion, Bigil producers raided Vacate illegally occupied government accommodations within 15 days: HC like states of Chhattis- garh, Rajasthan & Pun- jab, MP cabinet too has requested the central government to take it back,” state Law & Le- gal Affairs Minister PC Sharma said. Asked if the resolution will be brought in the Assem- bly as well, he said: “Definitely. That is the process.” —ANI Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet head- ed by CM Kamal Nath passed a resolution against CAA & urged the NDA government at the Centre to take it back. “Today, the state cabinet chaired Chief Minister Kamal Nath brought a resolu- tion that CAA is some- where affecting Article & Justice C Hari Shankar told the ministry to put the belongings of people illegally occupying government accom- modation on the road if they do not vacate the house. The next hearing would take place on Feb 27. —ANI New Delhi: Delhi HC directed the Min- istry of Housing and Urban Affairs to ask illegal occupants of government accom- modations since 1998 to vacate the houses within the next 15 days. The court Chennai: One of Tamil cinema’s highest paid actors, Vijay is being questioned in connec- tion to a tax evasion case. The properties of AGS Cinemas and film financier Anbu Cheli- yan are being raided in Madurai. Vijay’s 2019 film, Bigil, was pro- duced by AGS Cinemas, and has grossed Rs 300 crore worldwide. As per sources,Vijay was shooting for his up- coming film, Master, at the Neyveli coal mines along with Vijay Sethu- pathi when the IT offi- cials reached there. The actor was report- edly issued summons over his income follow- ing the success of the sports drama. His ques- tioning is expected to continue on Wednes- day evening as he ar- rives in Chennai. Searches were also carried out at the ac- tor’s residence in Sep- tember 2015. —Agencies hearing a petition filed by an organisa- tion named Anti-Cor- ruption Council of India. A division bench of CJ DN Patel by living 14 of the Constitution which guarantees equality to people. So, was SC to start final hearing on Maratha reservation pleas HEARING ON REFERENCE TO LARGER BENCH ON FEB 6 New Delhi: A nine- judge Constitution bench of SCwill hear on Feb 6 argument on the issue whether the court can refer ques- tions of law to a larger bench on a review peti- tion. The bench is hear- ing matters relating to discrimination against women in various reli- gions including Sabari- mala temple, mosques, Parsi women married to non-Parsi men being barred from its holy fire temple. —ANI reportedly ON A SPIRITUAL NOTE New Delhi: SC said that it will start from March 17 the final hearing on the peti- tions challenging the constitutional validity of a Maharashtra law, which grants reserva- tion to Maratha com- munity in education and jobs. A division bench of Justices L Nageswara Rao & Deepak Gupta refused to pass an in- terim order and said, “We will hear on March 17. We will hear the matter finally and pass the order. We are not staying it. Already there is an order that all appointments will be subject to the out- come of this petition,” the bench said. —ANI Devotees throng the historic Sri Brahadeeswara temple for Kumbabishekam in Thanjavur on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY PTI EC AGAIN BANS BJP MP PARVESH VERMA FROM CAMPAIGNING New Delhi: BJP MP Parvesh Verma has been banned again from campaigning in Delhi for 24 hours for calling CM Kejriwal a “terrorist”, the EC said. He was banned from campaigning for 96 hours for making hate speeches. “The Commission is of view that Parvesh Sahib Singh made vitriolic aspersions AADHAAR NUMBER UNDER NPR COLLECTED VOLUNTARILY: MOS New Delhi: MoS for Home Affairs, Nityanand Rai in a written reply in the Lok Sabha, said, “In pursuance of Sub- rule (4) of Rule 3 of the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003, framed under the Citizenship Act, 1955, Central Government decided to prepare and SAJJAD LONE, PARRA RELEASED FROM DETENTION IN J&K Srinagar: People’s Conference leader Sajjad Lone and People’s Democratic Party’s Wahid Parra have been released from detention in Jammu and Kashmir. Both the leaders were detained follow- ing the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. Several leaders including former chief ministers Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti were detained after the abro- gation of Article 370, which gave special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir in August last year. CONG PREZ SONIA GANDHI DISCHARGED FROM HOSPITAL New Delhi: Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who was undergoing treatment for a stomach infection at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital here, was discharged on Wednesday. Gandhi was admitted to hospital on Sunday evening. “She has recov- ered from stomach infection and was discharged today morning. Her condition was stable at the time of discharge,” Dr D S Rana, the chairman, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, said in a medical bulle- tin. The Congress chief did not attend the Union Budget presentation in Parliament on Saturday. against Arvind Kejriw- al, CM of Delhi which violate... the MCC...” the election body said. The fi rst ban on campaigning by Verma came after he claimed that those who have dug in on a stretch of road at Shaheen Bagh against the amended citizenship law “will enter your houses, rape your sisters and daughters”. update the population register during April to September, 2020 along with House listing and Housing Census through- out the country except Assam for collection of information relating to all persons usually residing in village or town. Aad- haar number under the NPR is collected volun- tarily.”
INDIA AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 08 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia EVERY CITIZEN IS A PATRIOT: RAHUL HITS OUT AT PM MODI, KEJRIWAL POWERGallery KAUN BANEGA SEBI CHAIRMAN? (3) Madhabi Puri Buch As an internal candidate Mad- habi Puri Buch is said to be the top contender for the post of Chairman SEBI. She is presently whole time member of SEBI. ‘PM Modi and CM Kejriwal only hungry for publicity’ New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday hit out at Prime Minister Naren- dra Modi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying that both of them teach pat- riotism to people which is not needed because “every citizen of the country is a patriot”. “Narendra Modi ji and Kejriwal ji teach patriotism to people. It is not needed as every citizen of the country is a patriot. This (to por- tray some people as an- ti-national etc) is just a way to divide people,” Gandhi said while ad- dressing a gathering in Kondli here. The Con- gress leader further al- leged that in the last five years the commu- nal harmony of India has deteriorated. “In the last five years, the environment of In- dia has deteriorated, have you noticed? The peace and brotherhood which prevailed earlier is not there. If a 10-year- old girl (sitting in the crowd) can understand that then I am sure oth- ers will also under- stand,” he said. He further hit out at two leaders over the is- sue of corruption alleg- EXTENSION TO CMDS & DIRECTORS OF SOME PSUS DECLINED The Government of India has declined extension to a number of CMD and Directors before their dates of superannuation in various Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). the Congress general secretary, reports PTI. She also targeted BJP leaders, their character can be defined by their slo- gans. Claiming that Del- hi’s development took place during Congress regime under late Shei- la Dixit’s chief minis- tership, she apologised to the crowd for arriv- ing the venue late and said she would have reached on time had she taken the Metro. New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gan- dhi Vadra on Wednes- day once again tar- geted the Prime Min- ister and Delhi CM, saying they both are hungry for publicity. She said this during an election rally at Old Delhi’s Hauz Qazi area ahead of Assembly polls. “Prime Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal are only hun- gry for publicity,” said SECRETARY FINANCE RAJIV KUMAR TO RETIRE Secretary Finance Rajiv Kumar is retiring on Feb 28. He is a 1984 batch IAS offi