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Do’s and Don’ts to Get Relief From Constipation

Francine Kanter, CCH, RsHom(NA) Is having 15 years of experience and is certified by Council for Homeopathic Certification of North America.

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Do’s and Don’ts to Get Relief From Constipation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do’s and Don’ts to Get Relief From Constipation https://fkanterhomeopath.com/

  2. About Us Francine Kanter, CCH, RsHom(NA) Is having 15 years of experience and is certified by Council for Homeopathic Certification of North America. She is currently practicing in Ormond Beach, Florida serving the needs of illness of patients and their families. Get in touch with us for more information. https://fkanterhomeopath.com/

  3. Homeopathic Treatment for Constipation Homeopathic remedies derived from plants, minerals and animal sources. They are homeopathically prepared into a homeopathic pharmacy, FDA approved. Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective. They are an excellent choice especially in childhood, pregnancy and elderly because they are safe, they have no side effects. Homeopathy offered promising treatment for constipation. Chronic constipation results from various constitutional problems such as stress, genetic predisposing, altered sleep pattern, etc. The homeopathic prescription depends upon symptoms and the underlying cause of the constipation. https://fkanterhomeopath.com/

  4. Do’s and Don’ts to Get Relief From Constipation • Do’s • Add Fiber to Your Diet • Eat Ripe or Dried Fruits  • Ease Into Making Changes to Your Diet • Don’ts • Go Fiber Crazy • Rely on Processed Foods  • Stress Out https://fkanterhomeopath.com/

  5. Contact Information Address-212 Chelsea Pl Ave Ormond Beach FL 32174 Email-frkanter@aol.com Phone-754 484-7988 Website-https://fkanterhomeopath.com/

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