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Lamb lahmacun

Lamb lahmacun. Ingredients . 1 batch of dough 300g minced lamb 1 small red onion 2 fresh plum tomatoes1/4 large bunch of parsley ½ a medium red onion 1 fresh green chilli 1 clove of garlic, peeled, green sprout removed 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp ground coriander

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Lamb lahmacun

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lamb lahmacun

  2. Ingredients • 1 batch of dough • 300g minced lamb • 1 small red onion • 2 fresh plum tomatoes1/4 large bunch of parsley • ½ a medium red onion • 1 fresh green chilli • 1 clove of garlic, peeled, green sprout removed • 1 tsp cumin seeds • 1 tsp ground coriander • 1 tsp sumac (if you have some) • a pinch of Turkish chilli, or fresh red chilli finely chopped (optional)

  3. elaboration • On a large board, chop all of the topping ingredients together to make a smooth mush (or pulse-chop in a blender, but it won’t work quite so well). Season well with salt. • Preheat the oven to its hottest setting (about 230-300C/450-475F/Gas 8-9) and put a pizza stone or a heavy flat tray into the oven to get really hot. • Roll your dough into eight rounds, about half a centimetre thick, on a well-floured surface. Spread the lamb mix thinly on top of the dough. Now you have to transfer the discs of floppy dough onto the hot stone/tray in the oven. I tend to use the base of a tart shell or something flat and thin to slip under the dough, then slide it straight onto the hot tray. Bake for about five minutes. It should be bubbly and s lightly brown at the edges. • Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the chilli.

  4. photos


  6. enjoy it!!

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