cer of Jharkhand cadre. saying 5 IFS OFFICERS OF 1998 BATCH EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOVT OF INDIA Five offi cers of 1998 batch of Indian Forest Ser- vice have been empanelled for holding Joint Sec- retary level posts in Government of India. They are: Franklin L Khobung of Gujarat; Vivek Pandey of UD; Priya Ranjan of Rajasthan; Suneesh Buxy of UT and Rajeev Sharma of West Bengal. Delhi Minister RAHUL’S REMARKS OVER TEMPLE TRUST 5 IOFS OFFICERS OF 1990 BATCH EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOVT OF INDIA Five offi cers of 1990 batch of Indian Ordnance Factory Service have been empanelled for hold- ing Joint Secretary level posts in Government of India. They are: Prakash Agarwal, Rajeev Sharma, Satyabrata Mukherjee, Sanjay Srivastava and Arti C Srivastava. Priyanka Gandhi during an election rally in New Delhi. C C C RAHUL, PRIYANKA ADDRESS RALLIES IN KONDLI, HAUZ QAZI AMIT SHAH ADDRESSES MULTIPLE RALLIES IN DELHI New Delhi: Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra ad- dressed public rallies in Kondli and Hauz Qazi on Wednesday. The two senior leaders began campaigning for Delhi polls on Tuesday with rallies in Jangpura and Sangam Vihar areas. Former Prime Minister and senior Congress leader Dr Manmohan Singh also addressed a rally in Rajouri Garden area on Tuesday. Ear- lier on Sunday, the Congress released its manifesto for the Delhi Assembly elections. Election to the 70-member Assembly will be held on Feb 8, while the results will be declared on Feb 11. New Delhi: Home Minister & BJP leader Amit Shah addressed multiple rallies in poll-bound Delhi. With polling sched- uled for February 8, the campaigning in national capital has reached to its peak. Shah who has been actively campaign- ing in Delhi for last few days also ad- dressed public rallies in Kondli, Trilokpu- ri, Krishna Nagar&Gandhi Nagar areas. He had held multiple rallies & roadshows in Delhi to seek vote for party candidates. BJP is holding a Janasampark Abhiyan across the city in a bid to reach out to every household and request them to vote for it in upcoming election. 12 IRS-IT OFFICERS OF 1994 BATCH EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOI As many as 12 offi cers of 1994 batch of Indian Revenue Service of Income Tax cadre have been empanelled for holding Joint Secretary level posts in Government of India. They are: Vanita Rattan Sharma, Upendra Bhushan Mishra, Shahi Sanjay Kumar Vatsalya Saxena, Raj Gopal Shar- ma, Deepika Mittal, Ansuman Pattnaik, S Uma Venkatesan, Aroop Kumar Singh, Manoj Kumar, Satender Singh Rana and Rajesh Kumar Bhoot. of eradicating corrup- tion. Both of them talked about eradicating corruption. Has it been eradicated? The country knows that corruption has rather increased in- stead of getting eradi- cated,” he said. —ANI ‘2 terrorists killed, 1 injured after firing at Police & CRPF party’ ing that while both Modi and Kejriwal had promised to eradicate corruption, but the cor- ruption has instead gone up. “Kejriwal talked of eradicating corruption. Narendra Modi talked TWO IRTS OFFICERS OF 1996 BATCH EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOI Two offi cers of 1996 batch of Indian Railway Traffi c Service (IRTS) have been empanelled for holding Joint Secretary level posts in Govern- ment of India. They are: Mandeep Singh Bhatia and Vikas Chaube. CRAFTS MELA Srinagar: J&K DGP Dil- bag Singh said that two terrorists were killed while a third was injured on Srinagar-Baramulla road after they fired at police and CRPF party deployed there. “Two killed, one terrorist in- jured on Srinagar-Bara- mulla road, after they fired at police and CRPF party deployed there,” he said while address- ing a press conference. However, the terror- ist who was injured in today’s retaliatory fir- ing by security forces at Srinagar-Baramulla road succumbed to his injuries. The DGP further in- formed that around 20 GUNBATTLE 6 IRTS OFFICERS OF 1997 BATCH EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOI Six offi cers of 1997 batch of Indian Railway Traf- fi c Service (IRTS) have been empanelled for hold- ing Joint Secretary level posts in Government of India. They are: Harbinder Singh Bajwa, Surenrea Kumar Ahirwar, Priyaranjan Parhi, Jasmeet Singh Bindra, Vikram Singh and Anshuman Kumar. terrorists Folk artists from Jammu and Kashmir perform at the chaupal during the 34th International Surajkund Crafts Mela in Faridabad on Wednesday. KUSHVINDER VORA EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOI Kushvinder Vohra has been empanelled for hold- ing Joint Secretary level posts in Government of India. He is a 1986 batch CWES offi cer. —PHOTO BY PTI J&K DGP Dilbagh Singh addressing a press conference in Srinagar. terrorists have been neu- tralised so far this year. Earlier, it was report- ed that two terrorists were killed and one CRPF jawan lost his life after terrorists attacked a check-post in Parim Pora, Srinagar. known terrorists fired upon troops of 73 Bn CRPF. CRPF retaliated and neutralized 2 terror- ists & apprehended 1 ter- rorist in injured condi- tion & recovered arms & ammunition. Constable Ramesh Ranjan, 30, re- ceived a bullet injury on the head and lost his life. Identification of terror- ists is being done. —ANI FM to visit Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata to interact with experts over Budget 2020 MK SRINIVAS EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOI MK Srinivas has been empanelled for holding Joint Secretary level posts in Government of India. He is a 1987 batch CWES offi cer. February 7 to hold in- teractions with indus- try leaders and vari- ous stakeholders on different themes of Budget 2020. New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Si- tharaman will embark on a 3-day official tour to Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata starting Un- AJAY KUAMR SRIVASTAVA EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ajay Kumar Srivastava has been empanelled for holding Joint Secretary level posts in Govern- ment of India. He is a 1989 batch Indian Trade Service offi cer. CAA STIR ‘BJP will sell all except detention camps’ Rajnikanth backs Modi on new Citizenship Law AKASH TANEJA EMPANELLED AS JOINT SECRETARY IN GOI Akash Taneja has been empanelled for holding Joint Secretary level posts in Government of India. He is a 1990 batch Indian Trade Service offi cer. Krishnanagar: West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee hit out at the BJP's central govern- ment and said that it would “sell off” every- thing and what will remain detention camps. “BJP will lose Delhi elections. They are los- ing states but they are shameless. They will sell everything and what will remain are the detention camps,” Mamata said at a political workers' meet- ing of TMC. “They are privatiz- ing Air India, LIC & are even thinking of privatizing Railways. Our money is not secure today,” she added. She also hit out at Union Minister Anurag Thakur for his Chennai: turned-politician Ra- jinikanth stance on the Citizen- ship Amendment Act, saying if the Muslims are affected by it then he will be first to stand up for them. Speaking to report- ers, Rajinikanth said, “The CAA will not af- fect any citizen of our country and if it affects the Muslims then I will be the first person to stand up for them.” The actor-turned-politician also commented on the National Register (NPR) and Na- tional Register of Citi- zen (NRC). He said that the NPR is a necessity to find out Actor- DEPUTATION TENURE OF RAJBIR SINGH PANWAR EXTENDED The central deputation tenure of Rajbir Singh Panwar working as Joint Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare has been extended for a period of two years beyond March 22, 2020. He is a 1991 batch IFS offi cer of Gujarat cadre. took his are the DEPUTATION TENURE OF ABHISHEK TRIVEDI EXTENDED The deputation tenure of Abhishek Trivedi work- ing as IG, NSG, has been extended for a period of two years beyond January 11, 2020. He is a 1996 batch IPS offi cer of HP cadre. CM Mamata Banerjee rings a bell to mark her protest against CAA at a convention in Naida district. about the outsiders. “It has been clarified that NRC has not been for- mulated yet,” he added. Meanwhile, a tweet regarding kanth's remark went viral after being tweet- ed by ANI's official handle. —ANI “goli maro” comments, made against anti-CAA protesters. “Yesterday in LS, the govt said that NRC will not happen. They keep on changing their words .If NPR is the first step to NRC then why will we agree to it?” the CM added. —ANI ‘CAA BEING USED TO DIVERT ATTENTION’ PRASHANT LOKHANDE RETURNS TO PARENT CADRE Prashant S Lokhande, Counsellor (Economic), Embassy of India, Beijing, is returning to parent cadre i.e., the Ministry of Home Affairs (UT divi- sion). He is a 2001 batch IAS offi cer of UT cadre. Population Indian Rajini-
