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Freshy - Online Grocery Store Haridwar

FRESHY - Fresh To Doors Online Grocery Store Haridwar (FREE DELIVERY). Find Great discount offers. Delivering only sanitized products to you. Download App..!<br>

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Freshy - Online Grocery Store Haridwar

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  1. FRESHY - Fresh to Doors Online Grocery Store Haridwar

  2. We Are Locally Crafted Online Grocery Store FRESHY.- Fresh To Doors Online Grocery Store Haridwar (FREE DELIVERY). Find Great discount offers. Delivering only sanitized products to you. Download App..! www.freshystores.com

  3. Get Your Groceries Delivered To Your Home.. Introducing a revolutionary new way of getting your groceries delivered to your house. Download the app now to find all the best products, including freshest & tastiest fruits and vegetables with great discounts, and get them delivered right at your doorstep, on the same day! And don't worry, our online grocery store have the highest quality control to only deliver sanitized products to you. Stay home, stay safe! www.freshystores.com

  4. Online Grocery Store Haridwar We source the HIGHEST QUALITY products, including the FRESHEST FRUITS & VEGETABLESstraight from the local growers, so that you can have the SATISFACTIONof knowing you and your family are safe. www.freshystores.com

  5. FRESHY - Fresh to Doors Furthermore, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have installed a total contamination-proof system and follow strict safety protocols to ensure the safest possible process. So what are you waiting for? Download the appand enjoy great discounts on your first order! www.freshystores.com

  6. FRESHY - Fresh to Doors Don't worry, we have the HIGHEST QUALITY CONTROL to only DELIVER SANITIZED PRODUCTS to you. Stay home, stay safe! www.freshystores.com

  7. Online Grocery Store Haridwar Plot No 5, Bhagwat Vatika, SarvPriyaVihar Behind DivyaYogAsharam, Kankhal, Haridwar, 249408, Uttarakhand Call: 8445075555 www.freshystores.com

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