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Alateen Training Module I Overview of Alateen Service. Arizona Area 1. Alateen is…. …part of Al-Anon Family Groups. …a fellowship of young people whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend. (from the Alateen Suggested Preamble) Alateen is not…
Alateen Training Module IOverview of Alateen Service Arizona Area 1
Alateen is… • …part of Al-Anon Family Groups. • …a fellowship of young people whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend. (from the Alateen Suggested Preamble) Alateen is not… • A program for young people seeking sobriety. • A therapy program.
Alateen Includes… • Alateen members • Area-certified Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) • Alateen Group Meetings • Resources to Alateen: • Supportive Al-Anon groups & members • Supportive local service arms (district/AIS)
Alateen Members • Are members of Al-Anon Family Groups who are seeking recovery from the effects of someone else’s drinking. • Share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. • May include younger members.
Alateen Motion • Requires Areas to set safety and behavioral requirements for all Alateens and all Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS). • These requirements apply to all use of the Al-Anon or Alateen name in conjunction with any meetings, groups, conventions, or any other gatherings in the Area where Alateen participation is offered.
Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) • Is an Al-Anon member who is directly responsible for Alateens while being of service to Alateen. • Each Area clearly defines what roles that involves. • “Instant” or backup Alateen Group Sponsors must have completed certification through the Area Process.
Alateen Safety and Behavioral Requirements • Minimum Requirements were set by the 2003 Alateen Motion. • Alateen meetings, groups, events, and Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) must comply with the Area Requirements.
Minimum Safety and Behavioral Requirements 1. Every Al-Anon member involved with Alateen service must: • be an Al-Anon member regularly attending Al-Anon meetings. • be at least 21 years old. (23 in AZ) • have at least two years in Al-Anon in addition to any time spent in Alateen. • not have been convicted of a felony, and not have been charged with child abuse or any other inappropriate sexual behavior, and not have demonstrated emotional problems which could result in harm to Alateen members.
Minimum Safety and Behavioral Requirements (cont’d) • There must be at least one Alateen Group Sponsor at every Alateen meeting. The Area Requirements: • must prohibit overt or covert sexual interaction between any adult and Alateen member. 4. must prohibit conduct contrary to applicable laws. 5. must contain procedures for parental permission and medical care when applicable. 6. must be reviewed by local counsel.
AZ Area Alateen Safety & Behavioral Requirements Qualifications for Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) including group sponsors. • Minimum age of 23 to be a group sponsor. • Currently attending Al-Anon meetings and an active Al-Anon member for at least two years. • Complete and sign the Area Alateen Sponsor Application and the WSO AMIAS Form. • May not have been convicted of a felony. • Not have been charged with child abuse or any other inappropriate sexual behavior. • Not have demonstrated emotional problems, which could result in harm to Alateenmembers. • Note: Parents are advised not to sponsor the Alateen meeting their child attends.
PROCESS FOR BECOMING A NEW AMIAS • Contact local District Representative or the Area Alateen Coordinator and Process Person (AAPP) to locate new AMIAS certification training. • Attend new AMIAS certification training. • Training ideally occurs face-to-face unless special arrangements are required. • Training is provided by a certified AMIAS trainer and covers the Alateen Training Modules I & II. • Applicants need to complete both the WSO AMIAS form and the AZ Area Alateen AMIAS Application and Responsibility Agreement (Area AMIAS form). • They must bring to the training appropriate ID along with contact information for two personal Al-Anon references.
This form is the AZ Area Application and Responsibility Agreement (form #A002). It is two pages. Put a check mark in the box next to each statement on page 1. This indicates to us that you have read each of the statements and agree with that statement. Make sure to sign and date the second page. Please list two personal references that have known you in the context of Al-Anon, for at least one year. Where it asks for Al-Anon relationship (on page 2) please indicate if the person is your sponsor, a member of your home group or how you know them from Al-Anon. Statement #5 only needs to be checked if you are new to the AZ area. A check mark next to the statement in #5 indicates to us that you are new to AZ and have attended a home meeting locally for at least 3 months. Then if you checked item #5, you would write in the City and State where you previously attended Al-Anon meetings.