SPORTS AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 09 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia in TAYLORSCRIPTS RECORD CHASE ROSS’S 108 LEADS NZ TO 4 WICKET WIN OVER INDIA BRIEF Amira, Anahat claim titles at squash tourney LATHAM'S INNINGS TOOK AWAY MOMENTUM: KOHLI Blundell, who came in first down, didn't have a great outing and was stumped by KL Rahul at his in- dividual score of 9. At that point of time, the match ap- peared to be head- ing in India's favour. However, it was then that Taylor brought in all his experience alongwith Nicholls shared a 62-run stand. Nicholls' dismissal who was sent back to the pavilion cour- tesy some brilliant fielding efforts from Virat Kohli, Latham joined forces with Taylor and steered the team towards victory . The match did seem to once again turn towards India as New Zealand lost two wickets quick succession and brought the crowd to the edge of the seats. However Mitchell smashed boundaries Thakur's 48th over and erased hopes of any upset. After Hamilton: coming close on three occasions to beat India in the on- going tour, New Zealand were final- ly able to cross the line and taste vic- tory as they defeat- ed the Men in Blue by four wickets in the first ODI at the Seddon Park on Wednesday. soned campaigner Ross Taylor chored New Zea- land's chase of 348 by scoring a bril- liant hundred. He was well supported by Henry Nicholls and stand-in cap- tain Tom Latham as the hosts took a 1-0 lead in the three- match series. The Black Caps started chase on a cautious note as both Martin Guptill and Nicholls played with intent. Such was the deter- mination from Gup- till (32) that he scored just boundaries in 41 balls before getting out to Thakur on the team score of 85. Debutant SCOREBOARD Jaipur: Siblings Amira and Anahat Singh both emerged winners at the Northern Slam Junior Squash tournament 2020 -- a five-star Asian circuit tournament held in the pink city . Amira won in the Under 19 cat- egory after defeating Megha Bhatia of Delhi in the finals on Tuesday . With the win, Amira has secured her No. 2 seeding in the country in the GU19 category . Anahat, on the other hand, emerged victori- ous in the Under 13 cat- egory by beating Diya Yadav of Maharashtra. With this, she has won all the four grand slam titles -- northern, south- ern, eastern and west- ern slam securing her top spot in India and Asia. Constantly rated among the brightest young talents in the country, Anahat won the British, Dutch and European Open titles last year. Both the girls were being trained un- der Amjad Khan and Gaurav Nanderjog in the national capital. India vs New Zealand Toss: India, bat fi rst India Shaw c †Latham b de Grandhomme MA Agarwal c Blundell b Southee V Kohli (c) b Sodhi SS Iyer c Santner b Southee KL Rahul † not out KM Jadhav not out Extras: 27 (lb 7, nb 1, w 19) Fall of wickets: 1-50 (Prithvi Shaw, 7.6 ov), 2-54 (Mayank Agarwal, 8.4 ov), 3-156 (Virat Kohli, 28.4 ov), 4-292 (Shreyas Iyer, 45.3 ov) Total: 347/4 (50 Overs, RR: 6.94) Bowling: TG Southee 10-1-85-2, HK Bennett 10- 0-77-0, C de Grandhomme 8-0- 41- 1, JDS Neesham 8-0-52-0, MJ Santner 10-0-58-0, IS Sodhi 4-0-27-1. New Zealand MJ Guptill c Jadhav b Thakur HM Nicholls run out (Kohli) Blundell st †Rahul b Kuldeep Yadav LRPL Taylor not out Latham (c) † c Shami b Yadav JDS Neesham c Jadhav b Shami Grandhomme run out (Iyer/Kohli) MJ Santner not out Extras: 29 (lb 4, nb 1, w 24) Fall of wickets: 1-85 (Martin Guptill, 15.4 ov), 2-109 (Tom Blundell, 19.1 ov), 3-171 (Henry Nicholls, 28.3 ov), 4-309 (Tom Latham, 41.4 ov), 5-328 (James Neesham, 45.2 ov), 6-331 (Colin de Grandhomme, 45.6 ov) Extras: 12 (lb 2, w 10) Total: 348/6 (48.1 Overs, RR: 7.22) Bowling: JJ Bumrah 10-1-53-0, Mohammed Shami 9.1-0-63-1, SN Thakur 9-0-80-1, RA Jadeja 10-0-64-0, Kuldeep Yadav 10-0-84-2. R B 4 6 SR 20 21 3 0 95.23 32 31 6 0 103.22 51 63 6 0 80.95 103 107 11 1 96.26 88 64 3 6 137.50 26 15 3 1 173.33 and Sea- an- After R B 4 6 SR 32 41 1 0 78.04 78 82 11 0 95.12 9 10 1 0 90.00 109 84 10 4 129.76 69 48 8 2 143.75 9 14 1 0 64.28 1 2 0 0 50.00 12 9 1 1 133.33 Virat Kohli shakes hand with skipper Tom Latham during the presentation ceremony on Wednesday. Hamilton: Ross Taylor got the hundred but India captain Virat Kohli said it was Tom Latham's 48-ball 69 that took away the momentum from his side in the high-scor- ing first ODI against New Zealand here on Wednesday . New Zealand recorded their highest-ever run chase, 348, riding on Ross Taylor's 84-ball- 109 not out and stand-in skipper Latham's attacking half-century . "It was an outstanding performance by New Zealand. We thought 348 was good enough. Ross is the experienced batsman they have but Tom's innings was the one that took away the momentum. Credit to Taylor and Tom," Kohli said at the post-match pres- entation ceremony . off the New Zealand won by 4 wickets in SKIPPER KOHLI SURPASSES GANGULY Ross Taylor celebrates his century during the One Day cricket intl between India and NZ at Seddon Oval in Hamilton on Wednesday. —PHOTOS BY PTI Govt assured entry of Chinese wrestlers New Delhi: The Wres- tling Federation of In- dia (WFI) on Wednesday said it has got assur- ance from the central government that “quar- antined” Chinese grap- plers will not be denied entry into the country for the upcoming Asian Championship despite fears surrounding the deadly coronavirus. The Indian government has suspended the e-vi- sa facility for the Chi- nese travellers, fearing the spread of the virus which has claimed 490 lives so far. Hamilton: India's run- machine Virat Kohli on Wednesday added yet another feather to his cap by surpassing Sourav Ganguly in the list of India skippers with most ODI runs. Kohli scored 51 off 63 deliveries in fi rst ODI of the 3-match rubber against NZ. Santner two two in Shardul Tom —Agencies —Agencies Saurashtra on course to take first-innings lead Juneja, Rawal put Gujarat on top 64-kg Rakhi Halder lifts 210kgs, wins national gold —Agencies playing patiently, Vasa- vada upped the ante. However, pacer Royston Dias trapped Vasavada in front of the wicket as he brought Mumbai back into the game. Mankad (1) too fell cheaply as Saurashtra lost half their side at 173. The fall of wickets did not deter Jackson from playing his shots even as he found an able partner in Jani, who held one end up. Jackson in his 151-balls innings ham- mered 10 fours and one hit over the fence. He, however missed a deserving hundred, af- ter edging one from Bhoir to wicket-keeper Tare at the fag end of the day . New Delhi: Delhi’s lim- ited bowling resources and the overly defensive attitude of skipper Sho- rey stood exposed as Manprit Juneja and Dhruv Rawal raised 181 runs in their ongoing fifth-wicket stand and put Gujarat on top at stumps on the second day of their Ranji Tro- phy match here on Wednesday . After cleaning up the last 4 Delhi wickets for just 23 runs in morning session and restricting the host to 293, Guj found itself in trouble at 88 for 4. But thereaf- ter, right-handed Juneja (88 batting, 134, 1x6) and left-handed Raval (83 batting, 12x4) counter- attacked and won the Rajkot: Sheldon Jack- son hit a stroke-filled 85 to put Saurashtra on the verge of securing a vital first innings lead against Mumbai on the second day of their Elite Group B Ranji Trophy match here on Wednesday . Saurashtra bundled out Mumbai for 262 and then rode on Jackson’s gritty 85 to end the sec- ond day at 257/6, as they trail by just five runs. Saurshtra Arpit Vasavada (46) and Chirag Jani (45 not out) also made valuable con- tributions to take the game away from the 41- time Ranji champion. Saurashtra lost open- er Snell Patel (4) early. Then Mumbai offie No fund shortage for NSFs: Rijiju New