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PRESENTATION In a modern society there are different types of surveillance systems from cctv cameras to biometric readers . In this power point presentation We have studied some of the most used alarm and surveillance systems . . Technology and the surveillance society.
PRESENTATION In a modern society there are differenttypes of surveillancesystems from cctvcameras to biometricreaders. In thispowerpointpresentation Wehavestudied some of the mostusedalarm and surveillancesystems.
Technology and the surveillance society Modern technology is able to keep people under surveillance in manydifferent ways.
Biometricreaders: Identification of peoplethroughtDNA, fingerprints, eyestrycture or facialfeactures.
CCTV cameras (closedcircuit TV): 24 hour observation of people in streets, shops and public buildings; images are stored.
Credit cards: Records of whatpeoplehavebought, howmuchtheyspent, when and wheretheywere.
GPS (global positioningsystem): Vital data for navigationsystemsbut can also be used for trackingvehicles or people.
Hiddencameras and listeningdevices (calledbugs): Information from traditionalspyingtecnhogy, nowminaturised and harderthanever to detect.
Mobile phones: Records of calls made, who to, where and when.
Public transporttravelcards: Records of passengersjourneys: times, arrivals, destinations.
RFID tags (radio frequencyidentification): Identification and tracking of products in shops and warehouses; can also be incorporatedintoidentitycards and eveninjectedintoanimals and people.
Satellite photography: High-resolutionimages from above of land and buildings .
Vehiclerecognition/speedcameras: Identification of passingcards; used for automaticpayment on motorwayes, in carparks etc.