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SECONDARY PARTICLE SHOWERS AND ENERGY DEPOSITION. Francesco Cerutti team (EN-STI). HL-LHC Kick off Internal Meeting 2011 Apr 15 th. WP10 SCOPE [I]. radiation sources i. collision debris (~ luminosity)

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  1. SECONDARY PARTICLE SHOWERS AND ENERGY DEPOSITION Francesco Cerutti team (EN-STI) HL-LHC Kick off Internal Meeting 2011 Apr 15th

  2. WP10 SCOPE [I] radiation sources i. collision debris (~ luminosity) ii. beam losses on the tertiary collimators[ ] iii. beam – residual gas interaction (~ beam intensity) (~ beam intensity and gas density) (synergic) overlap with other WP/activity

  3. WP10 SCOPE [II] • issues • quench • cooling • material damage (coils, sensitive equipment ...) • radiation to electronics (SEE) [ ] • working conditions of instrumentation [ ] • background to experiments [ ] • activation [ ] • warm (TAS, TAN) and cold absorber design in the following an overview of the scenario as presently pinned down through a lot of work by A. Mereghetti (past EN-STI fellow) in fruitful collaboration with TE-MSC (in particular E. Todesco and E. Wildner) and thanks to many LIUWG colleagues (synergic) overlap with other WP/activity

  4. THE COLLISION DEBRIS [I] 7 TeV p + 7 TeV p FLUKA (DPMJET) beyond the present TAS (absorbing ~150W at L=L0=1034cm-2s-1) about 2.5% of the interaction products and 35% of 14TeV, i.e. 630W at L=L0 with a 50mm aperture TAS about 3.5% of the interaction products and almost 40% of 14TeV, i.e. 3.5kW at L=5L0

  5. THE COLLISION DEBRIS [II] spectra evolution through the triplet FLUKA model of the present triplet in P1 striking capturing by the quadrupole magnetic field 204 T/m Q1 Q2a Q2b Q3 The TAS provides a significant protection for Q1 only (and reduces the background to the experiments) LHC Project Report 1167 (2008)

  6. IMPACT ON THE TAS-D2 REGION mW/cm3 for L=2.5L0 vertical plane neutral charged at L=5L0 1.1kW TAN peak of 840 mW/cm3 (i.e. 6 GGy/3000fb-1) Dx=2.5mm x Dy=2.5mm x Dz=5cm scoring grid 1kW horizontal plane

  7. (NOT) QUENCHING THE TRIPLET 225 urad half crossing angle vertical crossing 55mm TAS aperture idea and numbers by E. Todesco (L=2.5L0) the longer, the better results and plots by E. Wildner same gradient, larger aperture (“Phase II”)

  8. SHIELDING OPTIONS • ideally a continuous liner (here 3mm tungsten, green curve) is quite effective 130mm coil aperture L=2.5L0 • the role of the interconnections! jump at the Q2a front face with liner limited to the first element, blue curve Q2b Q2a Q3 Q1 • as an alternative, a thick liner in Q1 (here 13mm stainless steel, purple curve) casting a shadow over Q2a assumed as totally absorbing! blue curve Q3 Q2b Q2a • end plates of limited help Q1

  9. CROSSING SCHEME & TRIPLET CONFIGURATION L=2.5L0 110mm coil aperture Q1 Q2a Q2b Q3 10mm thick additional liner 75mm residual aperture FDDF mW cm-3 0.25 m from the IP face 8.05 m from the IP face 1.25 m from the IP face 9.55 m from the IP face total power at L=5L0: 800W @ 1.9 K + 200W in the absorber & beam screen

  10. CROSSING ANGLE/PLANE L=2.5L0 0 vs 142.5 vs 220 urad (half) y x vertical crossing z 10

  11. USE OF INCREASING APERTURES 180 140 (coil) aperture [mm] 120 45 L=2.5L0 worse case increasing aperture effect vertical dipole corrector skew quadrupole horizontal dipole corrector 10mm Cu liner effect sextupole (peak values depend on the coil azimuthal position!)

  12. MATERIAL DAMAGE [I] coil insulator 150 MGy per 3000 fb-1 mW/cm3 for L=2.5L0 MGy per 100 fb-1 dose radial profile Dr=2.5mm x Dj=2o x Dz=10cm scoring grid Dr=2.5mm x Dj=60o x Dz=10cm scoring grid vacuum gaskets 1.5 MGy per 3000 fb-1

  13. MATERIAL DAMAGE [II] particle fluence over the inner cable [cm-2 per 1000 fb-1] 200mm coil aperture photons 1 MeV peak of 1017 neutrons cm-2/3000 fb-1 neutrons positive pions DPA calculation

  14. RADIATION TO ELECTRONICS predicted high energy hadron fluence from 7 TeV p + 7 TeV p collisions in Point 1 [units of 106 cm-2 per 100 fb-1] TCL UL16 (14): 109 – 1010 UJ16 (14): 1010 – 5 1011 RR17 (13): 109 – 1011 per 3000 fb-1 RR17: ratio between beam - gas and beam - beam contributions beam – gas contribution (H2 equivalent density of 1015 molecules/m3, nominal beam intensity along 100 days per year) of the same order as the one from beam-beam collisions

  15. CONCLUDING REMARKS on the basis of the iterative evolution of the HL-LHC layout and optics (magnetic strengths, crossing angle), a major effort will be required for setting up a suitable geometry model, extending from the experimental vacuum chamber up to the Dispersion Suppressor, in order to assess energy deposition / fluence values and investigate the effectiveness of possible design solutions estimates – especially for point quantities – are affected by systematic uncertainties (due to the machine description and the critical dependence on few collision products emitted inside a tiny solid angle). Therefore reasonable margins should never be forgotten, and relative comparisons between different configurations have to be considered as inherently carrying a stronger reliability than absolute predictions, provided that a consistent simulation framework is constantly used in parallel, following the underway LHC operation, simulation benchmarking is happily ongoing

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