Delhi: Sports Min- ister Kiren Rijiju on Wednesday assured that there will be no short- age of funds for NSFs, despite the govt slash- ing its allocation in an Olympic year. The govt last week gave a sub- stantial hike of Rs 312.42 cr to its flagship Khelo India programme but reduced allocation to the NSFs, NSDF and incentives for sport- spersons. “If there are shortage of funds for the federations, these can always be taken up, that is why there is a provision for revision. If they need more mon- ey, they will get more money,” Rijiju told re- porters during an inter- action here. —Agencies left-arm Sheldon Jackson day for Gujarat. At stumps, Gujarat was 269 for 4 and needed another 25 to take the first innings lead. With 2 days to go, Gujarat is in a position to press for an outright victory . Kalaria scalped three tailenders to finish with five for 78 after Chintan Gaja bowled Kunwar Bidhuri (78) on his over- night score. Shashank Attarde gave a double-blow to the hosts removing another opener Harvik Desai (33) and Divyaraj Chau- han (22) in quick suc- cession to leave them teetering at 73-3. Then Jackson and Vasavada began the res- cue act by stitching a 82-run stand for the fourth wicket. After skipper Rakhi Halder of RSPB competes to win the gold in the 64kg weightlifting event at the Senior National Weightlifting Championship in Kolkata on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY PTI kg in clean and jerk) at the Qatar Interna- tional Cup last year where she won the bronze medal. At the Common- wealth Champion- ship in June 2019, Rakhi had clinched the gold with a total lift of 214-kg (94+120). Results: Men’s 81kg: Papul Changmai (145+172=317); Amar- jit Guru (137+172=309); S i v a p r a k a s h (136+171=307). Wom- en’s 64kg: Rakhi Hal- der (93+117=210); jinder Kaur (Chandi- garh) (90+110=200); K Roshilata Devi (Ma- nipur) (80+107=187). Kolkata: Indian lift- er Rakhi Halder was way short of her per- sonal best but she still managed clinch the 64kg gold in the 72nd Men’s and 35th Women’s Weightlifting Cham- pionships here on Wednesday . Ranked 19th in the Olympic qualifiers list, Rakhi lifted 93 kg in snatch and 117 kg in clean and jerk on way to her gold medal with a total of 210kg, still ahead of her nearest rival Harjinder Kaul. The Bengal lifter, a Railways employee, had produced a per- sonal best of 218 kg (95kg in snatch + 123 —Agencies —Agencies NEW ZEALAND TOUR ON A HIGH to Indian women hockey team defeat hosts by 3-0 Senior National the last match. This tour gave us a good in- sight about where we need to improve and one of the things is to create faster play than we do now,” said India’s Coach Sjoerd Marijne. Commenting on his side’s performance dur- ing the tour, Marijne said, “Sometimes we tend to keep the ball too long on the stick and then we create pres- sure. We need to avoid that by passing faster.” Navneet found the net again just two minutes from the final hooter with a beautiful field strike. India began the tour by thrashing NZ Development squad 4-0 before suffering close 1-2 and 0-1 defeats to the home senior team. In penultimate game of the tour, skipper Ra- ni’s lone strike handed India a 1-0 win over Great Britain. “...I am happy we pro- duced three against New Zealand in Striker Auckland: Navneet Kaur scored a brace to guide the In- dian women’s hockey team to a convincing 3-0 win over New Zea- land in the last game of its five-match tour on Wednesday. Navneet found the net in the 45th and 58th minutes, while Sharmi- la scored a field goal in the 54th min as India drew curtains on NZ tour on a bright note. After a goalless open- ing two Navneet Kaur scored a brace to guide Indian women’s hockey team to a convincing 3-0 win over New Zealand in the last game of its five-match tour (SSCB) (RSPB) U 10kg (RSPB) Har- bled the lead when she struck a powerful shot past the NZ goalkeeper in the 54th minute. Navneet finally broke the deadlock for India in the 45th minute Sharmila then dou- goals —Agencies quarters, —Agencies
Be patient, there is no shortcut to success, consistent hard work will get you there. 2ND FRONT —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor, First India 10 AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 www.firstindia.co.in I www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefirstindia I facebook.com/thefirstindia I instagram.com/thefirstindia NO POSITIVE CASE OF CORONA IN STATE, 246 UNDER OBSERVATION A suspect who had escaped from Surat hospital, later found GIDC inches towards complete digitalisation Haresh Jhala received online. Pres- ently 2R online approval takes some seven-odd days, the Corporation plans to reduce the time. Taking it forward, the Corporation is putting all its record online and the entire work flow e-files are being prepared. Once that is completed, the Corporation plans to see that from each ta- ble’s file is cleared in the minimum time span. If an officer does not clear the files in the stipulated time period, the file will automati- cally move to higher au- thorities to ensure the file is cleared fastest, hoped Thennarasan. So far, the Corporation has cleared some 12,000 on- line request and appli- cations filed by the in- dustrial unit holders. ha area of the city was kept in the isolation ward four days ago af- ter he developed fever and cough. He was taken in a car by Dr Vivek Garg of New Civil Hospital. The patient informed the staff that he was go- ing to meet Resident Medical Officer but did not return. After search- ing the hospital premis- es, staff informed Kha- todara and Varachha police stations. Police immediately tried to reach his cell phone and he replied claiming that he was attending a wed- ding. Police team was sent to his residence and finally they found and counselled him; he has been sent back to the iso- lation ward. Gandhinagar: Gujarat Industrial De- velopment Corpora- tion (GIDC) is steadily moving towards com- plete digitalisation and very soon indus- trialists will never have to visit any office or officer in a faceless service. Digitalisation began three years ago and it is in the final lap of a robust system. The GIDC’s entire record will be put online. GIDC Vice-Chairman and Managing Director M Thennarasan said, “Soon, GIDC estate plots will be e-auc- tioned. In the existing estates, where more than 90 per cent plots are already sold out and there is saturation but high demand of The First India News Gandhinagar/Surat: The Gujarat Health Department Wednesday stated that the blood samples of a majority of cases have been found negative for corona virus, while as many as 246 out of 923 persons who have returned from China have been kept under observation. Principal Secretary (Health) Jayanti Ravi informed reporters that blood samples of eight suspected cases were sent to the National In- Vice Chairman and Managing Director GIDC M Thennarasan on plots, the Corporation is planning to put un- sold 10 plots on e-auc- tion. This will help in- terested industrialists and investors to find the right location.” He added that the cor- poration’s digitalisation journey began some three years ago and plot allocation, transfer, 2R, plan approval and water drainage approvals are being given and payment Central health team with Gujarat officers- Dr Narang from Safdarjang Hospital, Dr Viraj Garg from NCDC-Delhi and Dr Manisha Jain from Safdarjang hospital discussing the measures taken by state for the virus with Jayanti Ravi, Principal Secretary (health) and Health Commissioner Jai Prakash Shivhare. arrangements and also held a meeting with Jayanti Ravi and State Health Commissioner Jai Prakash Shivhare. The central team included Prof Nav- ang, professor at med- icine department and Microbioligist Mani- sha Jain from the stitute (NIV), Pune, and five of them were negative. The reports of three others are awaited. Meanwhile, a three- member central health team visited the inter- national airport as well as the Ahmedabad Civil Hospital to check the of Virology Safdarjung Hospital, as well as epidemiolo- gist Vinay Garg from NCDC, New Delhi. Meanwhile, a suspect of corona virus escaped from the isolation ward at the New Civil Hospital in Surat, creating a pan- ic. A 41-year-old busi- nessman from Varach- Cong slams cabinet min Radadiya for arrogance Appliance