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Road Map on becoming a Psychiatrist

Road Map on becoming a Psychiatrist. Step 1: Earning a Bachelor's Degree.

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Road Map on becoming a Psychiatrist

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Road Map on becoming a Psychiatrist

  2. Step 1: Earning a Bachelor's Degree • Those interested in becoming a psychiatrist must first earn an undergraduate degree from an accredited 4-year college or university. While there are no specific undergraduate majors recommended for this field, programs that include studies in biology, organic chemistry and sociology will help meet medical school entrance requirements.

  3. Step 2: Completing Medical School • Medical school is the next step for aspiring psychiatrists who possess a bachelor's degree. Candidates must earn a degree in medicine before they can move on to a residency program in psychiatry. Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) programs are designed for students interested in all medical fields, and can combine basic medical training with mental healthstudies for those who interested in becoming a psychiatrist

  4. Step 3: Choosing a Specialization • Many psychiatrists specialize in a specific type of patient, disorder or branch of psychiatry. For example, education programs in geriatric, adult, young adult and child psychiatry focus on the individual needs of respective age groups. Students learn the illnesses and conditions that are commonly found within that age bracket. Psychiatrists may also to choose to enter a specific branch of psychiatry, such as psychopharmacology, psychiatric research and forensic psychiatry. General psychiatry, wherein psychiatrists treat a wide variety of patients and conditions, is another popular career choice

  5. Step 4: Completing a Psychiatric Residency Program • The next step in becoming a psychiatrist is to complete a residency program. During their residency, prospective psychiatrists work directly with patients under the supervision of experienced psychiatrists. Residencies are performed in clinical settings and typically provide training in a broad range of areas, which can include treating hospitalized patients, performing outpatient services and dispensing psychiatric medications.

  6. Step 5: Obtaining a Medical License and Board Certification • Psychiatrists must hold a valid medical license to practice in the United States. Licenses are issued by state medical boards, and examination requirements vary by state. Exam results demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for working with patients in a clinical setting. • The final step in becoming a psychiatrist is to be certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (www.abpn.com). Although this certification is voluntary, it establishes professional credentials that are important when beginning a career as a psychiatrist. Certification is acquired by meeting the board's educational requirements and passing the certification exam.

  7. By Raven-Lewis Mason

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