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VET Policy Reform in Australia

VET Policy Reform in Australia. The last 20 years 澳大利亚20年来职教政策改革. The origins of VET reform 职教改革起源. After the 1982-83 recession Australia enjoyed rapid employment growth and resulting skill shortages 1982-1983 年后,需求猛增,导致技术工人短缺。

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VET Policy Reform in Australia

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  1. VET Policy Reform in Australia The last 20 years 澳大利亚20年来职教政策改革

  2. The origins of VET reform职教改革起源 • After the 1982-83 recession Australia enjoyed rapid employment growth and resulting skill shortages 1982-1983年后,需求猛增,导致技术工人短缺。 • The recession had exposed structural weaknesses in the Australian economy (uncompetitive manufacturing and tourism industries for example.)经济衰退暴露了澳大利亚经济的结构性弱点(例如,缺乏竞争力的制造业和旅游业) • Weaknesses were also evident in the education and training system. Inflexible and not related to industry needs. 教育和培训体制中也暴露出弱点,僵硬并不适应行业需求

  3. The origins of VET reform职教改革起源 • Government saw that economic reforms were not sufficient.政府发现经济改革不够 • Australia also needed to improve its innovation, skills and technology. 澳大利亚还需要改革其创新、技能和技术 • Education and training were seen as playing a ”vital role in productivity performance, directly conditioning the quality, depth and flexibility of our labour force skills.”教育与培训被看作是“生产力提高的主要角色,对劳动力技能的质量,发展和相关性其直接作用。”

  4. The origins of VET reform职教改革起源 • In the early to mid 1980s youth unemployment rates were high as full time jobs for the young fell • Permanent, full time work began to be replaced by part-time, casual and contract work 80年代初到中期,年轻人失业率随年轻人工作机会减少而提高 • Industry, during the mid-1980s, became increasingly critical of the training system for drifting away from delivering training of direct relevance to industry 80年代中期,行业对培训体制未能提供行业相关的培训提出越来越多批评 • In 1990 the Deveson Report recommended national goals for training and the development of a training market 90年, 报告建议,制定培训和开发培训市场的全国性目标

  5. What the system was before reform改革前的培训体制 • Before the VET reforms our system was made up of 9 state-based systems that lacked consistency改革前的职业教育由9个州的培训体制组成,缺乏连贯 • It was supply-driven rather than based on expected industry needs 该培训体制是供方本位的,而非基于行业需求 • Training provided within industry was not officially recognised行业自己的培训不被正式承认

  6. Actions taken改革行动 • In 1985 traineeships (1 year combined work & training) were introduced after the Kirby Report 1985年,在Kirby报告后,开始了1年期培训项目(工作结合培训) • Finn Report of 1991 set target of 90% for young peoples’ participation in or completion of education or training by age 19 (Actual latest figure is 83%) 1991年的Finn报告确定90%的19岁年轻人参加或完成教育或培训的目标 • In 1993 Commonwealth and States agreed to set up the Australian National Training Authority – this created a national system. This was called the ANTA Agreement.1993年,联邦和州政府同意建立澳大利亚国家培训局,从而建立了国家体制。

  7. Actions taken改革行动 • Under the ANTA Agreement the Commonwealth Government provided additional $70 million per year for 5 years – about a 5% increase in total VET funding per year. Commonwealth had been providing about 25% of total funding before this联邦政府据此连续5年提供每年7千万澳元额外经费,每年增加25% • For this it obtained an influence in strategic planning and resource allocation并对总体规划和资源分配具有影响 • In the early years of the 1990s Australia spent about $1760 per VET student per year in total 90年代上半页,澳大利亚职教年生均经费1760澳元

  8. Actions taken改革行动 • To improve VET’s ability to meet industry needs governments set up a National Training Board to oversight the development of national competency standards within the Australian Skills Framework (ASF)为提高职教满足行业需求能力,政府建立国家培训委员会,以管理澳大利亚技能框架中的国家能力标准开发 • They also established an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) to match qualifications with jobs and competency standards 并建立了澳大利亚证书体系,以让证书与工作和能力相符

  9. Where VET fits in the AQF

  10. Actions taken改革行动 • Governments introduced competency-based training as another way to ensure training was better matched to industry skill needs and to improve the assessment process政府实施能力本位的培训,以保证培训适应行业技能需求,并改善评估鉴定程序 • This meant that training could take place in either colleges or in the work place – as long as the individual could demonstrate the required skills 这意味着培训可以在大学和行业进行,但接受培训者能展示其技能 • Governments also introduced competitive funding for some VET provision. This means that now the government-owned TAFE Colleges deliver about 84% of all VET in Australia. The rest is delivered by private or community-based providers.政府对培训单位拨款实施竞争。即国有培训学院实施84%的培训,其他部分培训由私立或社区学校提供

  11. Actions taken改革行动 • With the support and cooperation of Australian unions governments established a National Framework for the Recognition of Training. This brought together curriculum reforms, qualification levels, industry and college training and the industrial relations system政府建立国家承认的体系,包括课程改革,证书等级,行业和大学培训,行业关系等 • Governments encouraged and funded industry to set up Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs) at both the national and state levels政府鼓励并资助行业建立咨询委员会 • These bodies advise government on competency standards and the future skill needs of their industry咨询委员会就能力标准和未来能力需求提出建议

  12. Actions taken改革行动 • Governments also established a National Research body (NCVER), which in turn developed national statistical standards for VET (AVETMISS), compiled national data and encouraged and managed VET research政府建立了国家研究中心,该中心开发了国家职教数据标准, • This statistical standard meant that state and college level performance could be compared across Australia and that a national planning system could be introduced该数据标准规定,各州和大学培训统一标准,建立国家计划体系

  13. Future challenges未来挑战 • The changing nature of work, and the timely provision of suitable skills, is one of the central issues facing the VET sector. 职教主要问题是其变化性,和提供及时恰当的技能 • New technologies have changed both the nature of technical skill requirements and have also reshaped work organization, emphasising the need for so-called “soft skills” in communication, teamwork and other human interaction. 新技术改变了技能要求的性质,和工业的组织,强调交往,团队等“软技术”

  14. Future challenges未来挑战 • With work becoming more specific to individual enterprises occupations are becoming less uniform across the labour market随不同企业的工作的不同,职业在劳动力市场越来越不一致 • As work changes more rapidly, workers will need to upgrade their skills more regularly than in the past工作的变化使工人更需要提高技能

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