makers’ new production hub is Guj Ahmedabad: A global appliance maker with a new manufacturing capacity in Noida is now in the process of doing a final review to shift base to Guja- rat. An internal anal- ysis by the company showed that the com- pany could save al- most Rs 430 crore an- nually if this shift was made. “Skilled labour is cheaper and better road infrastructure and port connectivity that manufacturing and logistics costs are low- er,” said the India CEO of the company quoted above. This CEO states that the three 50-acre plots next to his plot were to be initially occupied by a Mum- bai-based electronic goods firm. Even the latter had a change of strategy and shifted to Gujarat instead. Leaving behind areas like Himachal Pradesh and Delhi-NCR (Greater Noida), Gujarat is slowly becoming the preferred destination of electronic appliance makers. Guja- rat recorded $66.8 billion worth of exports in 2017- 18, contributing over 22 percent to India’s net exports. —Agencies Hardik Patel’s wife gets vocal on Twitter Ahmedabad:Kinjal, the wife of Patidar- Congress leader Hardik Patel took to social media platform Twitter on Thursday to defend her hus- band’s recent string of arrests for his involve- ment in different cases by different police au- thorities across the state. In one tweet, she referred to her husband as a lion. The tweet read: “he (Hardik) is a lion and is not afraid of any ar- rest or jail. He is impris- oned because politicians TO WELCOME US PREZ First India News are afraid of his roar”. In another tweet, she said that the BJP is implicating her hus- band in wrong cases on him and arresting him frequently since they are “afraid of him” since “working to strength- en the Congress party in Gujarat”. The tweet also said that only the BJP has a problem with Hardik Patel as he has been getting an over- whelming response dur- ing his visits to different places across the state. “ Arrogance in state- ment of Radadiya comes from way party shapes and builds minds. We are not sur- prised at all. The orig- inal face of the BJP is now coming to pub- lic,” added Doshi. The minister gave a state- ment during a mass marriage ceremony that he is official heir of his father’s constituency where his father worked for 30 years. His father had worked hard in Por- bandar and he has right to hold that seat. Ahmedabad: A day af- ter controversial state- ment of cabinet minister Jayesh Radadiya regard- ing political inheritance, Congress party slammed the minister. “The state- ment by the minister, a cabinet-level minis- ter, shows the true col- our of BJP . It is a re- flection of BJP’s ideol- ogy - its Chal, Chalan, Charitra, Chehro,” asserted Man- ish Doshi, chief spokes- person of Gujarat PCC. Centre approves major port at Wadhvan: MoS Mandaviya First India News he is Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to escort the US President Donald Trump to the Charkha Museum situated inside the Gandhi Ashram Campus in Ahmedabad during Trump’s visit to India. and —PHOTO BY HANIF SINDHI ensures Locust attack knocks door again, Guj says ‘well-prepared’ Espionage case: Andhra police record statements First India News struction of breakwa- ter, besides establish- ing connectivity to the hinterland. As per the Ministry, the ever increasing size of container makes it imperative that a deep draft con- tainer port is developed on the west coast of In- dia. Increasing contain- erization of cargo in wake of value-added manufacturing, makes it important to prepare our port infrastructure for handling value-add- ed import and export and also to facilitate manufacturing activity . Ahmedabad: worst nightmare of farmers — locust at- tack — is knocking at the doors yet again. If the projections by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the UN is anything to go by , the heavy rains in the Southern coast of Iran will provide fa- vourable conditions for two generations of breeding of locust swarms, threat to the entire Southwest Asia includ- ing southern Pakistan and Western India. heavy rains fell on the southern coast of Iran where swarms were laying which should allow favourable conditions for two generations of breeding could cause a consid- erable increase in lo- cust numbers,” the FAO stated in its lat- est forecast for the region. Rajasthan has raised alarm over the persisting locust men- ace, Gujarat is all geared up to tackle the challenge in the coming season. —Agencies The Ahmedabad: In a cab- inet meeting Wednesday, the cen- tral government ap- proved a seaport at the Wadhvan port in Dahanu district of neighbouring Maharashtra. Minister of State for Shipping Mandaviya told media persons in Delhi that the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi has approved the pro- ject. It will be developed at an investment of Rs on eggs, Kutch: A team of Andhra Pradesh Po- lice was in Gujarat for two days and re- corded statements of three to four persons in connection with an espionage case. Highly placed sourc- es said a team of Andhra Pradesh is investigating into a spying case. Dur- ing the investigation, the investigators stumbled upon cer- tain data that brought the team to Gujarat. It had recovered names and phone numbers from cell phones and diaries from the persons ar- rested for against the country . Andhra Pradesh Po- lice had sought the help of Kutch District police. Sources said that on ar- rival of Andhra police team, a local team had assisted them and they visited numerous places to verify some facts. Af- ter visiting these plac- es, the team recorded statements of three to four persons, regard- ing how they had come in contact with those arrested by them, and how were they associ- ated with them. ships that 65,554 crore. A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will also be formed in which around 50% eq- uity will be of the Jawa- harlal Nehru Trust. Mandaviya added that the SPV will de- velop the port infra- structure including reclamation, state In its latest desert lo- cust bulletin released on February 3, the in- ternational body has flagged the “threat” of hatching and band for- mation in Southern Iran, while breeding is expected to start in Southwest Pakistan. “In Southwest Asia, Mansukh Port posing a con- Surat IIIT among 5 can now award degrees PM to open key global green event on Feb 17 recovered Technology (BTech) or Master of Technology (MTech) or PhD degree as issued by a university or institution of Nation- al Importance,” an offi- cial statement said. It will also enable the institutes enough students quired to develop a strong research base in the country in the field of information technol- ogy ,” it added. The cabi- net also approved ex- post facto to 21 posts of directors, one each in 20 IIITs (PPP) and one in IIITDM Kurnool (IIIT-CFTI) besides ex- post facto to 21 posts of registrars, one each in 20 IITs (PPP) and one in IIITDM Kurnool (IIT-CFTI). “The objective of the approval is for formali- sation of IIITs at Surat, Bhopal, Agartala and Raichur. These IIITs are already functioning as societies registered under the So- cieties Registration Act of 1860. They will now be covered under the IIIT (PPP) Act, 2017, similar to the other 15 IIITs es- tablished under scheme in PPP mode,” the statement said. —PTI New Delhi: The Union Cabinet on Wednesday gave its approval to con- fer the status of Institu- tion of National Impor- tance (INI) to five Indi- an Institutes of Infor- mation Technology (II- ITs). The Five IIITs in PPP mode at Surat, Bhopal, Bhagalpur, Agartala and Raichur will now be able to use the nomenclature of Bachelor of Technol- ogy (BTech) or Master of Technology (MTech) or PhD de- gree. The chaired by Prime Min- spying First India News ternational NGOs work- ing in the field of wild- life conservation are expected to attend the meet. India has been a party CMS since 1983. Meet will prove a global platform for deliberation on conservation and sustainable use of migratory fauna. India is home to several migratory ani- mals and birds including Amur Falcon, Bard head Gheese and backed Whales. Ahmedabad:PM Nar- endra Modi is expected to inaugurate the six- day 13th Confer- ence of Parties (COP) to Convention on the Conserva- tion of Migrato- ry Species (CMS) of Wild Ani- mals, which is going to start on February 17 in Gandhinagar. Representatives from 129 parties and eminent conservationists and in- to the Bhagalpur, to attract re- the PPP along with the exist- ing 15 IIITs in PPP mode as ‘Institutions of Na- tional Importance’ with powers to award de- grees. This will entitle them to use the nomen- clature of Bachelor of ister Narendra Modi approved the Indian Institutes of Informa- tion Technology (II- ITs) Laws (Amend- ment) Bill, 2020. “The bill will declare the remaining 5 IIITs- the Hump- cabinet