This is the WSO AMIAS form. It is filled out when you take the New AMIAS Certification training. Please print clearly and use a dark color of ink, with enough pressure to ensure good duplication quality. These forms are usually scanned and then sent to the WSO. Once you sign the form you can stop there. DO NOT WRITE BELOW YOUR SIGNATURE
Alateen Group Sponsors • Provide support and encouragement to the Alateen group as a whole. • Avoid one-on-one interactions. • Parents are advised not to sponsor the Alateen meeting their child attends.
Responsibilities of an Alateen Group Sponsor • Make sure your group is registered and information updated annually. • Continue attending Al-Anon meetings regularly. • Have a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts. • Become familiar with the Alateen literature. • Participate in Alateen Group Sponsor meetings/workshops. • Familiarize yourself with state law regarding reporting of abuse and your role. Refer to https://www.azdes.gov/dcyf/cps/reporting.asp • Attend your Alateen meeting each week or arrange for a certified substitute Alateen Group Sponsor if you can’t be there.
Responsibilities of an Alateen Group Sponsor continued • Respect and protect the Alateens’ anonymity. • Provide a safe meeting place. • Prohibit overt or covert sexual interaction between any adult and any Alateen member. • Uphold all established behavior guidelines. • Guide the Alateens towards working the Twelve steps for personal recovery. • Help the Alateen members take responsibility for the affairs of the group. • Coordinate the participation of Alateen members in District and Area Al-Anon functions.
PROCESS FOR BECOMING A GROUP SPONSOR • Obtain a group conscience from membership of group to be sponsored. (If at all possible). • Inform the District Representative for the district in which the Alateen meeting is held, that you are going to be sponsoring. • To determinethe district, members can contact the Area Group Records Secretary. • Anytimethe primary Alateen Group Sponsor(s)ischanging, complete aGR-3 form and submit it to the AAPP.
When to step down • As a sponsor, remember, “Whenever anything interferes with the need to protect yourself, i.e., accusations, controversy, threats of personal harm, etc., discontinue serving as a sponsor. Even if you are totally blameless, stepping aside will not only protect both the Alateen members and you, it will preserve the unity of the fellowship as well.” (G34)
AZ PROCESS FOR RE-CERTIFYING AS AN AMIAS • Attend at minimum, one re-certification conference call in the spring of each year before June 1 • The purpose of the call is for AMIAS to have an opportunity to ask questions of each other and share their experience, strength and hope in service to Alateen. • The re-certification conference call agenda includes covering selected materials from Modules 3 and 4 (a, b & c), discussing any updates from WSO regarding Alateen as a whole, as well as dialoging on AMIAS questions solicited in advance through circulation of the agenda or voiced during the call. • The Area Alateen Coordinator will conduct a minimum of four conference calls each spring and will notify members of the dates for those calls, at the Fall Area Assembly and by email in the following January. A toll free number paid for by the Area, will be provided for those who do not have national free long distance.
AZ PROCESS FOR RE-CERTIFYING AS AN AMIAS continued • The conference call will last one hour. • AMIAS who certify between January 1 and June 1 each year are not required to attend a re-certification conference call that year, although attendance is encouraged. • The Area AMIAS Re-certification Application form must be completed and submitted in time to reach the AAPP by June 1 each year. • No WSO AMIAS form is required for re-certification. • Failure to submit the Area AMIAS Re-certification Application form, in time, will result in a lapse in AMIAS certification and the Al-Anon member will be required to attend NEW AMIAS training before resuming work with Alateens.
AZ PROCESS FOR RE-CERTIFYING AS AN AMIAS continued • Once every panel (3 years), attend a face-to-face AMIAS training or fellowship and review meeting. • The purpose of these face-to-face meetings is for AMIAS to have an opportunity to ask questions of each other and share their experience, strength and hope in service to Alateen. • New AMIAS certified within the panel are not required to attend an additional face-to-face meeting but attendance is encouraged.
