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Introduction to Python. Basics of the Language. Install Python. Find the most recent distribution for your computer at: http://www.python.org/download/releases / However, for this class, download and execute Python MSI installer for your platform F or version 2.7
Introduction to Python Basics of the Language
Install Python • Find the most recent distribution for your computer at: http://www.python.org/download/releases/ • However, for this class, download and execute Python MSI installer for your platform • For version 2.7 • This version works with your Python textbook! • You may need to be logged in as administrator to your computer to run the installation
Modes of Interaction with Python • You can interact with the Python interpreter through two built-in modes: • Basic (command line) • IDLE (may need do download other software!) • Command line mode: • You can find and double click the Python.exe executable (e.g., python27) in the downloaded folder • Make sure to right click it, and then create a shortcut to it, and pin it to the taskbar! • Click the icon on your taskbar to start the command line You will get the >>> Python prompt Type exit at the command prompt to get out of it! >>> exit //or ctrl z • Note: you can use the Home, Pg up, Pgdn, and End keys, to scroll through previous entries, and repeat them by pressing the Enter key!
IDLE • This is the integrated development environment for Python • Involves interactive interpreter with editing and debugging capabilities • You can find and double click the Pythonw.exeexecutable (e.g., python27) in the downloaded folder • Pin it to the taskbar
Python IDLE Shell Window The IDLE (Python shell window) is more convenient than the basic python command line Provides automatic indentation and highlights the code Can use the Home, Pg up, Pgdn, and End keys to search the buffer in your session
Learn Basic parts of Python • Like other languages, Python has many data types • These can be manipulated with operators, functions, and methods • We can also make our own types (classes) and instantiate and manipulate them with operators, functions, and our own methods • It also has conditional and iterative control, e.g.: • if-elif-else • while loop • for loop
Python Naming Style • Function name is lower case defadd (): #adds numbers; returns the result; ends with : • Variable name is lower case (are case sensetive) inputFieldName fc #holds a feature class as in: fc=“Roads.shp” Note: variables Road and road are different! • Class name is UpperCamelCase Class StrikeSlipFault • Constant is all caps, e.g. PI, SPREADING_RATE • Indentation: 4 spaces per level, do not use tabs • IDLE does it for you!
Data types - Practice 10/3 = 3, but 10/3.0 = 3.33333 The // operator is for integer division (quotient without remainder). 10//3 = 3 and 4//1.5 = 2, and 13//4 = 3
List x [:-2] -> [‘hydroxide’, ‘phosphate’, ‘carbonate’] # up to, but not including index -2, i.e., gets rid of the last two x [2:] -> [‘carbonate’, ‘oxide’, ‘silicate’] # values from position 2 to the end (inclusive)
List Index lang = [‘PYTHON’] # the whole ‘lang’ list lang [-2] = ‘O’ # at -2 lang [2:5] = ‘THO’ # between 2 and 5, not including 5 lang [:3] = ‘PYT’ # up to 3, not including 3 lang [-2:-4] = ‘TH’ # from -4 and -2 lang [-3:] = ‘HON’ # from -3 to the end P Y T H O N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
Lists have mixed types • Lists are like Java arrays
Sets are unordered collection of objects and can be changedDuplicates are removed, even when you add themThe ‘in’ keyword checks for membership in the set Sets
if-elif-else >>> if condition1: # use colon after any statement! body1 # do this if condition is true. Notice the indentation elif condition2: # notice the colon body2 # otherwise do this … # put more elifs if needed else condition: bodyn # otherwise, if no condition was true except this, do bodyn
The While Loop >>> while (condition): # NOTE: condition expression evaluates to true or false body # If condition evaluates to true (x<y in the example), it will execute else: # optional, rarely used! post-code # If condition evaluates to false, post-code will execute • Note: When typing in the IDLE, press enter after (x=x+2) (while the statement is highlighted), and then press backspace key to go to the beginning of line, then press enter to execute the loop!
While loop … The r and n are said to be local variables because they are declared inside the function. If you want them to be available to other functions outside, we can declare them to be global, for example: global r = 1
The For Loop • It iterates in order over the items in the iterable sequence (e.g., list, tuple, string) for item in sequence: # starts from the first element of the sequence body # if there is an item, body will execute; it goes to the second item else: # is optional (rarely used as in while loop!) post-code
The For Loop • The loop searches the list one item at a time. For each item in the list it checks to see if it is an integer, if not an integer, it skips it, and then checks to see if it divides by eight without a remainder, if it divides by 8, then it prints the message and gets out of the loop!
Function Definition deffunction_name (arg1, arg2, …) # arg means argument or parameter! body # Sometimes we pass a known value for one of the arguments: deffunction_name (arg1, arg2=default2, arg3) # e.g., power (x, y=3) body
Built in Numeric Functions • abs, divmod, float, hex, long, max, min, oct, pow, round # there are a lot more for trigonometry, etc. • ‘none’ is a special data type for empty value • e.g., when a function does not return a value • It is used as a placeholder