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Balancing Emergency Management and Homeland Security in Undergraduate Curriculums

Balancing Emergency Management and Homeland Security in Undergraduate Curriculums. Dr. Mike Collier & Dr. Fred May Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice & Safety “A Program of Distinction”.

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Balancing Emergency Management and Homeland Security in Undergraduate Curriculums

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  1. Balancing Emergency Management and Homeland Security in Undergraduate Curriculums Dr. Mike Collier & Dr. Fred May Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice & Safety “A Program of Distinction”

  2. Purpose: To demonstrate how robust Emergency Management and Homeland Security instruction can be included in a single bachelor’s degree curriculum! Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  3. National Context • Prior to 9/11 there were a few Emergency Management and no Homeland Security post-secondary academic programs • Today there are over 400 post-secondary academic programs ranging from minors to doctoral degrees • These programs emerged with little to no academic or professional standards or guidelines on what should be included in a combined Emergency Management and Homeland Security degree program • There remain no widely accepted specialized accreditation bodies that encompass both Emergency Management and Homeland Security Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  4. Model Curriculum Project • June 2009 – the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) and Homeland Security and Defense Education Consortium Association (HSDECA) convened a meeting of academics and representatives from FEMA, DHS and DOD to outline a model undergraduate curriculum in Homeland Security & Emergency Management • The challenge was to develop a model curriculum that encompassed the diverse responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security, including Emergency Management Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  5. Recommended Areas of Curriculum Focus - Administration/Management - Intelligence Support - Research and Analysis - Critical Infrastructure - Emergency Management - Strategic Planning - Technology - Law and Policy - Strategic Communications - Terrorism/Counterterrorism - The Private Sector and Disaster Preparedness United States Military Academy at West Point

  6. Recommended Underlying Concepts • The following themes should underlay all courses and curricula: • Ethics • Critical Thinking • Excellence in Oral/Written Communications • “Whole of Society” Approach to Policies, Resources, Operations • Planning United States Military Academy at West Point

