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Háganlo ahora. Escriban las palabras del vocabulario : The news The reporter Headlines International news Local news Objetivo : Discuss locations of items. Demonstrative Adjectives. Spanish 3 Honors. Demonstrative adjectives. There are 3 types of demonstrative adjectives in Spanish:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Háganloahora • Escribanlaspalabras del vocabulario: • The news • The reporter • Headlines • International news • Local news Objetivo: Discuss locations of items

  2. Demonstrative Adjectives Spanish 3 Honors

  3. Demonstrative adjectives • There are 3 types of demonstrative adjectives in Spanish: • -one that points out someone or something near the speaker • One that points out someone or something farther away • One that points out someone or something at a great distance

  4. El cuaderno (notebook) • This notebook = estecuaderno • That notebook = esecuaderno • That notebook (over there) =aquelcuaderno

  5. La mesa (table) • This table = esta mesa • That table = esa mesa • That table (over there) =aquella mesa

  6. Los cuadernos (the notebooks) • These notebooks = estoscuadernos • Those notebooks = esoscuadernos • Those notebooks (over there) = aquelloscuadernos

  7. Las mesas (tables) • These tables = estas mesas • Those tables = esas mesas • Those tables (over there) =aquellas mesas

  8. Práctica-translate • This cat, that cat, that cat over there • This house, that house, that house over there • These cars, those cars, those cars over there • These chairs, those chairs, those chairs over there

  9. Háganloahora • Escriban en español: • This article • That editor • That camera over there • That fact • This progam Objetivo: discuss location using demonstrative adjetives

  10. Háganloahora • Escriban en español: • These articles • Those books over there • This ruler • Those desks • Those students over there Objetivo: discuss location using demonstrative adjetives

  11. Trabajo en clase: • Text p. 83- actividades 9, 10 p. 92 actividad 2

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