www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia 11 AHMEDABAD, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6, 2020 UJJAWAL DHAROHAR! A grand affair was organised by Government of Rajasthan on Wednesday, to mark the inclusion of Jaipur city in World Heritage by UNESCO. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO KANGANA’S WAVE-Y DAY Meri Amrita SCROLL THROUGH... ...her Instagram post Armaan Jain and Anissa Malhotra T film’s trailer and the com- ments it has generated. The trailer of the movie is such that it has created a stir among the audience and social media. The trailer, which narrates a thought-provoking and eye- opening story of domestic violence in our stereo- typical society, is receiving a massive re- sponse. Taapsee will por- tray the role of Am- rita in the film. Giving a small de- scription of her character, Taap- see sharing a still from the film on her Instagram account, wrote, “Amrita .. As an actor some characters set you free and some suffocate you. This was the latter for me. her right- eousness , her maturity to han- dle every situation, determina- tion deep inside and an infec- tious calmness on the outside... she made me grow up... Meet her on 28th feb 2020 in theatres #Thappad.” Directed by Anubhav Sinha, Thappad in- cludes some terrific actors like Ratna Pathak aapsee Pannu whose Thappad is still to be re- leased is making waves already, both with the Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Singh and Alia Bhatt Shah, Tanvee Azmi, K u m u d Mishra, Mirza, Sushil Dahiya others. duced Bhushan Kumar, Thappad is slated to release on Feb- ruary 28. —Agency Dia and Pro- by Kareena Kapoor Khan, Samaira and Karisma Kapoor Kangana Ranaut K ma on the life of ‘Thalai- vi’ J. Jayalalithaa, stole moments of solace from shooting and enjoyed by the beach. Ranaut’s team shared pictures from the moments on Instagram, where she is seen enjoy- ing the waves wearing a green floral suit. “Life is all about little moments… Ranaut, who is currently shooting for her upcom- ing film, #Thalaivi, in Chennai was captured enjoying the waves, on step. Kangana who will be seen essaying the role of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jay- alalithaa in the film was seen donning a tradi- tional avatar, complete with a gajra and a gold headgear. ‘Thalaivi’ is being helmed by AL Vijay and has been written by ‘Baahubali’ ‘Manikarnika’ writer KV Vijayendra Prasad and ‘The Dirty Picture’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbai’ writer Ra- jat Arora. The movie is set to hit theatres on June 26, 2020. angana Ranaut, who is currently shooting for the biographical dra- and ... her Instagram post Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor Kangana The entire Bollywood fi lm fraternity came all decked up for Armaan Jain and Anissa Malhotra’s big fat wedding reception that took place in Mumbai on Tuesday evening. The couple stepped out to pose for the paparazzi. Anissa looked gorgeous in a silver lehenga while Armaan picked a black sherwani for the occasion. her way to Pondicherry ,” read the picture caption. Earlier on Sunday , the actor was seen acing a Bharatnatyam Taapsee Pannu dance —ANI
LISTING AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 12 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia Mistaken for SHAKIRA? inger Nicole Scherzinger was a good sport when singer Paula Ab- dul awkwardly mistook her for Shakira. Abdul took to Twitter to support Shakira, Jennifer Lopez and Demi Lovato before they performed at the 2020 Super Bowl. However, instead of using a picture of herself standing with Shakira, she chose a photograph of herself with Scherzinger. She wrote: “Can’t wait to watch these amazing women perform at the #Super- Bowl,” and correctly tagged Lovato and Lopez but tagged Shakira in the photograph of Scherzinger. Scherzinger didn’t seem to mind and found the humour in the awkward blunder. She replied: “I mean, my hips don’t lie… but I’m not @shakira babes” along with a kiss emoji and heart emoji. Abdul promptly de- leted the tweet. —IANS FACE OF THE DAY S NICOLE CONCESSAO, Dancer YOUR DAY Horoscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva IF IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY You are a very jovial person and you make everyone smile wherever you go. You will bring propsperity and happiness around you. Keep up with your spirit as nothing can effect your charm. ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 TAURUS APR 21 - MA Y 20 Financially you are doing very well and good opportunities Your ideas will be appreciated and will be taken into keep knocking at your door. You are big time into mediation and yoga or any kind of exercises that keeps you stress free. Your family may put some pressure on you for some outing when you want to relax at home. consideration. You will fi nd yourself very busy in doing preparation for some social event or function. There is not scope of mistakes so make sure you are fully ready. GEMINI MA Y 21 - JUNE 21 CANCER JUNE 22 - JUL Y 23 You are blessed with a very understanding family and they On professional front, your consistent efforts will surely help stand by your side no matter what. This is an excellent time for you to pursue higher studies, all your planets are very supportive. Keeping your ego aside you must resolve issues with your friends. you in building an image that will help you in long run. If you want your big dreams to come true then you must start saving right away. You are in love and everything seems to be beautiful. LEO JUL Y 24 - AUGUST 23 You will keep smiling whole day long. You may get some money in form of blessing from elders. You may feel neglected by your lover but that not true, there may be other reasons that is keeping him/her busy. You may decide to get into some creative business. You may soon get married. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23 You will pay off all your debts. You may think you are doing Nicole Scherzinger right but that may be not justifi ed from someone else’s point of view therefore analyse thing from all the angles. You may redo your house interi- ors. You will manage to impress your interviewer. CITY THEATRE POLICE 100 FIRE 101 AMBULANCE 102/108 CHILD HELPLINE 1098 HELP IN SUFFERING 26305080 DIAL Do you want to add your establishment here? Email your details to www.fi rstindia.co.in LIBRA SEPT 24 - OCTOBER 22 Homemakers will do everything in their best capacity to take great care of the guests. You may get a gift in form of a vehicle could be from family or company you work for. If you are attracted to someone you must be able to express. SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOVEMBER 22 You will attract big money in your life and with the money will come big opportunities as well. You may just decide to make your hobby as your career. You must try and adopt methods which will help you to be in positive frame of mind all the time. Dangee Dums (Narangpura) ............... ................................... 079 6615 3044 Dangee Dums (Ambavadi) .................. .................................... 098980 88885 Cakes N Bakes (University Road) .................................... 094265 18499 Kabhi B Bake Studio (Ambavadi) ........ .................................... 099988 14719 CARS & SHOWROOMS Audi ............................ 0787 878 8136 BMW ........................... 090992 34567 Mercedes-Benz (CG Road) ................. .................................... 078787 33555 Ford ............................. 099306 08586 Honda .......................... 086575 88792 Maruti Suzuki (Kataria Automobiles) .. ................................... 079 6134 3781 Planet Hyundai (Maninagar) ............... .................................... 