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Isang Tag- araw sa CERN

Isang Tag- araw sa CERN. Lemuel Pelagio , Jr. PhD Student National Institute of Physics. CERN Summer Student Progra m.

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Isang Tag- araw sa CERN

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Isang Tag-arawsa CERN LemuelPelagio, Jr. PhD Student National Institute of Physics

  2. CERN Summer Student Program • offers undergraduate students of physics, computing and engineering a unique opportunity to join in the day-to-day work of research teams participating in experiments at CERN. • Students come for between 8 weeks (minimum stay) to 13 weeks (maximum stay)

  3. What are the benefits? • Students works in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment • Attend lectures delivered by scientists around the world • A living allowance • Travel allowance • CERN Housing Service July 6,2010-August 27,2010

  4. Lectures • wide range of topics in the fields of theoretical and experimental particle physics and computing Data Acquisition, Electronics and Trigger, Accelerators, Cosmology, QCD, Heavy Ion Collision, Superconducting Magnets, Physics Beyond Standard Model, Cancer Therapy, Future Linear Collider, Antimatter, Statistics and so on.

  5. Visits

  6. ATLAS

  7. Computer center

  8. LINAC2

  9. Workshops • ROOT www.cern.ch

  10. Projects (Compact Muon Solenoid) • ppcreating top quark, a bottom quark and a charged Higgs boson which decays into tau and other products • Efficiency of SLHC Calorimeter Trigger LHC SLHC • Higher Luminosity • Increased detector occupancy • Increased trigger rates • Increased radiation effects

  11. Results

  12. What I like about CERN?

  13. Cultural diversity CERN Summer Students 2010

  14. http://www.ics.uzh.ch/~jyoo/pictures/11/geneva/4199.jpg • Everyone is willing to answer your questions

  15. Great learning environment

  16. Working at CERN was fun and exciting!

  17. You can go around Geneva or France

  18. Thank you!

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