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Welcome to A. Maceo Walker Middle School, home of the Mighty Jaguars! Learn about our academic programs, uniform policies, school hours, and class expectations. Find important information on absences, lockers, drills, guidance, items not to bring, and the cell phone policy. Get ready for lunchtime and understand student discipline guidelines.
Student Orientation Mrs. T. McBride – Principal Mr. T. Brittenum– Assistant Principal
Welcome to A. Maceo Walker Middle School HOME OF THE MIGHTY JAGUARS
We will engage you in : • develop your skills in reading, writing and mathematical computation. • help you read with comprehension • write for a variety of purposes • perform mathematic computations at high levels of proficiency. So YOU will depart A. Maceo Walker Middle School with the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful high school students and lifelong learners. While you are with us WHY?
A. Maceo Walker Middle School School Wide Behavior Expectations Respectful Responsible RIGHT
UNIFORM POLICY • WHITE polo, oxford and button down shirts are fine. • Any t-shirt worn underneath must be WHITE. • All uniform shirts/blouses must be TUCKED at all times. • Sleeveless tops are not acceptable. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
UNIFORM POLICY • Full length dress pants, boot cut/straight-legged, cargo pants, capri pants, cropped pants • KNEE – LENGTH walking shorts are acceptable. • Skirts and jumpers must be worn at the knee or longer. • Jeans or any type of DENIM, tight fitting or baggy pants are NOT acceptable. • Pants MUST be fitted at the waist and BELTS worn everyday!!!!! • Belt colors must be NAVY, WHITE, BLACK OR BROWN. Colored belts are confiscated.
UNIFORM POLICY • House shoes/slippers are NOT acceptable • Outerwear cannot be worn in the building • Jackets and sweaters worn inside the building must be the following colors: white, khaki, black or navy blue • NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
SCHOOL HOURS • School hours are 8:15 am – 3:15 pm • The building does NOT OPEN till 7:45am • FREE Breakfast is served every morning from 7:45 am – 8:15 am. • All students must be off campus by 3:30 pm unless staying for an activity with a teacher.
ARRIVING AT SCHOOL • Line up in a straight line outside the school • Enter and go to the cafeteria if eating breakfast or the auditorium if not • Sit quietly in the auditorium and prepare your mind for the day • Follow the directions of the cafeteria monitors • You will be released from the auditorium and cafeteria in a straight line • You have five (5) minutes to report to your lockers and get to homeroom
CLASS EXPECTATIONS • Be prepared • Sit down and be quiet • Do ALL of your work and follow the directions of the teacher at all times • Try your best!!!
ABSENCES In order to get good grades and learn something, you must be at school EVERYDAY!!! The only absences that will be excused are: • Illness • Death/serious illness in immediate family • Required court appearance • Religious holiday/event If you are absent – BRING A NOTE!!
LOCKERS • Keep your books and belongings safe in your locker. • The lockers belong to the school and may be opened by authorized personnel (i.e., principal, assistant, etc.) at any time. • Students can enter their lockers at these times ONLY: • Before Homeroom • After Lunch • At 3:15 pm
FIRE, TORNADO & EARTHQUAKE DRILLS These drills help us practice what to do in case a real disaster happens. Therefore, this is NOT the time to play and talk. Instead, you must be quiet and listen for important directions.
GUIDANCE The guidance department is to help students with academic or personal problems. The counselor can also help students make career choices. Let your teacher know if you need to talk with the guidance counselor or you can write a note to her or the principals.
ITEMS YOU SHOULDN’T BRING TO SCHOOL • CD players, radios, video games, baseball caps, cards, games, dice, do-rags, wristbands, headbands and bandanas are all NOT ALLOWED on school grounds. • If they are brought to school, they will be confiscated, labeled and a parent will have to come to the school and pick them up.
CELL PHONE POLICY • Cell phones are not allowed on school grounds • Before, During, or After School • They will be confiscated if discovered at school.
CHANGING CLASSES • No-Bell Schedule • Classes move under the direction of the team captain • Only one class should be in the hall standing in a line in silence, as they wait for the other classes to change • When going to exploratory, the class should remain seated inside their classes until their teacher escorts them to class • You will be picked up from your exploratory classes by your core teachers • Whenever students are in the hall, they should be in a straight line (NO TALKING IN LINE)
LUNCH TIME • Walk down from your classes in a straight line • Enter cafeteria and report to lines • Follow directions of monitors • Once you get your tray, you can NOT get up out of your sear for any reason • Place all trash in the trash can • The FLOOR and tables should be CLEANbefore you leave
STUDENT DISCIPLINE You are responsible for operating like a responsible individual. Memphis City Schools created policies detailing discipline procedures and the administration and faculty of A. Maceo Walker Middle School enforces these policies. We Believe in You!
Respectful Responsible Be Right!!!!
Uniform free days Classroom/ Team Incentives Participation on Athletic teams Attendance to special programs at a discounted rate or FREE Talent shows Games Pep Rallies School Dances Field Trips A GREAT, PEACEFUL, LOVING SCHOOL!!! Rewards for Appropriate Behavior
UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR Fighting – Classroom Disruption – Vandalism – Assault – Possession of Weapons (real or fake), Narcotics, Alcohol, and Drugs – Stealing – Truancy – Insubordination – Sexual Harassment – Sexual Activities – Intimidation – Bullying – Profanity (written or verbal) – Skipping or Cutting Class
CONSEQUENCES • Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated • Consequences for misbehavior range from • Exclusion from special activities/programs/teams • phone calls to parents • Mandatory parent conferences • ISS • Overnight suspensions • Home suspension • Expulsion • Administrators will determine which consequence is appropriate for the displayed behavior.
ZERO TOLERANCE You will be expelled for one academic school year if you engage in the following actions: • Possession of a firearm or explosive • Making a bomb threat • Possession of an illegal drug or unauthorized prescription drug • Battery against school personnel or threats or profanity against teachers and administrators
ACADEMICS HONOR ROLL – The Honor Roll is determines from the student’s report card and is set by the Board of Education’s policy. Middle School Honors • Principal’s List – The numerical equivalent of A’s in all courses for a six week period with conduct of E and/or S. • Distinguished Honor Roll – Grade point average of 3.6 or above with no grade below 76 with conduct of E and/or S. • Honor Roll – Grade point average of at least 3.0 but less than 3.6 with no grade below 76 with conduct of E and/or S. • Citizenship Honor – all E’s in conduct.
Memphis City Schools Grading Policy • The grading policy has been changed to include: • •10% Homework • •20% Class Participation (does not refer to student conduct) • •20% Class-work/Daily work (refers to a formative demonstration of the student’s ability and includes projects, reports, presentations) • •50% Assessments (refers to a student’s culminating, independent demonstration of mastery of one or more competencies) Assessments
Important Changes @ Grading Policy • Effective beginning in the 2011-2012 school year, in grade levels where the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Achievement Test (TCAP/AT) is administered, the second semester averages in mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies shall include the score on the corresponding section of the TCAP/AT weighted at 15%. • Each quarter counts 42.5% and the TCAP/AT counts 15%. • THIS MEANS- YOU MUST WORK HARD TO PASS THE TCAP SO YOU CAN PASS TO THE NEXT GRADE
ATHLETICS • Students must be passing all of their core classes in order to participate in extracurricular activities. • Students who do not maintain an average of 75 or better will be required to attend after school tutoring.
Destination AYP!!! Rigor, Relevance, Relationships