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Parasites. Ancylostoma caninum -Hookworm. Egg. Larvae. Adult. Ancylostoma braziliense -hookworm. Egg. Adult. Larvae. Ancylostoma tubaeforme -hookworm. Egg. Adult. Larvae. Ctenocephalides felis -flea. Egg. Larvae. Pupae. Adult. Demodex -mite. Egg. Nymph. Larvae. Adult.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parasites

  2. Ancylostomacaninum-Hookworm Egg Larvae Adult

  3. Ancylostomabraziliense-hookworm Egg Adult Larvae

  4. Ancylostomatubaeforme-hookworm Egg Adult Larvae

  5. Ctenocephalidesfelis-flea Egg Larvae Pupae Adult

  6. Demodex-mite Egg Nymph Larvae Adult

  7. Dipylidiumcaninum- tapeworm dog and cat Eggs digested by larvae flea Egg Adult

  8. Dirofilariaimmitis-heartworm Larvae Egg Adult in heart Adult

  9. Fasciola hepatica-liver fluke of cattle and sheep Cercariae Egg Miracidium Metacercariae Adult

  10. Gasterophilushemorrhoidalis- bot fly of horse Egg Larvae Pupae Adult

  11. Giardia cyst

  12. Giardia troph

  13. Heartworm adult

  14. Isospora- dog and cat protozoa Oocysts Immature oocysts with sporoblasts Mature Oocysts w/ Sporozoites Immature oocysts with sporocysts

  15. Ixodidae- hard tick

  16. Otodectes-ear mite Eggs Nymph Larvae Adult

  17. Sarcoptes-mite Egg Nymph Larvae Adult

  18. Stephanurusdentatus- kidney worm in swine Egg Adult

  19. Strongyloides westeri-intestinal threadworms of horse Egg Larvae Adult

  20. Strongylus vulgaris-large strongle of the horse Eggs Adult

  21. Taenia pisiformis- tapeworm dog Adult Egg

  22. Toxocara- adult round worm

  23. Trichurisvulpis- whipworm Egg Larvae Adult

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