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Wonders of Bonastre Granite diamonds pads

Bonastre Granite diamonds pads can be used to restore damaged or scratched granite flooring. You'll get a high-quality mechanical shine that will stay for a long time. Your in-house personnel can polish the floors as needed if you have a set of floor cleaning pads and powder on hand. Make use of these pads to get long-lasting results! Visit us at https://floorcareco.in<br>

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Wonders of Bonastre Granite diamonds pads

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  1. Overview on Granite diamonds pads & their process of polishing Granite is a high-end construction material known for its long-lasting beauty. When used as worktops or floors, granite adds a level of distinction that few other materials can match. However, the beautiful polish on granite will get worn, faded, and damaged with time. To give the stone a fresh surface and restore its beautiful brilliance, polished. So, what’s a solution? Granite diamond pads. it must be When we say "polish" on this page, we don't mean cleansers; we mean granite impregnated diamond pads. This is an excellent Spanish product whose objective is to remove the daily filth that collects on granite. During the technique, it restores the lustre of a well-polished surface. Your granite surfaces should be cleaned in this manner as needed – as frequently as daily or as seldom as every few weeks, depending on the kind and volume of use – and this is one of the best products on the market. From this point on, the polish that is being worked on is one that creates an altogether new surface for the granite. It eliminates a thin layer of dull, scratched, and discoloured granite to reveal new, smooth stone beneath. The frequency with which you clean your granite is entirely dependent on its look. Depending on traffic or use, most granite surfaces require polishing every five to fifteen years. Of course, polished granite must be sealed to avoid stains and other potentially harmful issues, and the technique is outlined below. Granite polishing options & techniques Granite may be polished using a variety of methods. From granite diamond pads to granite polishing systems. Granite polishing pads are diamond- impregnated pads that smash through even the toughest flooring to grind away stains, debris, and scratches. These pads come with Munich pro attachments that grind and hone the floor before polishing it. M0: For grinding through tough stoned floor black disc is used. M1: After that use a red disc to eradicate the scratches made by M0 & makes the floor smoother as it goes along. M2: The Brown disc is used to smooth the floor even more by removing the scratches caused by M1. M3: The Yellow disc eliminates the M2's scratches and begins to reflect adjacent objects.

  2. M4: The show begins with the Grey disc. At this point, shine brightly. The Green Pad: The green pad is used to polish the floor and achieve the desired shine. Granite polishing system When granite floors are grinning, honed, and polished, they lose a layer of the store; nevertheless, when these materials are mixed and handled properly, they improve the hardness of the floor. The proper way to use the granite polishing system is in a 2:1 ratio. Where the liquid is utilized in two parts and the powder is used in one. The liquid of Nova granite comes in white & black Method of using theNova granite Polishing System: 1. Start with spreading powder & add the liquid in a 2:1 ratio on the granite floor 2. Then rub the paste with the inox pad 3. Then attach the Inox pad with any standard floor scrubbing machines 4. To get desired shine repeat the process The granite polishing method can both densify and shine the flooring. This increases the floor's durability and makes it non-slippery. Final say In this blog, we have put two different methods for polishing granite & their process on polishing. So, choose according to the options suitable for you. However, if you are looking for any solution for restoring floor or granite diamonds pads then you can connect with Manmachine solutions. As they render different floor solutions. To know more visit http://floorcareco.in/

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