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Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership Development

Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership Development. How Should We Spend Our Time?. Present case scenarios that illustrate the benefits of the Peoplemap tool and program. Understand the model, its impact, its applications.

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Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership Development

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  1. Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership Development

  2. How Should We Spend Our Time? • Present case scenarios that illustrate the benefits of the Peoplemap tool and program. • Understand the model, its impact, its applications. • Experience a “train the trainer” workshop simulation to experience a Peoplemap training program. • Understand your Peoplemap type, your in-born strengths and how to overcome “Achilles Heel” for enhancing your value and performance.

  3. What Workforce Problems Are You Called Upon To Deal With? • Conflict between an employee and his micromanaging supervisor?

  4. RATIONALE • Effective communication, productivity and interpersonal relationships are paramount to a an organization’s success, both inside and outside their department. • “We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” Ben Franklin

  5. Derailment Factors CCL Research: R. Pearman/ Leadership Perf. Systems % of factors cited in Derailment

  6. The Purpose of Peoplemap Training “The single largest cause of conflict between persons is that they are operating from different typological orientations.” James Hollis

  7. Applications of Peoplemap Training Team Development. Organizational Development. Interpersonal effectiveness training. Management / Leadership development. Job performance & career development planning. Coaching & Mentoring.

  8. Applications • Interpersonal conflicts. • Ineffectual - patient/customer/peer/supervisor relationships • Staff retention. • Problem solving difficulties.

  9. Applications • Vague professional goals or unclear direction. • Low morale or team spirit. • Low job satisfaction and high stress. • Career issues –matching your job to your personality type. • Building Success one-on-one Relationships. • Managing your boss.

  10. Applications Leadership Development • How to understand people (i.e. motivate, communicate, relate and solve conflicts with your employees. • How to understand your own leadership style ( i.e. strengths, Achilles Heal, areas for growth, making your style work for you).

  11. Applications • Eight Core Interpersonal Competencies for managing, leading and working with people to create peak performing individuals and teams. (i.e. praise and recognition, constructive feedback).

  12. Case Scenario #I • Calvin, the “poor performing manager who’s staff is in an uproar.” Before the organizational restructuring, he was a successful contributor. • Your challenge: What are the issues that need to be worked on? What are the goals does Calvin need to achieve? Who needs to do the work? What role can you play?

  13. Take-Aways Each participant: Understands their individual way of personally relating to each other, solving problems, leading and getting work accomplished. Becomes aware of their own personality preferences in down to earth language. Learns their in-born strengths as well as their weak spots, their “Achilles Heel. Turns their “Achilles Heel” into a “learned” strength to perform at their highest level. Learns how to successfully relate, manage, motive, sell and problem solve with each of the four personality types. Develops the skills necessary to contribute to high functioning team.

  14. to Peoplemap™ • Complete the Questionnaire • Score the Questionnaire • Identify Your Core Personality Type Using The Peoplemap™

  15. ACTIVITY 1“Word List” Review Descriptive Words on Four Lists. Review Each Group’s List Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types

  16. Four Core Personality Types People Leader FreeSpirit Task

  17. STATISTICS 96% of all people are combination types People - 35% Task - 25% Free Spirit - 25% Leaders - 15% Biggest growth group in workplace 20-29 P/FS. Managers in workplace 40,50,60 leaders. We each have a dominant personality with unique characteristics, strengths & weaknesses.

  18. STATISTICS • We possess characteristics of all 4 types. • The more we know about our personality & that of others, the more we can effectively relate to them. • The foundation for building an effective team is relating to others in a way that complements their personality.

  19. Are you in the Right Profession? Four Psychologists and all Four Primary Types What do they do? Leader Type People Type Free Spirit Type Task Type

  20. Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types Leader – Natural Strengths • Visionary – Big Picture • Self Confident • Likes to Manage Others • Results Oriented

  21. Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types Leader – What Drives Them? • Like to be “In Charge” and “In Control” • Success and Accomplishment Oriented • Highly Competitive …Wants to WIN! • Don’t Like to Waste Time …Efficient

  22. Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types Leader - Summary • Results Oriented • Responsible, Assertive and Self-motivated • See the “Big Picture” and “Bottom Line” • Want to Accomplish Goals NOW! …“Makes It Happen” • Direct and Manage Others

