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Tallest Tower Challenge: Build & Reflect

Engage in an engineering activity to design the tallest tower using limited resources. Reflect on the design process and explore the impact of different factors on tower height. Enhance teamwork, problem-solving skills, and creativity while discussing the benefits and challenges of engineering design.

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Tallest Tower Challenge: Build & Reflect

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tallest Tower Activity • Form Groups of Two • Using only one piece of construction paper, design the tallest tower that can stand freely for at least 10 seconds

  2. Tallest Tower Activity Engineering Criteria and Constraints • 30 Minutes to Construct and Test • Must Stand Freely for 10 Seconds • Brainstorm Designs • Regular Paper only for Prototype • Test and Make Improvements • Construction Paper for the Final Tower • No Additional Tape or Paper

  3. Tallest Tower Reflection • Identify the science involved. • What factors created a very tall tower? • What different designs did you see and which ones were the most effective? Why? • Did it make a difference to create a prototype and was it similar to the final design? • Did it matter where the tape was placed?

  4. Tallest Tower Discussion • Characteristics & benefits of using Engineering Design? • Activities can you modify to use Engineering Design? • Problems you anticipate and how to resolve them? • Biggest roadblock to using Engineering Design?

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