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13th SRNWP Meeting 11 October 2006 Zurich (Switzerland). We have a new SRNWP Member: The NMS of Latvia Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency.
13th SRNWP Meeting 11 October 2006 Zurich (Switzerland)
We have a new SRNWP Member:The NMS of LatviaLatvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency 13th SRNWP Meeting
EUMETNET Members not SRNWP Members:CyprusSRNWP Members (with financial contribution) not Members of a Consortium:Luxembourg, LatviaRomania will join LACE from 1st Nov. 2006Estonia will join HIRLAM from 1st Jan. 2007 13th SRNWP Meeting
EUMETNET Members not SRNWP Members:Malta, Cyprus SRNWP Members (with financial contribution) not Members of a Consortium:Luxembourg, Latvia Romania will join LACE (1st Nov. 2006)Estonia will join HIRLAM (1st Jan. 2007) 13th SRNWP Meeting
Review from the last COSMO Meeting(partial review) For a full review: SRNWP web site, pages • Quarterly Reports • (Annual Reports) 13th SRNWP Meeting
Next SRNWP Workshops • 5th Mini-workshop on Numerical Techniques • 5-6 December 2006, Zagreb • 3 scientists per Consortium + ECMWF • 2nd SRNWP-HIRLAM-Met Office Workshop on Data Assimilation • Norrköping, probably 21-23 March 2007 • Extra-European participation (last meeting: USA, Canada, Japan) • 3rd Workshop on Short-range EPS • 22-23 March 2007, Bologna • Extra-European participation (last meeting: USA, Canada, China) • 2nd PEPS Workshop • one day, just before or after the 3rd Workshop on Short-range EPS • 4th Workshop on Statistical and Physical Adaptation • Vienna, end of May, beginning of June • 7th Workshop on Non-hydrostatic Modeling • Bad Orb, End of October 2007 • Extra-European participation (last time: USA, many Japanese colleagues) 13th SRNWP Meeting
The Resolution of the 12th SRNWP Meeting • European Radar Compositing • EUCOS II (2007-2011) • Soundings: data in BUFR besides TEMP 13th SRNWP Meeting
● European Radar Compositing (Programme OPERA) - We passed last year the following Resolution: “The European Short-Range NWP community asks the EUMETNET Council to recall its decision taken at its 23th Meeting (14th of December 2004 in Reading) to exclude from the OPERA Programme “any work on compositing” (Point 1 of the List of Decisions)”. From the “List of decisions” of the last Council Meeting (13-15 Sept., Budapest) we can read: “The Council approved the use of composite images for official duties within the NMSs, excluding commercial use”. 13th SRNWP Meeting
● European Radar Compositing (Programme OPERA) - Proposition for the 2007 SRNWP Meeting: To invite Dawn Harrison from the Met Office. Dawn is the person developing the European radar composite with the data of the OPERA radar data hub. 13th SRNWP Meeting
●EUCOS II (2007-2011) Goal of EUCOS (EUMETNET Council in November 2000): “EUCOS is the ground-based observing system designed to serve the needs of General Numerical Weather Prediction (GNWP) over Europe”. - We passed last year the following Resolution: “The SRNWP Programme asks that in the second phase of the EUCOS Programme (2007-2011) the same attention, priority and resources be given for the observation of the meso-scale as it will be done for the observation of the synoptic scale”. 13th SRNWP Meeting
●EUCOS II (2007-2011) Before the EUCOS SAT, the PM strongly advocated for the extension of EUCOS to the meso-scale. But the E-SAT followed the decision taken previously by the EUCOS PB Obs. At the 27th Council (April 2006), a Director “felt that, as the synoptic scale was no longer sufficient, mesoscale should be added”. He proposed [...] discussing the introduction of mesoscale” But Council did not extend EUCOS to the meso-scale because this would have had financial consequences impossible to bear. 13th SRNWP Meeting
● Soundings: data in BUFR besides TEMP BUFR code for dissemination of radiosonde data would permit - transmission of the sonde coordinates with time during ascent - much higher vertical resolution - simpler code than the TEMP code The WWW Department of the WMO is making efforts to encourage migration to binary based code. 13th SRNWP Meeting
- We passed last year the following Resolution: • “The SRNWP Programme asks the EUCOS Manager to take the necessary measures in order to make sure that the dissemination on the GTS of the radiosonde data between the European NMS will also take place in BUFR code as encouraged by the WWW Department of the WMO”. • At the last E-SAT Meeting (May 2006), the proposal of the SRNWP PM has been accepted. Dissemination through Europe of soundings in BUFR code (next to TEMP code) is strongly encouraged by the E-SAT. • At its 13th Meeting (June 2006), the EUCOS PB-Obs discussed the “BUFR situation” • A provisional new high resolution data template has been produced in conjunction with WMO on Upper Air Measurements • Expectation was that NMSs should have begun exchanging data using this template from November 2005 onwards. • For dissemination of soundings in BUFR code in Europe, everything is ready. The problem is that no NMS is willing to start! 13th SRNWP Meeting
● Short-range NWP and COST 728 COST 728 = Enhancing Meso-scale Meteorological Modelling Capabilities for air Pollution and Dispersion Applications WG1: Meteorological parameterisation • Surface fluxes • Atmospheric radiation• Cloud processes including cloud and precipitation microphysics• Sub-grid flows such as turbulence within and outside the boundary layer • shallow and deep convection • gravity waves From the Chairman’s mail: “At the next Conference on Urban Air Quality, their will be a session on mesoscale models for air pollution applications which will be relevant to SRNWP” 13th SRNWP Meeting
Thank you for your attention and ... enjoy the excursion ! 13th SRNWP Meeting