  23. Introduction to the “Achilles Heel” Each Personality type has specific strengths Each Personality type has a major weaknesses (development opportunity) Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  24. “Leader Type” – Achilles Heel Natural at Hard People Skills Buck stops here Assertive / sometimes aggressive Problem solver Get the job done regardless of people’s feelings Competitive Work hard to win May make unpopular but “good” decision Good at Constructive Criticism Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  25. “Leader Type” – Achilles Heel (May) Lack Soft People Skills Listening Sensitive to other’s feelings Use of praise and positive reinforcement Collaborate Supportive vs. critical Mentoring / Coaching Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  26. “Leader Type” – Achilles Heel Too controlling Make decisions too quickly … without enough data Values job over people’s needs Too critical – often doesn’t take time to praise others when needed Results are the only important thing vs. effort Has difficulty delegating Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  27. “Leader Types” at their Best Learn Soft People Skills Delegate with responsibility and authority (not “micro-manage”) Develop “patience” Listen to other’s feelings, not just words Balance constructive criticism with positive reinforcement Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  28. Reflection Questions Write down the answers to these questions: What is your predominant Achilles Heel? Has you’re Achilles Heel created any problems for you with your own performance or in relating to others? Have you been able to transform you Achilles Heel into an asset? What action steps could you take to overcome your Achilles Heel? Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  29. CASE • Calvin tested as a Leader/Task type. • What strengths did he have that reflected he was a leader type. (Inborn strengths) • What would you say were his “Achilles Heels” that he needed to learn how to manage?

  30. People – Natural Strengths Connects With Others / Friendly / Social Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types • Concerned For Others / Sensitive to Feelings • Great Communicators / Listeners • Creative …Often In Service To Others

  31. People – What Drives Them? Strong Need For Close Relationships. Strong Desire to Know andUnderstand Self / Personal Growth. Need to Be Creative. Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types

  32. Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types People - Summary L O V E • Enjoy Other PEOPLE! • Seek Harmony in Personal Relationships • “They Work Well In Groups” • Exhibit Empathy / Nurturing • Add Stability to The TEAM! C R E A

  33. People Types • What would these folks every need help from the EAP? • Do you have any people type friends – how do they bug you? • If you are primarily a People Type, what do you think are your “Achilles Heels?”

  34. “People Type” – Achilles Heel Strong Soft People Skills Listening Sensitive to other’s feelings Use of praise and positive reinforcement Collaborate Supportive vs. critical Mentoring / Coaching Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  35. “People Type” – Achilles Heel Avoid or appease conflict situations. Over / Under react with anger. Non-assertive. Put other’s needs ahead of their own. Overly sensitive to criticism. Often too easily influenced by others. Make popular decision vs. the “right” one. Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  36. Successful “People Types” Face conflict openly, as a result, be more assertive. Develop a “Thicker Skin.” Seek to solve differences- don’t just hope that they will “magically” disappear. Stand up for themselves and others. Don’t personalize criticism …see it as constructive and be able to “move on.” Module 2 – The “Achilles Heel”

  37. The A.C.T. Principle Relating to Others A = be AWARE of your own type(This is your natural way to communicate) C = be CONSCIOUS of the other person’s personality type T = TALK their PeopleMap language Module 4 – The A.C.T. Principle

  38. The S.T.A.R. Principle S = Know your STRENGTHS T = TAP into and use your strengths A = Know your ACHILLES HEEL and manage it R = REMEMBER to use the strengths of all 4 personality types

  39. Case I – Calvin and his People Types • What does Calvin have to learn to appreciate about his People staff? • What does his People staff need to learn to appreciate about their Leader boss? • How do their communications need to change?

  40. The VIP’s Dental Office Visit • Don’t chat up a Leader Type.

  41. Flexing to a Leader - Be matter of fact. Get to the point. Don’t bother with idle chit-chat. Be rational and logical, not emotional, in making a point. Explain the big picture and the details. To sell them, be logical and cost-effective. To resolve conflict with them, be straightforward and ask for what you want.

  42. How to Flex and Communicate with a PEOPLE type Be friendly and sociable. Acknowledge their need to be of service to others. Use praise generously. Be sharing of yourself – Be close, not distant. Be open to their new ideas. Be diplomatic in dealing with differences. Module 3 – The Six Combination Types

  43. Task – Natural Strengths Creates and Thrives in Structured Environment Dependable / Reliable Manages Details / Routine / Thorough Hardworking Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types

  44. Task – What Drives Them? Strong Need For Personal Reliability & Responsibility Appreciates the DETAILS Thrives In Organized and Structured Environment Very Persistent Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types

  45. Task - Summary Dependable / Reliable / Responsible “They GET THE JOB DONE” Feels Great When They Accomplish Everything On Their “List” Organized and Detail Oriented “Creates Order Out Of Chaos” Module 1 – The Four Core Personality Types

  46. Task Type” – Achilles Heel Task natural strengths Bring order to everything Adapt well to routine Dependable / Reliable Very responsible and hard working Organized and Detail Oriented Precise

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