  7. EKU Homeland Security History • 2005-2006 EKU College of Justice & Safety faculty committee from Fire Science, Criminal Justice, Emergency Medical Care and Assets Protection & Security programs formed to create a degree program that combined Emergency Management and Homeland Security instruction in one curriculum for a BS in Homeland Security • Major themes in first curriculum: • Al-Hazards Threat (not just counterterrorism) • Critical Infrastructure Protection • Emergency Management • Strong Analytic Content • Required Minor for More Mainstream Degrees • Leverage EKU specialization in asset protection and emg. services • Recognized Faculty Gaps: Intelligence & Federal/State-Level Emergency Management • 2007-2008 First students enrolled in new major Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  8. EKU Homeland Security History (cont.) • EKU Enrollments: • 2007-2008 –48 • 2008-2009 – 111 • 2009-2010 – 157 • 2010-2011 – 220 • 2011-2012 – 250 (plus 60 online students) • 2009-2010 EKU faculty used the CHDS/HSDECA model curriculum results to revise original curriculum—added 4 major and 7 supporting courses to meet CHDS/HSDECA model curriculum recommendations • Revised degree started Fall 2010 Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  9. Curriculum Design Realities • Curriculum is owned by the faculty: • Curriculums are tailored to faculty resources and capabilities • Faculty are not likely to accept curriculums developed by other institutions—except as a benchmark • Curriculum must meet the individual educational approach of home institution: • EKU provides all students a strong foundation in the liberal arts (48 hour liberal arts General Education) • Critical and Creative Thinking and Communication Skills are taught throughout EKU curriculums as part of university Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) • EKU College of Justice & Safety has national reputation in first responder and security management areas to include degrees in Criminal Justice, Police Studies, Fire Science, Occupational Safety, Emergency Medical Care, Assets Protection & Security • Department approach is to provide applied science degrees based on requirements of the professional employers –public and private—resulting in robust curriculums with minimal available credits for minors and free electives in 120 hour degree programs Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  10. Homeland Security Curriculum Components • Major Core Courses (all required) • HLS 1o1 Intro to Homeland Security • HLS 225 Legal/Ethical Issues in Homeland Security • HLS 301 Critical Infrastructure Protection • HLS 391 Risk & Vulnerability Assessment • HLS 401 Intelligence Process • Major Supporting Courses (all required) • APS 210 Physical Security • PLS 375 Terrorism/Counterterrorism OR • POL 415 Terrorism and Political Violence • Major Elective Courses (2 required) • HLS 341 Cyber Security • HLS 349 Coop/Internship • HLS 402 Counterintelligence • HLS 430 Domestic Terrorism • HLS 435 Special Topics • Border & Immigration Control • Transportation Security • Aviation Security • Homeland Defense • Rural Homeland Security • Maritime Security • Agricultural Security Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  11. Emergency Management Curriculum Components • Major Core Courses (all required) • HLS 201 Emergency Management (intro) • HLS 451 Disaster Planning and Response • HLS 461 Mitigation and Disaster Recovery • Major Supporting Courses (all required) • EMC 450 Disaster Medical Operations • FSE 310 WMD/HazMat • GEO 210 Introduction to Physical Geography • GEO 353 Geographic Information Systems • Major Elective Courses (2 required) • HLS 349 Coop/Internship • HLS 491 Emergency Planning • HLS 435 Special Topics • Modern Natural Disasters • Crime in Disasters • Business Continuity & EM • HS and Public Health • Incidents of National Significance Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  12. Courses Supporting Emergency Management and Homeland Security • Major Core Courses (all required) • HLS 321W Critical Problem Analysis • HLS 441 Homeland Security Technology • HLS 495 Homeland Security Colloquium (Capstone) • Strategic Planning • Strategic Communications • Leadership • Applied Critical and Creative Thinking • Major Supporting Courses (all required) • HIS 203 US History since 1877 (current history) • PSY 200 Introduction to Psychology • POL 101 US Government • STA 215 Statistics • MGT 301 Principles of Management OR • POL 370 Introduction to Public Administration Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  13. EKU BS Curriculum Summary • Major Courses: 11 • Major Elective Courses: select 2 • Required Supporting Courses (other programs): 11 • General Education Courses (liberal arts): 11 • Free Elective Courses: 5 • Total BS Credits: 120 Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  14. Incorporation of Science &Technology in the Curriculum Homeland Security Emergency Management • Disaster and Threat Modeling: • Disasters are Cascading Systems • Detailed and Systematic Modeling of disasters • Generic Models • Historic Models • Development and Analysis of Models • Phraseology • Threat Logic • Pathway Analysis • Hypothesis Modeling • Cascading Probabilities Scientific method and Statistics Scientific approach to risk and vulnerability assessment Basic and advanced intelligence structural analysis techniques Geographic Information Systems Cyber Security WMD & Hazardous Materials Homeland Security Technology Physical Security Emergency Management Border and Immigration Control Transportation Security Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  15. Incorporation of Critical and Creative Thinking in Curriculum • EKU Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) started 2007 • Basic Critical Thinking in first year Academic Orientation courses • Critical Thinking reinforced in General Education two English Composition and one Writing Intensive courses • Critical Thinking reinforced in BS gateway HLS 101 Intro to HS and HLS 201 EM courses • Other General Education can reinforce Critical Thinking • HLS 321 Critical Problem Analysis provides advanced in-depth Critical Thinking and introduces Creative Thinking • HLS 401 Intelligence Support, HLS 451 Disaster Planning and Response, HLS 461 Mitigation and Disaster Recovery, HLS 491 Emergency Planning all based on a Critical and Creative Thinking framework • Students may enroll in new Minor in Applied Creative Thinking –new HS/EM courses: • Leadership: A Creative Approach • Surviving the Future Creatively • HLS 495 Homeland Security Colloquium (Capstone) assesses Critical and Creative Thinking via group projects, writing assignments and formal CAT evaluation • Internship supervisors assess student critical thinking abilities Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  16. Flexible Use of EM and HS Courses • EKU courses also support: • Minor in Homeland Security (18 credits) • Minor in Emergency Management (18 credits) • Certificate in Homeland Security (24 credits) • Certificate in Emergency Management (24 credits) • Certificate in Intelligence Studies (24 credits) • Associates of General Studies, with HS Concentration (63 credits) • Fully online Homeland Security Program started Fall 2011 Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  17. Comparing Old and New EKU Curriculums Old Curriculum New Curriculum • Gaps in several areas. • Many students enrolled looking for an easy major and with lower ACT scores and GPAs. • Provides robust preparation in emergency management, infrastructure protection and policy/intelligence support. • Addition of math and science requirements has enrolled more serious students with higher ACT scores and GPAs. Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  18. EM and HS: More than a Curriculum • Faculty act as academic and career advisors with each faculty member having a minimum 10 years experience as practitioner • Strong faculty liaison with Kentucky HS and EM community • Frequent practitioners as guest speakers (class & keynotes) • Internship/Cooperative Study Opportunities in Kentucky HS and EM community • Student Club “HALT”: Focuses on professional advancement participate in HS and EM exercises, augment EOCs, tour government and private sector facilities Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  19. Emergency Management - Partnerships • Service Learning (HLS 491 Emergency Planning) • Formal Guest Lecture Schedule with Kentucky Division of Emergency Management • Periodic Guest Lecturers from other Emergency Management Organizations • HALT: Student Club Involvement with Madison County Emergency Management Agency—exercises, EOC augmentation, etc. • Internships in Emergency Management • Students at Madison and other County EMA/EOCs • Geographic Information Systems Skills in Demand • Students at Kentucky Division of Emergency Management Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  20. Emergency Management Highlights Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  21. Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  22. Applied Knowledge Disaster Exercises Service Learning Projects Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  23. Applied Science Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  24. Applied CreativityConstructing and Analyzing Models • Disaster Modeling and Analysis Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  25. Analyzing Models • Antecedent Conditions • Primary Threat • Terminal Threats • Cascading Probabilities • Cascading Hypotheses • Pathway Analysis • Collectives Analysis • Three-Fold Analysis for Change Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  26. Socratic Questioning Models Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  27. Analyzing Content – Case Studies Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  28. Team ThinkingSingle and Third Mind Reasoning ELEMENT 1 Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  29. Guest Lecture Series • Emergency Planning • Local Emergency Planning Committees • Volunteer Management • Resource Management • Disaster Recovery • Hazard Mitigation • Earthquake Preparedness • Kentucky Community Crisis Response • Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) • Emergency Operations Planning • University Emergency Planning • Hospital Emergency Planning Eastern Kentucky University, College of Justice & Safety, Homeland Security Program

  30. Questions or Discussion? Dr. Mike Collier Tel: 859-622-6762, Mike.Collier@eku.edu Dr. Fred May Tel: 859-622-1464, Fred.May@eku.edu

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