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Fly ash is obtained from the power plants as a by-product, after processing, it becomes suitable for cement and concreates applications. Its bricks are manufactured using a hydraulic or vibratory press, the raw material which is none other than fly ash produced from thermal power stations, locally sand or dust and hydrated lime are mixed in a required proportion to obtain a uniform mix.<br>
Fly Ash Bricks- Eco-friendly Manufacturing Product http://www.flyashsupplier.com
Fly ash is obtained from the power plants as a by-product, after processing, it becomes suitable for cement and concreates applications. Its bricks are manufactured using a hydraulic or vibratory press, the raw material which is none other than fly ash produced from thermal power stations, locally sand or dust and hydrated lime are mixed in a required proportion to obtain a uniform mix. HTTP://WWW.FLYASHSUPPLIER.COM
Comparision with clay bricks A semi-dry mix is placed in the mold of the press, the mixture is then dried in air for two or three days afterward water is cured for fourteen to twenty days. This results in the production of high, compact and uniform shape blocks. Companies who devise quality products are not hard to find, you can easily seek to fly ash bricks suppliers who employ advanced technologies in manufacturing their products and supplies in bulk quantity. http://www.flyashsupplier.com
Clay bricks: 1. Its shape is uneven because they are made manually. 2. They are porous 3. Heavy in weight 4. Costlier as compared to the former 5. Need of fertile topsoil while manufacturing it which is not healthy for the environment. 6. Not properly finished therefore requires plastering www.flyashsupplier.com
Fly ash bricks 1. Made from machine, therefore, has even surface 2. Not porous 3. Light in weight 4. Cost is less than clay. 5. Made by using by-products of thermal power plants, therefore, eco- friendly 6. Properly finished, no need of plastering http://www.flyashsupplier.com
Advantages www.flyashsupplier.com Ithasnumerousbenefitsoutofwhich somearedescribedbelow, let'ssee whyitistheprominentchoiceof cementandconstructionindustries nowadays. Transportationplaysavitalrolein constructionduetothismostofthe projectswhichhaveabetter connectivityaredevelopedfaster. Bricksmadeofitarelightinweight, therefore, theyareeasilytransported fromoneplacetoanotherand facilitatesconstructioncompany.
Add a little bit of Quality control is easy with machine-made products as compared to the manually developed clay bricks. Growing pollution terribly leads us to devastation, using eco-friendly products we can change this situation. Fly ash is such a solution, by-products are generally thrown away either into the land or ejected into the air. Now it is not disposed into the landmass but in spite of it is used in other applications, therefore, helps in keeping a clean environment.
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