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What’s a Dichotomous Key?

What’s a Dichotomous Key?. Dichotomous Key?. It’s a tool that scientists use to help them find the names of insects, trees, and many other things. What’s my name?. I know my name!. And I know mine!. I LOVE my name!. How do I use a dichotomous key?. How do I use a Dichotomous Key?.

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What’s a Dichotomous Key?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s a Dichotomous Key?

  2. Dichotomous Key? It’s a tool that scientists use to help them find the names of insects, trees, and many other things. What’s my name?

  3. I know my name!

  4. And I know mine!

  5. I LOVE my name!

  6. How do I use a dichotomous key?

  7. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Choose only one creature at a time.

  8. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Read steps 1a and 1b

  9. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Decide which statement is true.

  10. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Then follow the directions after that step. Go to step 5!

  11. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? The directions will lead you to a new pair of steps.

  12. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Keep this up until you come to a step that gives you the creature’s name. C

  13. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Then choose a new creature and start at step 1a and 1b again and continue until you find the creature’s name.

  14. How do I use a Dichotomous Key? Do this for all the creatures!

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