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英语学习策略 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心 文秋芳. Encouraging Note. English Course Requirements for Non-English Majors (2004). Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing Translation Recommended vocabulary size Additional requirements:
英语学习策略 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心 文秋芳
Encouraging Note • English Course Requirements for Non-English Majors (2004)
Listening/Speaking • Reading/Writing • Translation • Recommended vocabulary size • Additional requirements: • English teachers should allocate some time to develop students’ learning strategies to promote their self-autonomy and to sharpen their cultural awareness to develop their intercultural communicative abilities
“English course guidelines for primary and secondary school students”
The language curriculum • Syllabus design: What? • Methodology: How? • Evaluation: How well? • (Nunan, 2004)
Difficulties in implementing the new curriculum • What are the strategies? • No specifications in the curriculum • How to incorporate the strategy component into a daily lesson? • How to incorporate it into a web-based course?
The question that arises in this context • How to integrate strategy training with foreign language programs?
讲课提纲 • 对英语学习策略研究的背景 • 英语学习策略的定义 • 英语学习策略系统的概述 • 英语学习策略对学习成绩的影响 • 指导英语学习策略的原则和步骤
一 、 对英语学习策略研究的背景 (一) 国外情况 • 70年代开始有人研究英语学习策略 • Rubin, J. 1975. What the ‘good language learner’ can teach us. TESOL Quarterly 9(1): 41-45. • Naimen, N., M. Frohlich, A. Todesco, 1975. The good Lanugage learner. TESL TALK 6(1): 58-75. • 80年代成为研究热点 • 90年代开始广泛应用到教学中去
(二) 国内情况 • 80年代开始有人研究, 大约比国外晚10年。 • Huang, Xiaohua, 1984. An investigation of learning strategies in oral communication that Chinese EFL learners in China employ. HK: Unpublished MA thesis. • Chen, S. Q. 1990. A study of communication strategies in interlanguage production by Chinese EFL learners. Language Learning 40 (2): 155-87.
90年代成为研究的热点,并试图运用到教学中去。90年代成为研究的热点,并试图运用到教学中去。 • 研究对象:英语专业,非英语专业,硕士研究生,小学生。 • 研究范围:听力策略,口头交际策略,阅读策略,写作策略,词汇策略。 • 未研究的或研究不够的:中学生,小学生;学习语音语调策略,学习语法策略,学习翻译策略。
1、文秋芳,1996,《英语学习策略论》上海外语教育出版社出版了1、文秋芳,1996,《英语学习策略论》上海外语教育出版社出版了 2、文秋芳,2003,《英语学习的成功之路》上海外语教育出版社 3、文秋芳,王立非,2003,《英语学习策略实证研究》,陕西师范大学出版社 4、文秋芳,王立非,2004,《英语学习策略理论研究》,陕西师范大学出版社
(三)为什么对研究英语学习策略感兴趣? • 研究“如何教”成效不大 • 研究教学方法,走进了死胡同。 • 教与学两个方面,缺一不可。 • 社会对教育的要求 • 培养独立、自主的学习者,自己能够学习新知识。
给人以鱼,一日食鱼; • 授人予渔,终身得鱼。 • Give a man a fish and he eats a day. • Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
二 、 英语学习策略的定义 (一)什么不是策略? • 学习策略不是“recipes”。 • 学习策略不是“诀窍”。 • 学习策略不是“灵丹妙药”
(二) 英语学习策略的定义 根据自己的观念,为提高英语学习效果而采取的行动或方法。 策略 = 观念 +方法 这个定义更适用于对成年人的策略研究。
三、英语学习策略系统 • 英语学习观念 • 英语学习方法 • 观念与方法之间的关系
英语学习策略系统模型 环境因素 管理观念 语言学习观念 英语成绩 管理方法 语言学习方法 学习者因素
(一)学习观念举例 • 学好英语的关键是什么? • 管理学习过程重要吗? • 准确与流利哪个更重要? • 多听、多读是否一定能学好英语? • 母语在学习英语中的作用是什么? • 运用翻译来学英语是否是个好方法? • 通过上下文猜词义是否是学习单词最好的方法?