098250 05590 Sadhna Orthopaedic Hospital ............. ................................... 079 2657 6470 Shalby Hospital ........... 079 4020 3000 Avron Hospital ............. 090818 30100 CIMS Hospital .............. 098250 66664 FOREX Polo Forex Pvt. Ltd. Currency Exchange ..................... 090998 04461 Sambhav Forex Pvt. Ltd. ......079 2646 9909 Thomas Cook (Lal Bungalow, Ahmedabad) ................ 086575 35806 JAWAANI JAANEMAN 12:00, 2:30, 8:30, 11:15 Time Cinema (CG Road): 9:45, 10:00, 11:00, 12:15, 1:00, 2:45, 3:45, 7:15, 9:45, 10:00, 10:30 Wide Angle: 10:00, 12:30, 5:15, 7:30, 10:00 Newfangled Miniplex: 9:31, 11:31, 1:31, 5:45, 6:31, 9:31 Anupam Cinema: 4:00, 10:00 Cineworld (Naroda): 9:45, 12:45, 3:45, 5:45, 8:45 City Gold (Bapunagar): 9:30, 11:30, 2:15, 7:15, 10:30 City Gold (Bopal): 9:15, 12:00, 3:45, 5:30, 10:15 City Gold (Motera): 9:15, 2:15, 10:15 Connplex Smart Miniplex: 10:45, 1:00, 3:15, 8:05, 10:20 Miraj Cinemas (Vitthal Plaza): 10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 P Square Movieplex, Gota: 9:30, 12:30, 3:15, 7:45, 10:30 SB Multiplex (Elite Class, Agora Mall): 6:15 PANGA Newfangled Miniplex: 11:01, 7:01, 10:31 19 Cinema (South Bopal): 2:45 AB Miniplex: Shivranjini Cross Road: 8:40 Himalaya Ebony Lounge: 10:00 Carnival: Himalaya Mall: 3:35, 8:45 Cinemax (Dev Arc): 4:15 Cinepolis (Ahmedabad One): 1:15, 7:15 City Gold Satellite: 5:15 City Gold (Ashram Road): - 10:00, 3:00, 8:00, 10:30 City Gold (Bopal): 9:00, 2:45 Miraj Cinemas Cine Pride: 4:00 PAMPER THYSELF O2 Spa (Raddisson Blu Hotel) ............ .................................... 099980 61211 The Thai Spa (Ahmedabad One Mall) .................................... 075672 25441 Hummingbirds Spa (CG Road) ........... ................................... 079 4037 3377 Enrich Salon (University Area) ........... .................................... 090995 73000 B&B Salon & Nails (Navrangpura) .................................... 099794 24891 Shades of Blackk Spalon (Vastrapur) .................................... 076000 98000 Lakme Salon (Navrangpura) ............... ................................... 079 4007 6019 Director: Nitin Kakkar Cast: Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Alaya F and Chunkey Panday 19 Cinema (South Bopal): 9:40, 5:15, 7:50, 10:10 AB Miniplex (Shivranjini Cross Road): 10:00, 3:10, 4:55, 8:15, 10:00, 10:40 Himalaya Mall: 8:05, 10:30, 6:00, 11:15 Cinemax (Dev Arc): 9:00, 11:40, 2:20, 5:00, 7:45, 10:30 Cinemax (Shiv): 10:15, 4:15, 6:45, 10:15 Cinepolis (Ahmedabad One): 9:10, 11:50, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 City Gold Satellite: 9:30, 11:30, 2:45, 7:30, 10:30 City Gold (Ashram Road): 9:30, 12:00, 2:30, 5:15, 7:30, 10:00 Miraj Cinemas Cine Pride: 9:15, 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 Miraj City Pulse: 9:00, 10:30, 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 Mukta A2 Cinemas (Gulmohar Park Mall): 9:00, 11:30, 2:15, 5:00, 8:40, 10:40 PVR (Acropolis): 9:30, 12:10, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10, 10:50 PVR (Arved Transcube): 9:30, 12:10, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10, 10:50 PVR (Motera): 9:30, 12:10, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10, 10:50 Rajhans Cinemas (Nikol): 9:30, 2:00, 5:15, 10:20 Rajhans Cinemas (Satadhar): 9:30, 11:40, 5:00, 10:00 SB Multiplex (Agora Mall): 9:30, BLOOD BANKS Cross World Bank and Sankalp .......... ......................................91521 23660 Red Cross Blood Service .................... .................................... 097222 69610 Indian Blood Service .... 098980 30960 Green Cross Voluntary Blood Bank ..................................... 07926408820 White Cross Blood Bank and Path. Lab ............................... 07922815227 SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 22 Your love life will bloom and you two may get married when the right time comes. On professional front, someone will appreciate you for all your hard work and these words will boost your professional image. Your friends will bring lots of fun and excitement. CAPRICORN DEC 23 - JAN 20 You will make a major contribu- tion in offi ce today in turning the work environment into more friendly one. Your friends may surprise you with some trip or a special day out. Your efforts to make peace in your relationship won’t get wasted. INTERNET SERVICES UN Internet Service Provider (CG Road, Navrangpura) .... 079 4050 7676 AHMEDABAD BY SIGHT Sidi Saiyyed Mosque ... 079 2550 7147 Dada Harir Stepwell .... 079 2550 7147 Sabarmati Riverfront ... 079 2658 0430 Gujarat Science City .... 079 2970 3122 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport ........................ 079 2286 9211 Tourism Corporation of Gujarat .......... ................................... 079 2657 8046 DIAL-UP-A-DISH Domino’s ..............................6888688 Pizza Hut (CG Road) .......0794019480 Pizza Hut (Ashram Rd) .. 07923988398 Subway (Navrangpura) . 07940049990 Subway (Paldi) ............. 07940040002 McDonald’s (Himalaya Mall) ............... ................................... 022 6600 0666 Java+ Mariott (Ramdev Nagar) ........... ..................................... 07966185000 FLORISTS Aristo Florist (Ambavadi) ................... .................................... 099093 33322 Rami Brothers (Navrangpura) ............ ................................... 079 2656 5080 Orchid Florist (Navrangpura) .............. .................................... 098797 78891 Ferns N Petals (Satellite) .................... .................................... 093761 15848 GAS COMPANIES Jay Jyoti Gas Agency ... 085090 88306 Adani Gas ................... 079 2754 2988 Bharat Gas Offi ce ........ 1800 233 3555 Reliance Gas - Sheth Gas Service ..................................... 07926584544 AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19 PISCES FEB20 - MARCH 20 Money is fl oating in the air all you need is a way to attract that money. 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ETC AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 202013 RED ALERT! www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia BOLLYWOOD BABA BOLA ways. This portal even guides them with where to go after reaching Mumbai, where to find affordable places to live, whom to meet, and what not,” shared Ikram. “In Rajasthan, we are also planning to come up with an honourary function, ‘Kar- tavya Ko Salaam’, for the po- lice force here,” he added. To top it off, Ikram Akhtar and his team is also planning to start the first film-technical school of the world in Ra- jasthan, so that the students can learn about all the tech- niques required while shoot- ing a film. was ‘Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha’ after which I never looked back,” said Akhtar who has also written scripts for super VANSHIKHA GOUR vanshikha.gour@firstindia.co.in hits ‘Joru Ghulam’, ‘ T h a n k You’, ‘Baa- ghi’ ‘Ready’, to name a few. On being asked about like Ka I kram Akhtar, screen- writer, producer and director in Bollywood, hailing from Lucknow, shared a glimpse of his journey in an ex- clusive interview with City First. “I began my career in Bol- lywood as an Assistant Writer working for Anees Bamzee. The first film that I wrote for and RJ Sudeepta ple of ‘dramebaaz’ and ‘patakha’, as her con- tent always caters to the creative and off- beat crowd. RJ Sudeepta is a young youthful RJ who makes the listeners’ mornings fun and en- ergetic every day , talk- ing about issues from politics to Bollywood and brings views from around the globe with a new perspective. Hailing from Bhopal and being a body-build- er and model other- wise, she belongs to a family of music and sports lovers, and at a very young age, she was certain on the deci- sion that she wanted to be an RJ. Ikram Akhtar his visit to the Pink City , “I am starting my online portal called ‘BollywoodBaba.com’ which will assist and support the budding talents in various NEHAL NAYAR nehal.nayar@firstindia.co.in Poster of the fillm ‘Ready’ B able, and this is what 93.5 RED FM Jaipur has done. A few days ago, the radio station had 2 new RJs on board: RJ Zoya (Vellapanti Dot Com) and RJ Sudeepta (Morning No. 1). RJ Zoya is a regular girl next door from the Pink City, who has a funny twist to all topics related to the