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Let’s Talk About The Advising Syllabus

Let’s Talk About The Advising Syllabus. Sandy Bauman Courtney Johnsrud Great Falls College Msu Advising & Career Center. Advising!. “Good advising is one of the key conditions that promotes retention for it reflects an institutions commitment to the education of students.” Vincent Tinto

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Let’s Talk About The Advising Syllabus

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  1. Let’s Talk About The Advising Syllabus Sandy Bauman Courtney Johnsrud Great Falls College Msu Advising & Career Center

  2. Advising! “Good advising is one of the key conditions that promotes retention for it reflects an institutions commitment to the education of students.” • Vincent Tinto “Good advising may be the single most underestimated characteristic of a successful college experience.” • Richard Light

  3. So Let’s Talk What does the philosophy of “advising as teaching and learning” mean to you? The conversations we had about this topic really led us to all that follows

  4. Teaching and Learning “An excellent advisor does the same for the student’s entire curriculum that the excellent teacher does for one course” Marc Lowenstein, 2005

  5. A Syllabus What does the syllabus do? What are the benefits of using a syllabus? Can we just expect students to know and understand the value of advising?

  6. Topics for today • How we did it? • Who • What • Why • How does it contribute to our campus culture? • How and where do we use it? • How do we plan to move forward?

  7. How did we do it – WHO? • Advising & Career Center • Executive Team representative • Common Ground - Advisory Board • Faculty • Student • Staff • Distance Faculty Why include all of these groups?

  8. How did we do it – WHAT? First steps – Develop an advising mission statement that ties to the College’s mission statement Advising is a teaching and learning process dedicated to student success. The Advising & Career Center will work collaboratively with the campus community to assist students in developing and implementing individual plans in order to live, work, and learn as active members of a global society.

  9. How did we do it – WHAT? And we developed a common definition (course description) of advising that fits our college…. Advising is a comprehensive educational process whereby students, faculty and advisors are partners in: • providing encouragement and support; • ensuring student academic success; • identifying resources to help students achieve their personal, academic, and career goals; • meeting essential learning outcomes; and • engaging students throughout their entire experience at the College.

  10. The Syllabus We followed our academic common syllabus template as much as possible – meets the guidelines of all syllabi on the campus How did this help us…… Make it relevant to the campus, division, etc that will be using it Don’t reinvent the wheel!

  11. The Syllabus: The Parts • Responsibilities of Advisors • Encourage and guide students to define and develop realistic educational goals • Communicate the College’s degree requirements, policies, and procedures • Monitor students’ progress • Responsibilities of Advisees • Clarify personal values and goals • Become knowledgeable about college programs, policies and procedures • Keep a personal record of academic progress • Creates the understanding that Advising is a two-way responsibility • Tells students and the advisor what they can expect and do to get the most out of advising

  12. The Syllabus – The Parts • Learning Outcomes What do you expect students to • Know and Understand (policies and procedures) • Do (navigate Banner Web) • Value and Appreciate (role of advising) as a result of academic advising Example: Students will develop a comprehensive, individual academic plan to graduation

  13. The Syllabus: The Parts Outcomes assessment – did you meet the learning objectives? Start small – measure 2-3 a year Creates accountability to the student and the College Ties back to academics and accreditation Evaluates how well the process of teaching and learning is progressing

  14. The Syllabus: The Parts Resources – on and off campus Advising calendar Materials (catalog, planning sheets, web, etc) Contact Info What else?

  15. How did we do it – WHY? Buy in! Reinforce advising as an academic pursuit – it is more than course planning Give us a means for evaluating our progress

  16. How does it contribute to our culture? Sets the tone for advising relationship Clarifies what advising is and the value it adds to the educational experience Makes advising visible and transparent to the College Creates mutual obligations Accountability

  17. How do we use it? • Introduce at registration • Small groups • Explains the relationship they can expect • May be the first introduction to a syllabus, what it is, and why it is important – teach the language of higher education • Review at first advisor individual appointment • More in depth discussion • Reinforces academic nature of advising • Defines the nature of advising to students

  18. Are there challenges? A new process to learn Can be uncomfortable as you figure out how and when to use it Buy in from advising, students, and the College It is a culture shift – it takes time What do you include in the syllabus (can’t be everything!)

  19. How do we plan to move forward? Improve process for online students Review our learning outcomes – develop them around momentum points Find new ways to effectively use it – orientation, web, D2L, study skills course Outcomes assessment – how do we measure it Resources – find more Advising Calendar – keeping it current Professional Development - Practice

  20. The Syllabus Remember….It’s all about student learning

  21. References & Resources Light, R.J. Making the most of college: Students speak their minds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001. Lowenstein, M. (2005). If Advising Is Teaching, What Do Advisors Teach? The NACADA Journal, 25 (2) 67-73. Tinto, V. Taking Student Retention Seriously. Retrieved September 9/21/12 from http://faculty.soe.syr.edu/vtinto/Files/Taking%20Student%20Retention%20Seriously.pdf Resource: Advising Syllabi: http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Clearinghouse/AdvisingIssues/syllabus101.htm

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