重要观念一 管理学习过程是否重要? • 不重要,跟着教师走就行。 • 不重要,因为强迫自己,效率不高。 • 重要,因为没有目标,没有计划,没有调控,就不可能有成功。
重要观念二 语言的准确性和流利度同等重要吗? • 流利度比准确性更重要,因为交际中表达意义最重要。 • 准确性必流利度更重要,因为语言错误不注意纠正,容易固化。 • 同等重要。
对正确性与流利性关系的认识有偏差 • 80年代以前过分强调准确性 • 学生不敢开口,哑巴英语 • 80年代以后过分强调流利性 • 短期效应,扼杀了学生语言的持续发展能力
Schmidt (1983): 跟踪调查 在夏威夷的日本人Wes 在美国两年, 英语的流利度有了显著提高,能成功的与别人进行交流,但句法能力几乎没有进步。 Higgs & Clifford (1982): 跟踪调查 研究对象为美国外交学院学生 学生入学时,语言的准确性高于或等于流利性的学生,经过训练以后,进步特别明显;而那些语言的流利性高于准确性的学生,他们虽有暂时的优势,但没有持续发展能力,课程教学对他们的作用不明显,他们通常在比较低的水平上就停滞不前了,
(二) 英语学习方法 • 管理方法 • 认知活动管理 • 情感活动管理 • 语言学习方法 • 听、说、读、写 • 语音、语法、词汇
认知活动管理 确立目标; 制定计划; 选择方法; 监控学习过程; 评价方法的成效; 调整学习行为。
情感活动管理分两类: (1)调动积极情感因素 自信心 毅力 (2)克服消极情感因素 焦虑 怕丢面子、怕失败等
(三)语言学习方法 • 学习听、说、读、写技能的方法 • 《英语学习策略论〉89-134页 • 学习语音、语法、词汇的方法 • 《英语学习策略论〉134-159页
四、英语学习策略对成绩的影响 大量研究结果表明: (1)学习策略对成绩有明显的影响; (2)有意识地调控学习策略是取得成功的关键; (3)学习有法,学无定法,策略因人而异,因时而变。
A comparative study of one successful and one less successful English learners in China
Introduction • A brief literature review • Research questions Methodology • Subjects • Instruments • Data-collection • Data-analysis Results and discussion
Introduction Since the 70’s, studies on learning strategies used by L2 learners have been growing. Their general assumption the studies attempted to test is that poor learners use fewer varieties of effective strategies and use them less frequently.
The contention of these studies is that if poor learners can expand their repertoire of learning strategies and increase the frequency of using them, their achievement will be improved. However, the empirical studies haven’t yet yielded consistent results in support of the above assumption.
Research questions • How do a good learner and a poor learner carry out L2 learning activities (i.e. Listening, speaking, reading, writing and learning new words)? • What are the main reasons that can account for their different learning behaviors?
Subjects (Two second-year English Majors)Name Gender Age Parents L1 L2 EffortS1 F 19 F: UT 75 95 20.5hs M: UTS2 F 20 F: Doc 75 96 40hs M: NurseScores on the Band 4: 90.5/64.25Go
Instruments:Interview scheduleDiary: one-week diaryReading tasks
Interview guide • How do you practice reading outside class? • How do you practice speaking outside class? • How do you deal with new words in a text? • How do you remember new words? • How do you practice writing after class? • Do you have your own plan for your study? • What is your plan? Can you give me an example?
Instructions for diary • What activities do you undertake to learn English after class? • Why do you want to carry out such activities? How long? • What is your psychological and physical state? (i.e. Are you attentive or absent-minded? Are you energetic or tired?) • How do you carry out this activity? Do you use any methods?
Reading task Read a passage of 850 words while they are allowed to use a dictionary or a grammar book as if they were previewing a new lesson.
Data collection • Interviewed the subjects individually • Asked the subjects to read a passage individually while video-taping their reading performance and then interviewed them as soon as they finished the reading • Asked the subjects to keep one-week diary and discussed the diary with them individually Go back
Data analysis • Compare and contrast their learning behaviors to find out differences. • Analyze the reasons to account for their behaviors. Go
Results and discussion • Different learning behaviors of the two subjects • Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing • Vocabulary learning
Listening(How to practice listening after class) Student A I listen to the news broadcast by the VOA. I prefer to take down notes while listening. Once I finish listening, I write the summary of what I have listened… Sometimes, I record programs and listen to them repeatedly until I can understand everything in it. Performing such a listening task often takes me about 40 minutes or one hour.
Student B When I was the first-and second-year student, I often listened to various kinds of tapes borrowed from the language lab but rarely took a dictation of it. My purpose was just to understand its general meaning. For me, to listen to the programs broadcast by the VOA or the BBC is also for obtaining the information.
Question One What are the differences in listening by Student A and Student B?
Differences in listening • Student A: Took down notes, wrote a summary, had intensive listening. • Student B: Listened only for meaning. • Integrated • Form and meaning
Speaking Student A I am very active in class because I think these chances are very precious for me to practice spoken English. I also like to talk with my classmates or teachers in English. I like to talk to myself in English, too. Sometimes, I talk to myself in English while doing house work at the kitchen. When my mother hears the strange sounds,thinking I am talking to her, she says very loudly from the bedroom ‘What are you saying?’
I feel self-talk is useful for practicing spoken English… When I cannot think of a word during a conversation in English, I usually don’t use gestures which could hardly express the ideas clearly. What I like to do is to use simple English to describe it or the other linguistic means…If I don’t know how to say something in English, I never avoid it and I will ask the other people for help. (Subject 1)
Student B I don’t volunteer to answer any questions in class even I have known the answer. I don’t practice speaking after class because there is no English-speaking environment. Occasionally, I may talk to myself. If I cannot think of the English word, I may use gestures or avoid using it. Occasionally, I consult the dictionary.
Question Two What are the differences in speaking by Student A and Student B?
Differences in speaking • Student A: Active inside and outside class; tried to use linguistic means to make up for her insufficient linguistic knowledge. • Student B: Inactive inside and outside class; tried to use non-linguistic means to make up for her insufficient linguistic knowledge.