youth. She’s the perfect exam- ringing out new talent in front of everyone is ex- tremely appreci- STREET DANCER INJURED ALAYA ON HER WAY UP T Jaaneman in itself had created an immense buzz all across. Bask- ing in the glory of great reviews and ap- preciation that she has earned with her first, there is another sur- prise for the audience. Alaya F has signed her second film with Puja Entertainment, the process of which was underway before the release of Jawaani Jaaneman. The makers of her first, Puja Films have A tane action sequence for the upcoming film ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’. “I’ve just got back from Bhopal after shooting my part of the film “Bhuj: The Pride of India”. It involved a lot of emotional scenes and an entire high octane action sequence in which I ended up getting severely injured,” Nora said. Nora, who is currently riding high on the success of her latest release ‘Street Dancer 3D’, hurt her forehead. signed Alaya F for an- other film after Jawani Jaaneman. Bhagnani of Puja En- tertainment shares, “It was a delight to work with Alaya in our first project together. The team has always found promise in her artistry and believed she would do wonders. We are happy to have Alaya be part of our next pro- ject as well. It is too soon to reveal details about the project, but the entire team is ex- cited to have her be part of our family, once again.” he ment of Alaya F signing her first movie, Jawaani announce- ctress Nora Fatehi was ‘severely jured’ while forming a high oc- Jackky in- per- Nora Fatehi RJ Zoya Alaya F —Agency —IANS Heartthrobs VOICE OF RAJASTHAN A son is the most beautiful man in the world. The 33-year-old actor was found to be 92.15% accurate to the Greek Golden Ratio of Beau- ty Phi- which measure physical perfection. ‘The star Henry Cavill was second with 91.80%, followed by Cooper on the third position with 91.08%. Brad Pitt, tipped for an Os- car for his supporting role in ‘Once Upon A Time in Hol- lywood’, was fourth with 90.51% whereas the fifth po- sition was bagged by the old- est star on the list, George Clooney with 89.91%. David Beckham was seventh with a score of 88.96% and the most chiselled chin in the top ten. The ratio can be applied to anything and was used by Leonardo Da Vinci for the perfect human male body in his famous work, the Vitru- vian Man. —Agency ccording to the latest study by Dr. Julian De Silva, ‘Twilight’ star Robert Pattin- Witcher’ Bradley Mame Khan M an ancient musical legacy from the golden Thar Desert to the screens of Bollywood and more than 60 countries, cele- brating the finest of Folk Fusion with the 21st-cen- tury audience. He has received the Best Folk Single Award at Global Indian Music Academy Awards (GiMA) 2016. Born in Satto, a small village near Jaisalmer, Mame belongs to the Mangan- iyar community and a family of master singers, who have been carrying the singing tra- dition since 15 genera- tions. His energy and his vocal skill owe much to the influ- ence of his fa- ther and of Coke Studio @ MTV (sea- son 2), featuring the song ‘Chaudhary’ in collaboration with music director Amit Trivedi in 2012. He has been playback singer for numerous Hindi films such as Luck By Chance (2009), I Am (2010), No One Killed Jessica (2011), Mirzya (2016) and Son- chiriya (2019). He also lent his voice for a Hindi song in Ma- layalam film, Monsoon Man- goes. In October 2015, Khan released his debut album, Mame Khan’s Desert Sessions. He has also sung the national anthem for Hotstar and Star Sports’s 2015 Pro Kabaddi League season. From the most prestigious festivals to TV formats and to be found across platforms on the world wide web, the voice of Mame Khan is mes- merising worldwide. tutor, late Ustad Rana Khan. At the age of 14, he was given a six-year scholarship by the In- dian Council for Cultural Rela- tions to pursue his studies in music and arts. Khan made his singing de- but in Bollywood with Shankar Mahade- van for the film ame Khan, who is also known as the sig- nature Folk voice of Rajasthan, has taken Luck Chance 2009. Howev- er, he shot into the spot- light, when he appeared in an epi- By in s o d e prominent people Clockwise: Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, George Clooney and Brad Pitt
CITY BUZZ AHMEDABAD | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia 14 Snapshots Jharkhand of and special face mask. The dancers per- formed to percussion with fast move- ments, animated expressions and un- missable enthusiasm. The dances are a larger-than-life rep- resentation of everyday life, drawing inspiration from rural life, where vil- lages and the jungles have coexisted comfortably for ages and where it isn’t out of the ordinary to see elephants raid fields. The festival also included In all, more than 50 artists participated in the three-day event, which brought Am- davadis a taste of the food and films, as well as dance, music and craft forms of the state which is rich in tribal and folk heritage. ‘Superhero’ goes on floor next week D on board Abhinay Banker, Revanta Sarab- hai, Shraddha Dangar, Bhushan Bhatt, Bhavya Shirohi, Bharat Thakkar, Pri- yanka Raja and Janushi Oza in another Gujarati directorial venture Mara Pappa Superhero. Written by Sahitya Academy award winner Raam in today’s day and age. Pappa Superhero is go- —PHOTOS BY HANIF SINDHI CITY FIRST T he Natarani Amphitheatre in Usmanpura recently hosted artists and artisans from Jharkhand who Ahmedabad as part of the first- ever Jharkhand Festival. The festival included Jharkhandi crafts bazaar, Paitkar painting work- shop, a traditional mask-making work- shop and special evening performances titled Aadi Nritya—Tribal and Folk dances of Jharkhand, which featured traditional dances from the region in- cluding a marshal-arts dance with col- ourful costumes, traditional jewellery were in cityfirstgujarat@gmail.com And the winner is... Xavier’s Hansol student wins Regional Brain Bee competition stories. I am lucky to meet Raam with this ex- tra ordinary narrative.” It was originally written as a Marathi film, but was adapted for a Gujarati audience on Trivedi’s insistence. Ahmedabad-based Ni- shith Mehta will pro- vide music for the film, while cinematogra- pher turned director Tapan Vyas will shoot it. The film is produced by Tejasvi Buch, Milap Sinh Jade- ja and UT Rao. cityfirstgujarat@gmail.com CITY FIRST arshan Ashwin Trivedi, known for Mrugtrush- na, has brought Revanta Sarabhai Abhinay Bankar Bhavya Shirohi ing to bring in a fresh narrative about how a young child perceives a superhero. I always be- lieved in telling original Trivedi says, “Unlike my first film this film is going to be more con- trolled project. Mara Mori, the film is about a father-daughter rela- tionship and deals with fandom of superheroes Vidyut WELCOME! tions related to Neuroscience posed by ARBB coordinator Dr Suktara Sharma to walk away with the hon- ours. Senior neurologist and stroke spe- cialist at Zydus Hospital, Dr Arvind Sharma, who is also director of Ahmedabad Regional Brain Bee said, that the winner of the regional com- petition will be invited to compete against winners from other states in the Indian National Brain Bee cham- pionship, which is likely to be held in NIMHANS, Bengaluru, in April. “The Final Indian National Brain Bee champion will be invited to par- ticipate in the International Brain Bee finals to be held at Washington DC in the USA,” he said. cityfirstgujarat@gmail.com CITY FIRST D Sunday. The competition, aimed at testing knowledge of Class 11 stu- dents in Neuroscience and to encour- age them to explore the field, was organized by Ahmedabad in association with the Indian National Brain Bee (INBB). Haard Vyas of DPS Gandhinagar was the first runner-up of the Ahmedabad Regional Brain Bee com- petition, while Mahima Naik of Anand Niketan School Satellite was the second runner-up. These students successfully answered several ques- hruv Darji, a student of St. Xavier’s School Hansol, won the 9th Ahmedabad Regional Brain Bee competition on Rajasthan DIPR Commissioner Neeraj K Pawan visited the First India office at Ahmedabad, during his visit to the city on Wednesday. Here, he is seen in conversation with Darshan Desai, Resident Editor, First India Ahmedabad. —PHOTO BY NANDAN DAVE Zydus Hospital