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Mastering the Blue Hat: Directing the Thinking Process

The Blue Hat directs and manages the thinking process in group discussions by setting goals, restating objectives, and summarizing outcomes. Learn how to use the Blue Hat effectively with other hats for efficient thinking flow.

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Mastering the Blue Hat: Directing the Thinking Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 6 Thinking Hats

  2. Yellow Hat Activity In small groups of 3: What are the good points of being tall?

  3. The Unique Blue Hat The blue hat is different from the other hats because it is involved with directing the thinking process itself. We are actually using the blue hat whenever we suggest the next hat to be used. There are some points which it is often helpful i.e., • At the outset of a discussion – Lets decide what we want to think about and which hats we will use? • At a midpoint to restate the thinking goal – I think we are getting away from what we wanted to talk about. Can someone recall what we decided to talk about? • At the end to summarise what thinking has been done – Think of a sentence that tells about what we have been doing today?

  4. Single Hat and Sequence Use • The hats can be used singly at any point in thinking. In general, this is the major use. The hats are used as a convenience for directing thinking and for switching thinking. • Simple sequences of two or three hats may be used together for a particular purpose. For example, the yellow hat followed by the black hat may be used to assess an idea. The black hat followed by the green hat may be used to improve a design.

  5. Evaluation Sequence To discover the positive aspects and negative aspects of an idea. You use the yellow hat before the black hat. You could follow up with the green hat(new ideas) and red hat(feelings) thinking. Examples:Consider positive and negative • Not doing homework one night. • Swapping toys with friends.

  6. Caution Sequence Looking critically at situations. You are first considering facts with the white hat. Then use the black hat to discover difficulties. This can be followed up with some blue hat or red hat thinking. Examples:consider the consequences • Throwing most of your lunch in the bin everyday. • Not letting someone know where you are going.

  7. Design Sequence Encourage students to create new ideas, products or improvements to existing designs. Use the blue, green and red hats. Example: use design sequence to create • Alternatives to homework.

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