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History / Physical. 41 y/o Male with PMHx DM II, HTN, ED presents for f/uHas continued problems with glycemic control with sugars 140-160s, problems with ED despite medsHad lost 10-15 lbs in 3 months diet, exercise, but still felt it was difficult to lose weight"FHx: two sisters, one hypothyr
1. Should We TreatSubclinical Hypothyroidism? CQC
Alap Shah
Med/Peds PGY-1
2. History / Physical 41 y/o Male with PMHx DM II, HTN, ED presents for f/u
Has continued problems with glycemic control with sugars 140-160s, problems with ED despite meds
Had lost 10-15 lbs in 3 months diet, exercise, but still felt it was difficult to lose weight
FHx: two sisters, one hypothyroid, one hyperthyroid
Meds: Glipizide, Sildenafil, Metformin
PE: normal no edema, no thyromegaly/nodularity, no arrhythmia, no obesity
3. Labs A1c 14.5 (11/4/07), 9.6 (8/7/08)
TSH 10.29 (8/7/08) (nml 0.4 - 4.4)
Anti TPO Ab 1673.7 (nml < 9)
Free T4 1.1 (nml 0.8 1.7)
Testosterone normal
Lipids Low HDL, High LDL, Normal TG
4. Next Step Would you
A. Start Levothyroxine therapy
B. Monitor with TSH every 6 12 months
C. Follow clinically
D. Order additional tests
5. Subclinical Hypothyroidism State in which TSH is mildly elevated, indicating mild thyroid failure, but normal serum levels of T3 and T4
Most commonly caused by autoimmune thyroiditis, as in this patient
By most studies, ~ 4 18% of patients with SH per year develop overt hypothyroidism
Increased likelihood if Ab+, TSH>20, Hx radiation, chronic Li therapy
Small amount of patients (not quantified) do recover normal thyroid function
6. Etiologies of (Non-Central) Hypothyroidism Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis
Subacute Postpartum Thyroiditis
Iodine Deficiency, Excess
Thyroid surgery, I-131 exposure
External Irradiation
Infiltrative Disorders
Sarcoid, Hemochromatosis, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Amyloid, TB, P jiroveci
Lithium, Amiodarone, IFN-alpha, IL-2
7. When to Suspect SH Symptoms
May be asymptomatic
Can have vague complaints including fatigue, depression, weakness, sleep disturbance, memory problems, constipation, menstrual irregularities
May have no physical abnormalities
Skin/hair changes, reflex delay, ataxia, hyperlipidemia, nonpitting edema, hoarseness, bradycardia, hypothermia
8. Initial Lab Evaluation What labs to order for workup and followup for subclinical hypothyroidism?
TSH if any of the previously mentioned symptoms, or high suspicion with strong family history
TSH is 98% sensitive and 92% specific for thyroid disease
TSH is the definitive screening and monitoring lab for (non-central) thyroid disease
If abnormal, repeat in 1 month and check Free T4
9. Initial Lab Evaluation Annals of Clinical Biochem (2006)
Indications for Anti TPO Ab:
Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism
TSH from 4 - 10, normal Free T4
Goiter, regardless of TSH or Free T4
New onset thyrotoxicosis
No indication to follow Ab once positive
10. Treatment Recommendations vary:
USPSTF (2004)
Consensus Conference Panel on Subclinical Thyroid Disease (2004)
Endocrinology Clinics (2004)
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Thyroid Task Force
Various other groups, studies
11. Treatment USPSTF (2004)
Treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism reduces symptoms of patients with history of Graves and TSH > 10
Insufficient evidence for recommendations from other trials
Most trials found there was no effect on lipid levels
12. Treatment Consensus Conference Panel on Subclinical Thyroid Disease (2004)
For TSH between 4.5 and 10, no treatment
Repeat TSH at 6 12 month intervals for change
For TSH > 10, evidence inconclusive agreement with USPSTF
13. Treatment Endocrinology Clinics (2004)
Good evidence that treatment prevents overt hypothyroidism, but no convincing evidence that early treatment beneficial
Improvement in lipid panel, but no hard studies on mortality benefits
14. Treatment National Guideline Clearinghouse (JAMA 2004)
For TSH between 4.5 and 10, no treatment
Follow up with TSH every 6 12 months
Based on no clear cut benefit to these patients
However, report stated that treatment may prevent signs and symptoms in those that do progress
15. Treatment ... And Followup AACE Thyroid Task Force (2006) Treatment Guidelines
Start at 25 50 micrograms / day
Repeat TSH 6 8 weeks after starting treatment
Titrate dose to keep TSH between 0.3 3
Once TSH stable, check levels and examine patient annually
16. Next Step Would you
A. Start Levothyroxine at 25-50 mcg/day
B. Monitor with TSH every 6 12 months
C. Follow clinically
D. Order additional tests
No definitive answer. Most importantly, remember to treat patient and not just the lab values.
17. When to Consult Endocrinology AACE recommends endocrine consult if:
< 18 yrs
Unresponsive to therapy
Cardiac history
Presence of goiter or nodules
Concurrent endocrine disease
18. Patient Due to initial SH, started Synthroid 25mcg daily x 2 wks, then 50mcg daily until follow up
After TPO was +, called and instructed to continue regimen
Follow up scheduled, pending
19. References Devdhar et al. Hypothyroidism. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am. 2007; 36:595-615.
AACE Thyroid Task Force. Medical Guidelines For Clinical Practice For The Evaluation And Treatment Of Hyperthyroidism And Hypothyroidism. Endocrine Practice. 2006; 8:6.
Herrick. Subclinical Hypothyroidism. American Family Physician. 2008; 77:7.
Surks et al. Subclinical thyroid disease: scientific review and guidelines for diagnosis and management. JAMA.2004; 291(2).
20. References Miller and Rogers. Which Lab Tests Are Best When You Suspect Hypothyroidism? Clinical Inquiries, Family Physicians Inquiries Network. 2008; 57:9.
Downs and Meyer. How Useful Are Autoantibodies When Diagnosing Thyroid Disorders? Clinical Inquiries, Family Physicians Inquiries Network. 2008; 57:9.
Sinclair. Clinical And Laboratory Aspects Of Thyroid Antibodies. Ann Clin Biochem. 2006; 43: 173-183.
USPSTF. Screening For Thyroid Disease: Systematic Evidence Review. 2004.