This is the Area form that you will need to be fill out when you re-certify as an AMIAS (form#A003). It is only one page. Don’t forget to sign and date the form. You will send the completed form to the current AAPP. The form can be sent electronically or via snail mail. This form recertifies your commitment to Alateen for another year.
The New Alateen Meeting • The first meeting will be exciting for all concerned. • Ask the group to set its own behavioral guidelines with your guidance. Remind them they are responsible for their group. Safety guidelines (throwing things, hitting etc) are not negotiable but the Alateens are encouraged to make their own behavioral guidelines. • Remember it’s the Alateens’ meeting! • Alateen meetings are closed, attended by Alateens and the Area-certified Alateen Group Sponsors only.
Sample of Behavioral Guideline • No texting during meeting. • Avoid crosstalk. • If it has an on/off turn it off. • Keep sharing to 5 mins. • Stay on topic. • No swearing. • Respect one another.
AZ AREA PROCESS FOR STARTING AN ALATEEN MEETING • Once the idea is suggested, the District Representative, Area Alateen Coordinator and AAPP will determine if the District can support a new meeting and supply a minimum of two qualified sponsors. If there are not already two wanting to sponsor the new meeting. • Select a meeting time and place (Alateen meetings are best served by meeting at the same time and place as an Al-Anon meeting). • Register with the Area by submitting the GR-3 form, listing two Alateen Group Sponsors, to the AAPP. Wait to hear your group has been registered before holding your first Alateen meeting.
Who can attend Alateen meetings? This is taken from our AZ Area Guidelines: • Young people who are or have been affected by someone else’s drinking (parents, relatives or friends). • Potential Alateen Group Sponsors with permission from the members and sponsors. • Alateen Group Sponsors of other Alateen groups with permission from its members and sponsors. • District Representatives, Area Alateen Coordinator, or AAPP.
Alateen Group Responsibilities • Keep the Alateen focus. • Respect and protect each other’s anonymity including the sponsors’. • Establish behavior guidelines to maintain appropriate behavior. • Avoid and prohibit any overt or covert sexual interaction. • Prohibit conduct contrary to applicable laws. • Resolve group problems by use of the Group Inventory (G-8). • Respect the meeting facility. • Become financially self-supporting.
Alateen Personal Sponsors • Alateens are encouraged to ask another Alateen member to be their personal Sponsor, with whom they can discuss personal problems and program questions.
AMIAS Responsibility Statement “AMIAS are to provide direction to assure that emphasis is placed on the Al-Anon/ Alateen program of recovery and, to the best of their ability, maintain an atmosphere that will protect the Alateen members from physical and emotional harm.” The Responsibility Statement can be found on the WSO Alateen Safety Guideline, G-34.
Safety ChecklistAl-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service: • Work their own Al-Anon program, and participate in local/Area Al-Anon/Alateen events. • Avoid one-on-one interactions with Alateens. • Know when to step down as an Alateen Group Sponsor. • Attend district and Area service meetings whenever possible. • Participate in Alateen Sponsor Workshops, conference calls, etc. • Stay informed—connect with the Area Alateen Coordinator. • Use all your resources! Talk to each other, reason things out with someone else…
Alateen Resources WSO Alateen Guidelines • Alateen Safety Guidelines (G-34) • Starting an Alateen Group (G-19) • Alateen Meetings in Schools (G-5) • Alateen Conferences (G-16) • Area Alateen Coordinators (G-24)
Other Alateen Resources • District/Area trusted servants • District Representative • District/AIS Alateen Chair/Committee • Area Alateen Coordinator • Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) • Area officers • World Service Office • Guidelines/service tools • Members’ Web site www.al-anon.org/members • Staff • Alateen E-Manual (found on WSO web site above)
AZ Area Resources • AZ Area Alateen Procedures • AZ Area Guidelines Section VIII-Alateen Service and Meeting Requirements • Contacts for questions: AZ Area Alateen Coordinator: alateencoord@al-anon-az.org AZ Area Alateen Process Person: aapp@al-anon-az.org Welcome to the world of Alateen Service!