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a-, an- [not,without] a moral, a typical, a tom, a pathy

AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes , suffixes , and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words.

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a-, an- [not,without] a moral, a typical, a tom, a pathy

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  1. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • We are learning to use prefixes, suffixes, roots to understand the meaning of a word.We are looking for how the beginning, ending, base or root of a word (prefix)(suffix)(root) can help us know what a word means.

  2. PREFIXES are those word parts that COME BEFORE the ROOT WORD. Prefixes often change the intent or meaning of the root word. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • a-, an- [not,without]amoral, atypical, atom, apathy • acro- [high]acrobat, acropolis, acrophobia • bi- [two, both, double, twice]bicycle, biweekly, bi-lateral, binoculars, bipedal • circum-, circ- [around]circumference, circum-stance, circumnavigate

  3. PREFIXES are those word parts that COME BEFORE the ROOT WORD. Prefixes often change the intent or meaning of the root word. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • dia- [through, between]diameter, diagonal, diagram, dialogue • extra- [beyond]extraordinary, extracurricular • hemi-, semi-, demi-[half]hemisphere, semicircle, demitasse • inter- [between]intercollegiate, intervene, inter-view, interrupt • peri- [around]perimeter, period, periscope, pericardium, per(i)ambulate

  4. PREFIXES are those word parts that COME BEFORE the ROOT WORD. Prefixes often change the intent or meaning of the root word. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • post- [after]postgame, postpone, postscript, posterity • pre-[before]pregame, predict, premonition, preview • pro- [in favor of]project, progress, promote, prohibit (prohibition) • sub- [below]submerge, submarine, suburb, substitute • super- [above, over, more]Superman, supervise, supreme, supernatural

  5. SUFFIXES are those word parts that COME AT THE END of the WORD. Sometimes a suffix will tell you what part of speech a word is. ie, many adverbs end in –ly. Study suffixes carefully! AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • -able, -ible [able, can do] edible, agreeable, visible • -age [act of, collection of] salvage, storage, forage • -al [relating to] industrial, manual, natural, gradual • -ant [performing, agent] assistant, servant

  6. SUFFIXES are those word parts that COME AT THE END of the WORD. Sometimes a suffix will tell you what part of speech a word is. ie, many adverbs end in –ly. Study suffixes carefully! AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • -ar, -er, -or [one who, that which] doctor, baker, miller, teacher, racer, amplifier • -ary, -ery, -ory [relating to, quality, place where] dictionary, dietary, bakery, dormitory, bravery • -cian [having a skill or art] musician, beautician, magician, physician • -cide [kill] homicide, pesticide, genocide • -ic [nature of, like] metallic, heroic, poetic, acidic

  7. SUFFIXES are those word parts that COME AT THE END of the WORD. Sometimes a suffix will tell you what part of speech a word is. ie, many adverbs end in –ly. Study suffixes carefully! AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • -ion, -sion, -tion [act of, state of] action, injection, infection,tension,extension • -less [without] artless, fearless, hopeless, helpless • -ly [like, manner of] carelessly, hopelessly, truly • -ology [study of] biology, anthropology, theology, ornithology, neurology, geology • -ward [direction] forward, backward, westward

  8. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • aster, astro [Gk.-star]astronomy, asteroid, astrology • biblio [Gk.-book]bibliophile, bibliography, Bible • bio [Gk.-life]biology, biome, biopsy, microbe • chron [Gk.-time]chronological, chronicle, synchronize, chronometer

  9. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • cycl [Gk.-circle, wheel]recycle, bicycle, • gen [Gk.-birth, race, kind]Genesis, genetics, genocide, genealogy, antigen • gram, graph [Gk.-write, draw] biography, telegram, telegraph, phonograph,geograph • hydro [Gk.-water] dehydrate, hydrology • metr [Gk.-measure]metric, meter, geometry, hydrometer, speedometer, altimeter

  10. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • phon [Gk-sound]phonics, telephone, microphone, phonograph • photo [Gk-light]photograph, photocopy, telephoto • scope [Gk-to see, watch] telescope, microscope • tele [Gk-far away]telegraph, television, telephone • dem [Gk-people]democracy, democratic

  11. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • act [La-to do]astronomy, asteroid, astrology • aud, audi [La-to hear]auditory, audition, auditorium, audio, audience, audible • dic, dict [La-to speak] dictate, benediction • duc [La-to lead, pull] induce, reduce, produce, conduct, • frag, fract [La-break]fragment, fraction, infraction, refract

  12. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • ped, pod [La-foot]pedal, biped, quadruped, tripod • port [La-to carry]portable, transport, portage • rupt [La-to break]rupture, interrupt, disrupt • scrib, script [La-to write]scribble, transcribe, describe, prescription • sect [La-to cut]bisect, dissect, intersect, section

  13. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • vis [La-to look or see] vision, invisible, revision • volv [La-to roll, turn] revolve, involve, evolve • tract[La-to draw, drag, pull]contraction, extract, distract, tractor, traction • vert [La-to change]verify, very, veritable, convert • vict, vinc [La-to conquer], victorious, victim, invincible, convince

  14. VIS IBLE IN Word Math--- AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • vis [La-to look or see] • il,ir,in,im [not] • able, ible [capable or worthy of] IN VIS IBLE

  15. Word Math--- AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • derm [skin] • hypo [under] • ic [nature of, like] HYPO DERM IC

  16. Use your WRITE SOURCE 2000: AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. • PREFIXES—pages 329-330 • SUFFIXES—page 331 • ROOTS—pages332-339

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