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Oklahoma’s Completion Agenda. 1. In The Global Economy of the 21 st Century, 90 Percent of the Fastest-Growing Jobs Will Require a Higher Education. EDUCATION AND TRAINING PAY. 140. 80. 0. 20. 40. 160. 100. 60. 120. 0. 5%. 10%. 15%. PROFESSIONAL DEGREE. $146,659. 2.4.
In The Global Economy of the 21st Century, 90 Percent of the Fastest-Growing Jobs Will Require a Higher Education.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING PAY 140 80 0 20 40 160 100 60 120 0 5% 10% 15% PROFESSIONAL DEGREE $146,659 2.4 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN 2010 DOCTORATE DEGREE 1.9 $116,305 MASTER’S DEGREE 4.0 $87,913 BACHELOR’S DEGREE 5.4 $68,812 ASSOCIATE DEGREE ANNUAL SALARIES IN 2009 7.0 $49,835 SOME COLLEGE NO DEGREE $47,484 9.2 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE $39,937 10.3 LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL $30,958 14.9 Source: Bureau of the Census; Bureau of Labor Statistics
Degrees/Certificates Conferred by Oklahoma Public Colleges and Universities 30,500 Degrees & Certificates Conferred 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2009 Source: 2010 Degrees Conferred Report/UDS Database
Recent History of Appropriations FY09 FY11 $1,039,886,280 billion FY10 $1,003,461,016 billion $1,001,948,532 billion FY12 $945,260,277 million 9.44% Reduction over a Four Year Cycle
Tuition Tuition Increase in 2009 – 2011 5.8% 5% 0% 2010 2011 2009
$ COST SAVINGS • All Oklahoma institutions of higher education have decreased their need for additional funds for mandatory operating obligations by cost savings efforts. • A total cost savings of $347.3 million from 2009-13. • Energy Conservation • Energy Conversion • Changes in Salaries and Benefits • Changes and Elimination of Positions • Reduction in Supplies • IT Savings Source: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
STATE REGENTS ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVES • Cost Control and Savings Initiatives • Low Producing Program Actions • Completion Goals and Performance Funding • Funding Formula Reform Taskforce • Ensure Seamless Transfers
COMPLETE COLLEGEAMERICA • Oklahoma is one of 29 states accepted to participate in the Complete College America project to help more Americans achieve their dream of a college education. • Complete College America (CCA) is complemented by the work of the National Governors Association and its Complete to Compete (CtC) initiative. By virtue of Oklahoma’s participation in the Complete College America Alliance, Oklahoma is considered to be actively involved in both projects. • Oklahoma was accepted because the State has made a commitment to significantly increase the number of students successfully completing college and closing educational attainment gaps for traditionally underserved populations. • Five national foundations are providing multi-year support to CCA: the Carnegie Corporation; the Gates Foundation; the Ford Foundation; the Kellogg Foundation; and Lumina Foundation for Education.
“Ultimately, what is proposed under the Oklahomaaction plan is an acceleration of efforts to make significant improvements to two critical segments of the educational pipeline: Restructuring remedial and developmental education and Development of accelerated degree completion options.” Oklahoma Priorities Thorough review of existing and new research Make the project our own Meaningful change Prioritize and accelerate
Complete College America A Plan for Increasing Postsecondary Credentialsto Fuel a Strong Economy
Sample Campus Initiatives Adult degree completion – Associate and bachelor’s in high-demand Reverse transfer initiatives Certificate completion through program equivalent projects Targeted freshman to sophomore retention Academic maps and student/campus contracts Accelerated remedial strategies New workforce driven certificates, associate, bachelor’s degrees Transitional courses and activities with K-12 – Early college programs
Oklahoma Degree and Certificate Goals 50,900 67 % Increase 30,500 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Complete College Oklahoma Increasing 1,700 Degrees & Certificates per Year
The Course Equivalency Project Oklahoma’s transfer and articulation initiative
Course Equivalency Project • Selected program level and course-to-course transfer agreements were in place from early to mid-1980’s • In 1996, the State Regents approved Facilitating Student Transfer: A Comprehensive Action Plan to improve student transfer. This plan included four parts: • creating working faculty transfer curriculum committees; • development of a systemwide electronic course transfer guide; • emphasizing academic advising; and • organizing an evaluation process to monitor transfer students’ success.
Course Equivalency Project CEP operates on an annual cycle. In spring, the Council on Instruction (COI) determines the 8-15 faculty committees that will meet in the fall. Presidents nominate faculty during the summer. Each fall, between 200 & 300 faculty members meet by discipline to update common course descriptions and establish new course equivalencies. Chief academic officers update course information in the fall and spring and the COI approves the course recommendations. The State Regents approve the CEP matrices for upcoming year and it is distributed to institutions along with an update to the OSRHE website. www.OKCourseTransfer.org.
Course Equivalency Project Currently, all 25 public institutions of higher education as well as several private colleges and universities participate in the CEP. It reinforces student access to the three-tiered higher education system and helps shorten the time it takes students to obtain a degree. To date, more than 8,000 courses (over 600 course groupings) across more than 46 academic disciplines are on the CEP. The CEP is a nationally recognized initiative and other states contact OSRHE for guidance when developing their own statewide course articulation systems.
Positive Developments Establishes content standards and expected learner outcomes. Foundation of CCSS & PARCC Initiatives Facilitates articulation of curriculum development as faculty design new courses Faculty discussions of emerging trends within disciplines Tracking system permits registrars to recognize the course changes, deletions, and additions made to the CEP from year to year Development of a student transfer hotline (800-583-5883) to help students with transfer problems within the State System.
2011-12 CEP Activities The 2011-12 CEP matrices include 8,076 individual courses from 46 disciplines Fall 2011 meeting on the UCO campus included nine disciplines: Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, English, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Engineering, and Nutrition. All of public institutions participate with Bacone, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Christian, Oral Roberts, and Tulsa being regular private institution participants.
2011-12 CEP Activities Continuing efforts to work with the Nursing and Allied Health fields to do articulation work have led to several common course descriptions. The Technical Crosswalk will debut this year for students taking applied technical courses that lead to an Associate of Applied Science degree. The CEP discipline groups have become critical links to reform discussions that are part of the Oklahoma Completion Agenda.
OKLAHOMA STATE REGENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Dr. Houston Davis Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education hdavis@osrhe.edu 405.225.9175